
Luna's new skin "poster" was exposed, Wu Zetian double happiness came to the door, and the V7 limit changed

The glory of the king can not be hidden, Luna's new skin has new news, the background poster has been exposed, which means that it will soon be online; in addition, Wu Zetian also ushered in 2 happy news, which should be warming up for the new skin; finally V7 limited skin may change, not Milady's "clown girl" image.

Luna new skin poster

I have to say that the confidentiality of The Glory of the King's new skin is really good, and players can only get some gossip through the bloggers' revelations, so it seems that the official still attaches great importance to Luna. From the exposed "poster", it can be seen that the background of Luna's new skin should be related to the sun, moon and stars, and the overall style is European, and many players have said that this poster corresponds to the background map of the "Infinite Connection" activity after reading it.

Luna's new skin "poster" was exposed, Wu Zetian double happiness came to the door, and the V7 limit changed

At present, the initials of Luna's skin have been exposed, named MYCJ, many players will translate it as "Fate Verdict", from the name and background can be guessed, the skin design theme should be related to Western mythology, combined with the blue-gold color, it is estimated that it is the image of the Western knight, where the background and clothes may be dominated by blue, while the hair and weapons are golden, it is said that the new skin will be online around the 21st, you can look forward to it.

Wu Zetian was happy to be at the door

Luna's new skin "poster" was exposed, Wu Zetian double happiness came to the door, and the V7 limit changed

Each time a new skin is introduced, Glory of Kings strengthens the hero a bit. In the experience suit, Wu Zetian's movement speed has been strengthened, the overall calculation is equivalent to adding 30 additional movement speed, equivalent to a pair of small shoes, which makes her wandering ability become stronger, so her playing rate will also increase, many players after watching this change, they all feel that they are preparing for the launch of the new skin.

Luna's new skin "poster" was exposed, Wu Zetian double happiness came to the door, and the V7 limit changed

In fact, as early as before, Wu Zetian's new skin plan was exposed, wearing a pink long skirt, peacock feathers and butterfly elements are a bit playful, the whole gives people a feeling of a lady, although there is no sacred and noble feeling, but it makes people feel very cute. This skin is most likely a legendary skin, after all, the hero wu Zetian is still difficult to obtain, so the quality of the skin cannot be low.

V7 defines the skin

In the S27 season, the V7 limited skin is more and more exposed, so it is possible to meet everyone soon. Many players believe that the V7 limited skin will be given to Milady, because the poster was exposed before, which is the image of "Clown Girl", but recently there is new news that it is purple modern style, and it is epic quality, as long as the noble level reaches 7 or above, it can be obtained for free, but the specific online date has not yet been determined.

Luna's new skin "poster" was exposed, Wu Zetian double happiness came to the door, and the V7 limit changed

In general, Luna's new skin will soon be officially announced, before being inserted, so many players are dissatisfied, so I hope that this time can be launched as soon as possible; then there is Wu Zetian's new skin, pink system looks very cute, there is a sense of "contrast", it is estimated that many people will start; and finally it is Milady's V7 limited skin, which for Kryptonian players, can get a new epic for free.

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