
"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

Thanks to the advancement of science and technology, e-sports has developed rapidly, and countless game masters have come to the screen of everyone. E-sports strength is king, generally speaking, mainstream players only care about the results of the game and game operation, and the appearance of professional players is secondary. Therefore, many strong players are also worth a lot of money and have many fans. The aura on the LOL professional arena has also attracted attention to the lives of the players, whether in love or breakup, it will trigger another wave of heat among fans and even LOL circles. Recently, everyone knows that the two players of the RNG team have attracted the attention of countless players because of their love affair.

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

RNG Tiger

First of all, the little tiger thing... ChunQiujun believes that with just a few chat records, the evidence is not sufficient, and the players, as outsiders of the event, do not need to make too many accusations for the time being, waiting for further development before making judgments. The second is RNG Xiaoming's love affair.


The "youth version" of "Lang Lang is not worthy of a German girlfriend" is coming: RNG Xiaoming is accused of not being worthy of a girlfriend

RNG Xiaoming is a very likable professional player, with excellent character and upper-middle strength. Xiaoming's love affair should have attracted a blessing, but unexpectedly, it attracted many voices of jealousy or criticism.

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

Lang Lang's response

This time, it is simply the "youth version" of "Lang Lang is not worthy of a German girlfriend". A few years ago, the world-class pianist Lang Lang and his German girlfriend Gina's love affair attracted attention, and there were a large number of strange comments that "Gina is too beautiful, Lang Lang is not worthy of Gina".

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

Lang Langina, Lang Cai female appearance

Lang Lang deliberately responded to this matter in the show, and Gina approached Lang Lang in the show to show affection (pictured above). People Lang Lang and Gina Lang are talented and beautiful, happy and happy, meeting each other is the luck of a lifetime, there is no "who is not worthy of whom" said.

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

RNG Xiaoming was accused of not being worthy of a girlfriend

The timeline pulled back to the present, league of legends professional players, Asian Games champions, RNG auxiliary Xiaoming and his girlfriend after the exposure, many uncivilized comments actually said that Xiaoming is not worthy of his girlfriend, purely high climbing, but also attacked Xiaoming "the appearance is too low, it is recommended to go for plastic surgery."

That's the moment. This is simply the "youth version" of "Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend".


Haven't taken the S crown, not worthy of a girlfriend? Is the Asian Games champion enough?

As mentioned earlier, Chunqiu Jun has always believed that love is a matter of two people, as long as they feel suitable, it is suitable, and to say "not worthy" is to materialize themselves.

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

LOL pro Player Xiaoming accused of "not being worthy of a girlfriend"

Even if it is more true, compared one by one, Xiaoming and his girlfriend are not bad. The same value of the bottom is good, Xiaoming's appearance is on the upper side, slightly makeup and dressing, how to see is also a beautiful boy. If you add beauty, it is even more of a beautiful man.

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

LOL pro player Xiaoming's girlfriend

Compared with honor and income, Xiaoming's girlfriend is strong, but the gap with Xiaoming is still quite large, and the gap is even greater after the division.

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend


Speaking of honors, RNG Xiaoming does not have an S championship, but is the Asian Games champion enough?

In short, 2 points of view:

RNG Bob is not inferior to his girlfriend in every way.

In the process of love, others point out and interfere with people's feelings, which is a very uncivilized behavior.

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

People are talented and feminine, born a pair

In this regard, League of Legends players have expressed their opinions, many players said that they were angry, thinking that this is pure jealousy, and also quoted a line from Zhou Xingchi in "Journey to the West":

People are talented and female, born a pair, and it is the turn of the monster to oppose?

"Lang Lang is not worthy of a girlfriend" remake is coming: the Asian Games champion was accused of being too low in appearance and unworthy of his girlfriend

Stephen Chow's classic lines

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