
Recitation | Orchid Pavilion Set Sequence

Recitation | Orchid Pavilion Set Sequence

Orchid Pavilion Set Order

In the ninth year of Yonghe, at the beginning of the late spring, he would be in the Orchid Pavilion of Huiji Shanyin and repair the Zen Shiya. The group of talents is complete, and the little is salty. Here there are lofty mountains and mountains, lush forests and bamboo; and there are clear streams of turbulence, reflecting the left and right, leading to the flow of curved water, sitting second. Although there is no grandeur of the silk bamboo orchestra, a glance and a chant are enough to tell the story.

It is a day, the sky is clear, the wind is harmonious and smooth. Looking up at the size of the universe and looking down at the grandeur of the category, so the wandering eyes are full of nostalgia, which is enough to entertain the audiovisual and visual, and the letter Coke is also.

Recitation | Orchid Pavilion Set Sequence

The lady's phase is with, bowing down to the first life, or taking the arms of all, enlightened within a room, or because of the entrustment, outside the wandering skeleton. Although it is interesting to give up a thousand differences, quiet and restless, when it is happy to meet, it is temporarily self-sufficient, and it does not know that old age is coming. And what they are tired of, emotions move with things, and emotions are related. Between the joy of what is admired and the pitching, it is already a vestige, and it is still impossible not to rejoice. The condition is shortened and the end is exhausted. The ancients said: "Death and life are also great." Wouldn't it hurt!

Every time you look at the reasons for the people's interest in the past, if they are united, they are not without mourning, and they cannot be described in their hearts. Gu Zhiyi is a false birth after death, and Qi Peng is a vain act. The future looks at the present, and the present looks at the past. Woe to you! Therefore, when the people of the time are listed, they record what they say, although the world is different, so they are happy, and their unity is also one. Later viewers will also feel Sven.

Recitation | Orchid Pavilion Set Sequence

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