
When you read Wang Yangming's "conscience" (part 2) 丨 download

And then yesterday's one.

As I write this, I make a wish in my heart: make it the most valuable share you've read this year.

The previous article shared what is conscience, which belongs to the conceptual layer.

Today's article focuses on the application layer.

And it's the kind of close-quarters, it's about feelings, it's about growing up, it's about work, it's about wealth, it's about everyone.

The reason why I can get such an understanding is related to my own experience.

For many years, I have been thinking about a question in my heart - how can a person with mediocre qualifications and no resources achieve his goals without doing those out-of-the-ordinary things?

That is what Teacher Zhang Mazi said, standing and earning money.

But there has been no answer.

In the most depressed and helpless time of the previous years, I once wrote a poem:

The bone change had smelled of Jin Dan, and Zhang Chi laughed in vain.

The flower blossoms thorny road He zeng saw, Gui in the toad palace is not climbable.

Zen outside of Enlightenment Zen has hated late. Dreaming in dreams is difficult.

Is there a warp hand in the world? Look at the laughing moth eyebrows and swallow jaws.

Ignore the malpractice errors. After all, everyone can read it between the lines, there is no skill, it is all feelings.

So go back and read some of the books you've read before, and you can read some different flavors. I think this different feeling may be what the ancients often said about the accumulation of thoughts.

As I wrote in a 2019 article: People with potential will definitely experience a "Wang Yangming moment" in their lives, big or small, deep or shallow, light or dark.

I even think of a more horrific expression, that many people have already died once before the age of 35 before they can be blatantly reborn.

When you have experienced some things, you will understand that Wang Yangming's mind is not that kind of mysterious and mysterious thing. It is the kind of "sudden epiphany" after a person experiences various attempts and setbacks, inferiority and confusion. Thus cutting off the crowd, immersing himself like a tyrant, beginning to be introverted, calm, thoughtful, and even self-absorbed, and focused on doing his own thing. We will also have a level of ourselves because of this experience and epiphany: toughness, vicissitudes, elegance, stoicism, indifference, humility...

Therefore, in my opinion, everything written by Wang Yangming should not be empty talk on the shelf, but also an instruction manual to guide everyone to find the key. After all, everyone will encounter a door that can only be opened from the inside.

Know what it is, and you know how to do it. Otherwise, even the most profound and sophisticated theory is nothing more than a kind of self-consolation.

In the previous article, conscience is like cloud storage.

So, "To the Conscience" is downloading. That is, how do you get "what you can get" from what you have?

Regarding the way to download, I summarized 3 points. These 3 points are all about the truest transformation of a person.

First, maintain a "lax attitude."

Let me ask you a question first:

A person earns money before he becomes rich. Or become rich first to earn money.

You must be thinking, isn't that?

The latter, of course.

But is that really the case?

If so, it is an inversion of cause and effect.

The average person is extremely dependent on results and must see the actual results before they can start acting.

It's like buying a stock, waiting for the stock to rise and fall before starting to pay attention, and then starting to buy after the rise and fly. The results are predictable.

The thinking of the masters is just the opposite, they pay more attention to the cause, to the "what"? And what you are, does not come from what you have.

So what we need is to advance the outcome and reverse reality. Before becoming a boss, become a boss. Before you find your sweetheart, make yourself worthy of being liked.

The important thing is not to wait for others to judge and approve, but to do everything possible to produce a feeling of "being owned". Deal with it like a successful one, and then it is possible to become a successful person.

Saw an interview in the documentary.

When you read Wang Yangming's "conscience" (part 2) 丨 download

The host asked Trump, who has just entered the workplace: Do you have something you can't have?

When you read Wang Yangming's "conscience" (part 2) 丨 download

He replied shyly: I believe that if you feel that you can't have it, you really can't have it.

That's how the master's thinking is. But they won't tell you the mindset and the mental journey behind it, because they think it's normal and should be.

The world is like this, often quite unreasonable.

The more relaxed your mindset is, the more indifferent you are, and the more you enjoy the process, the more you can get more. On the contrary, the more anxious you are, the more you suffer from gains and losses, the more you will be pinched and lost.

The harder you work, the more passive you are.

What is not obtained is always in turmoil, and those who are favored have no fear.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to go through the layer of results and first recognize that "relaxed attitude".

That is, the state of "already possessed", "the monk has no incense and fire, the samurai has no sword, the great Confucian has no cold acid, and the beautiful woman has no fat powder."

This state can hedge the anxiety caused by worrying about scarcity and make you more active. Because you don't have to do anything to gain the approval of others, or to seek an external identity. Because those best states and qualities, which are yours, are there. You need to confirm it, recognize it, and expand it.

Second, stick to the "right posture."

In addition to "relaxed attitude", it is also necessary to "correct posture".

The right posture is to continue to do what we should do with honesty and clarity.

This is to avoid a misunderstanding, not that you know it and get it. It's not that you've read this article today and you'll be able to spit out blue lotuses tomorrow.

Because we tend to mistake seeing as knowing and knowing as getting. Brushing the phone in bed tired, and then sigh a sentence to know a lot of truths, after all, still can not live a good life.

We need to understand the role and boundaries of epiphany.

The state of epiphany and post-epiphany should not be opposites and isolation. I prefer to describe it in terms of a state, that is, metamorphosis in the light, progress in the fog.

Metamorphosis is done in an instant, as if standing in that light. For example, when you have read these words, combined with your own experience, you suddenly feel like you are being electrified by which sentence, and then Mao Sai suddenly opened.

This is metamorphosis in light. But with this understanding, it will not bring you any changes in external interests. I just know in my heart that this one I am not the same person I used to be in the eyes of others, and I have a different state and aura than before.

In addition to this, you need more sincere efforts. Such as getting up early, such as journaling, such as mindfulness, such as clocking in on time every day, such as other efforts that should be done...

It was also in this state of mind that I sorted out my own efficiency list and began to make more diligent, concrete and continuous efforts.

When you read Wang Yangming's "conscience" (part 2) 丨 download

Because progress is not achieved overnight, it is more like walking in the fog. At first, you won't feel wet, but the further you go, the more the humidity will get worse and heavier.

You may even have to pay for more hard work than before the epiphany. Man has one power, he has a hundred; man has ten powers, and he has a thousand. It's just that your mentality is no longer the mentality of the old days. You are more relaxed, more relaxed, more focused than before.

I'm no longer in the rainbow, but the rainbow is in me.

The third point is to increase the "probability of success".

This last point, about probability.

The real thing is a world of probabilities, and any linear thinking is just a kind of laziness.

Therefore, the masters are thinking about the problem probabilistically.

For example, we are often faced with many dilemmas: when should we do it immediately; when should we slow down? In fact, in this kind of problem, no matter how you choose, it is wrong.

Because there is no 100% right or wrong, this "binary choice" itself does not exist.

You have to learn to look at such choices with "probabilistic thinking." In either option, there are different outcomes that may occur, and the outcome itself is a probability.

The rational principle of action is to carry out a clear rehearsal process at ordinary times, estimate various scenarios, and sort out the principles of textualization. Anything that has already gone through the rehearsal process is executed immediately.

This process is a bit like the principle of "Texas Hold'em":

Don't confuse "right decisions" with "individual outcomes", do what is most likely and winning.

I've seen a book written by a poker master before. This man used to work as a commentator for amateur player competitions.

Once he told the audience that the current situation is 76% likely to win, and the probability of B player winning is 24%. It turned out that Player B won.

At that time, an audience member coaxed you to say that you were wrong in your prediction. She replied that it wasn't a prediction wrong, because she had already said that player B had a 24% chance of winning. Now that Player B wins, it's just a 24% chance event.

An adult should be able to distinguish between bad luck and bad decisions.

In the real world, there is no strong correlation between giving and receiving. We cannot equate effort with reward. All we can do is use a relaxed attitude and the right posture to continue to increase the probability of success.

At this time, if you look back, you may be able to understand "Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got" with a little more smile.

In fact, after Mencius said, "All things are prepared for me," there is another passage:

Reflexive and sincere, happy and generous. Forgiveness and kindness.

Reflexive sincerity is to maintain a relaxed attitude, to forgive, is to adhere to the correct posture.

That's it. You can be happy with what you have encountered, achieve with the material, kill and decide, and constantly increase the probability of success. This is the greatest joy and the real shortcut.

That is, in response to the question mentioned at the beginning of the article: how can a person with mediocre qualifications and no resources achieve his goals without doing those things that are out of the ordinary?

You see, this is the best answer.

What a man can become, he must become, can become.

▇ Wing said:

Hello wow, I'm Wang Yizhi.

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