
Protos: Do you want to smoke Wendy? The wind god can be called the ultimate "diode", and if he does not become a god, he will fall into the devil

I thought that the question of "whether to extract Wendy" had been conclusive, but it turned out that the voice of the wind god had suddenly increased recently. It has been revealed that "Wendy will be greatly enhanced in the Version of Sumire", but if the "Gathering Monster or Diffusion Mechanism" alone has a good interaction with the Grass System, shouldn't the Wind Characters all be improved?

Protos: Do you want to smoke Wendy? The wind god can be called the ultimate "diode", and if he does not become a god, he will fall into the devil

Wendy's current abyss strength must be obvious to all, of course, because this issue is a replica of the after-sales service, it is not included in the reference. While It's true that Protos is not just Musk Reef, who wouldn't want to make the characters they draw or love more powerful?

I have done a previous issue of Wendy's cultivation related raiders, but as of today, the steamed bun has been using the Wind God in the big world for more than two weeks, and there are many new experiences.

Protos: Do you want to smoke Wendy? The wind god can be called the ultimate "diode", and if he does not become a god, he will fall into the devil

In addition to Zhong Li, who is indeed worth most players, it is rarely recommended that players draw a character before, because other characters have to refer to their existing character pool to a greater or lesser extent. For players who are interested in Wendy, if the rough is not abundant, they can prioritize the trade-off between cooking strength and strength.

The Wendy World Experience is still good

Since Manyo's favorability has been full, the big world system of manju has replaced it with other characters that require a "marriage license", and recently because of Wendy's addition, it has re-emerged the "dusty" permafrost system, and the main roles in the lineup are "GanYu, Wendy and Heart Sea".

Protos: Do you want to smoke Wendy? The wind god can be called the ultimate "diode", and if he does not become a god, he will fall into the devil

As far as Mond and Rizuki are concerned, Wendy's big world experience is still outstanding, basically achieving an elemental explosion to clean up a camp, and due to the stable drop of elemental combat skills and the 15-point energy recovery provided by the talent, the big move is seamless.

When faced with the monster that Inari cannot be controlled by the eye of the wind, the permafrost stream can still cope perfectly. By dyeing the eye of the wind into a water element, and with the Ganyu move, the situation harvest can be completed quickly, and due to the more stable falling ball environment in the big world and Wendy's talent to restore energy, Ganyu's big move can also be seamlessly released.

Protos: Do you want to smoke Wendy? The wind god can be called the ultimate "diode", and if he does not become a god, he will fall into the devil

Moreover, Wendy's wind eye is similar to Manba's elemental combat skills, which can adsorb the drops of the original demons, which greatly saves the time of picking up everywhere. At the same time, the mechanism of in-situ lift-off and updraft allows Wendy to quickly climb over the terrain, which has a miraculous effect on most maps.

Protos: Do you want to smoke Wendy? The wind god can be called the ultimate "diode", and if he does not become a god, he will fall into the devil

Compared with the effect of gathering monsters, Mantou felt that the significance of elemental combat skills in the big world was more eye-catching. After all, as "Original God" has entered a relatively stable period, most players have a certain degree of practice, so the "mowing" of the big world is not a problem. Therefore, "having a convenient mechanism" is the trump card of the character's big world experience.

Based on Wendy's current situation, is it worth spending rough?

Whether it's quick terrain climbing, fast movement, or a variety of gathering talents, you can give your character a great experience of the big world. But if you only draw Wendy for the big world, it is really not cost-effective! For players with a very high degree of exploration, the current big world gameplay is nothing more than daily tasks and material collection, and the launch of new maps often needs to be separated by several months, so it can be done with a regular lineup.

Protos: Do you want to smoke Wendy? The wind god can be called the ultimate "diode", and if he does not become a god, he will fall into the devil

And Wendy is a very extreme character, if you face a monster environment that can be gathered, it will be very strong, but if it is an uncontrollable original demon, the team buff it brings is even less than the full life of sugar. After all, Sugar can provide considerable all-team elemental proficiency and a 20% all-elemental damage bonus, not to mention Manyo.

Gathering monsters is strong and weak, which is the "feature" of Wendy's mechanism. After all, the adsorption power of its elemental burst wind eye was enough in the early version to "sea and hundreds of rivers", but now once it faces the boss-level original demon, the benefit is almost zero.

Protos: Do you want to smoke Wendy? The wind god can be called the ultimate "diode", and if he does not become a god, he will fall into the devil

If you already have plans to extract Manyo, you can choose to abandon Wendy. After all, The instant monster gathering effect of Manyo is also very effective, and even in the environment where it is impossible to gather monsters, Manyo's high-intensity injury and diffusion elemental orb-producing mechanism can also ensure its current status in the abyss.

Although Lao Ji Fuzhi is determined to be in a thousand miles, the abyss environment exposed next is indeed no longer suitable for Wendy, the first half is mostly ice demon, the lower half is the uncontrollable leader level, perhaps the wind god bitter and other highlights, it will be dimmed for a while.

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