
Zodiac Signs: Horoscope for the Week (4.11-4.17)

Zodiac Signs: Horoscope for the Week (4.11-4.17)

Important horoscopes for the coming week:

On April 11, Mercury enters Taurus, and the tense mental state is eased, which helps to smooth things forward; on April 12, Jupiter joins Neptune, focusing on the development of the spirit and mind, returning to peace and soothing, and the willow is dark and bright; on April 15, Mars enters Pisces, the romantic index rises, and the sensibility suppresses reason; on April 17, the full moon of Libra focuses on one-on-one relationships, pays attention to balance, and controls emotions.


You may receive blessings that come to you in a hidden way, as Jupiter will be combined with Neptune on Tuesday. Your beliefs seem untouchable, and you are likely to be more protected than usual. Your guardian planet Mars will enter Pisces on Thursday, entering your hidden twelfth house. Your priority now should be to rest and recuperate, as well as to further develop your creative project or spiritual thinking. Saturday's full moon in Libra provides you with a turning point, and you seem to be ready.

Slow down, Aries!

You need to adjust your pace this week or you may be exhausted. Yes, there may be a lot to do, but you can do it all. If you're worried about something you're dealing with, you won't be the best you can be and you won't get the most out of it. The first thing you need to do is make a plan and then execute it, leaving some room for change. Most of the things to do are second nature to you, so don't worry. You'll find – if you don't panic – that you can handle things well. An argument that should be revisited next time may be a recurring relationship issue. If the conversation might turn into an argument, stop and take a break. Give yourself the opportunity not to think about it for a week.

Do something fun with this person that will change your energy and make you get along better later on. It's going to be a busy week, but on Wednesday you'll feel like you're catching up, which gives you room to make some great plans for the weekend. When you think about working in this direction, you will be more motivated and more enthusiastic to solve problems.

Career luck: This week the career entered a bottleneck period, things are not going well, the work plan is easily disrupted, and the negotiated contract may be temporarily regretted. You're under a lot of pressure, remind you to restrain your impatient temper, be patient, and the situation will improve in the second half of the week.

Academically, you are prone to losing points because of sloppiness, and if there is an important exam, you must be careful and serious.

Love luck: Singles peach blossom luck is flat, even if you meet someone you like, the other party is likely to have no feeling for you, and it is difficult for both parties to rub out sparks.

The emotional development of the companion is OK, the two sides are in a bland state, although there is not much passion, but there is no crisis.

Life luck: This week's financial luck is good, there may be bonus dividends, reimbursement, repayment and other money into the account. However, you will have expenses on skin care styling, electronics, rent, and personal relationships.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to tinnitus, muscle soreness, constipation, nasal congestion, urticaria, pharyngitis, gastroenteritis, insomnia and other symptoms.


Mercury enters Taurus on Sunday, and you may be able to express yourself in a more direct and practical way that will help support your decisions about personal goals and should make it easier to get the support of others. Friends may bless you, as Jupiter will coincide with Neptune in your social eleventh house on Tuesday. This can be a fascinating thing. You may be ready to give up a job before Saturday's full moon, and if that's the case, it may be because that job isn't a good fit for you anymore.

In a romantic relationship, you may have emotions that are afraid to reveal, dear Taurus. You're always a little hard at showing off your weak side. But if you do, you'll be rewarded with warmth that can lead to deeper connections. It's a week of self-expression in every form, so consider speaking from your heart. An influential conversation about business matters may make you think about changing your path. You may not be happy with the way things are going right now, and this may become a key point for yourself to fly solo.

This can be an auspicious step, so don't be afraid to try anything different – or at least start exploring what you might want to do. For a recent event that caused you a lot of anxiety, the supportive comments from someone surprised you, but they were also very popular. You may not know how much this person cares about you, and this confirmation will boost your self-confidence and enhance the closeness you feel. If you're involved in a community effort where no one wants to take the first step, then you can try to come up with a point you've been thinking about. You may find that they like your point of view and will follow your leadership.

Career luck: This week your interpersonal relationship is not smooth, it is easy to have conflicts and disagreements with colleagues or communication is not smooth, both parties are not very happy, remind you to pay attention to emotional control. In addition, a small number of people have the idea of resigning, it is recommended that you do not act impulsively, it is best to find a home and then leave.

Academically, because of health or the relationship of some people, you have no intention of studying, and it is difficult to improve your grades.

Love luck: single peach blossom luck is very good, go to socialize more, pay more attention to the workplace, learn the opposite sex in the place of learning, there is a possibility of sparks. Some people will also start a long-distance relationship.

The relationship development of the partner is very stable, and there may be some romantic things happening to heat up the relationship. But a small percentage of people face the problem of triangular relationships.

Life luck: This week there is a possibility of breaking the wealth, but also easy to produce impulse consumption, in electronic products, household appliances, decoration and other aspects are also easy to have expenditure.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to folliculitis, lumbar spine, diarrhea, chest tightness, blisters, colds, sharp object injuries, acne and other symptoms.


Your career seems to be hot this week. On Tuesday, the growing Jupiter will meet neptune at the top of your chart, and this connection will allow you to celebrate the realization of an extraordinary professional dream. The things you crave most in your career may now happen. In addition, Mars will enter the same part of your astrolabe on Thursday. This may be the time for you to move forward with your goals. Saturday's full moon can bring you an emotional turning point.

Gemini, you've probably spent quite a bit of time thinking about financial issues lately. Whether you're wondering how to make a budget plan better to improve your existing finances or fantasizing about how to make yourself more advantageous by increasing your income, it's a good week to start planning. You are at the beginning of a certain period and you should start to experience more financial abundance, including many other areas of your life.

This week, when someone presents you with an idea or an opportunity, you may see evidence of this. Think about it, but that could be a very good thing. You may have very specific ideas about an event or a gathering you've been planning. This may be a family matter, and there may be a surprise part. Whatever you do, just be open to change and go with the flow. You may not be able to accomplish everything you can imagine, but that's not a bad thing either. Circumstances may push you in a completely different direction, but there will be good results anyway. A business lunch that happens this week can have unexpected benefits.

Career luck: This week your career luck continues to rise, you do things very smoothly, there will be some great ideas, your performance is impressive, there is a possibility of promotion and salary increase. There are also a small number of people who are ready to develop side jobs or change to a new environment.

Academically, your performance is excellent, you will be praised by parents or teachers, keep this state, you will be a blockbuster.

Love luck: single peach blossom luck is very good, pay more attention to friends you know in the workplace, it is likely to rub out sparks. Some people have the opportunity to reunite with their exs.

The feelings of the companion fluctuate, you are prone to disputes because of the two families or trivial matters, do not give in to each other, it is likely that the more trouble the more stalemate, a small number of people may break up.

Life Luck: This week is a good fortune, and you may receive gifts and red envelopes or windfalls.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to colds, bleeding gums, acne, cholecystitis, constipation, edema, eczema and other symptoms.


Conversations and group activities with friends this week may become more enjoyable, while also stimulating intelligence. Mercury will enter your eleventh house on Sunday, creating more spiritual connections between you and your friends. In other ways, you may be motivated to pursue a new academic goal, thanks to the encouragement of your mentor. Finally, Saturday's full moon will bring emotional news to your family. Regardless of the details, you and your family will support each other.

At the beginning of the week you especially want to buy something, shop online or go to a local store, given your high standards, maybe consider some expensive things, don't worry, Moon Cub, your current mindset is not suitable for making big shopping decisions. Maybe the mentality you want to splurge comes from escaping, escaping from other things you don't want to face. Get rid of this part first, and then see what exactly you need and what is impulsive but unnecessary.

This week, a rude and clumsy acquaintance may make unpleasant comments, but you know how to deal with this kind of leverage, and with your usual graceful or vague response, the other person may realize that they have crossed the line. There may be some ambiguity about things that you think have been resolved, and it comes up again because you haven't dealt with it thoroughly before, and it may involve other people involved in the matter, causing you to have to start over. Although such a change is somewhat complicated, it should yield results that are satisfactory to all parties. At the end of the week, guiding you with the phrase "don't dwell on the little things" may annoy you with some small questions, but smiling at them will set a good foundation for a happy weekend.

Career luck: This week's career luck will fluctuate, although you want to perform well, but you may encounter unfair treatment or feel that colleagues or leaders have opinions about you, you are emotionally unstable, and you have the idea of leaving or changing departments. In other part, because it is too busy, overtime will become a common thing.

Academically, you feel that you are being excluded or will have an argument with someone, these trifles affect your status, and it is difficult to improve your grades.

Love luck: Singles peach blossom luck continues to rise, you are easy to fall in love with someone at first sight because of your appearance temperament, it is recommended that you can take the initiative, perhaps you can rub out the spark of love.

The relationship development of the partner is very good, you will plan things about the future, get married and have children or buy a house and so on. If you want to become a parent this week is also a good fit to prepare for pregnancy.

Life Luck: This week there is a possibility of breaking the fortune, remind you to keep your valuables. However, the investment luck is good, and there will be income in the financial management.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to lumbar spine, pharyngitis, palpitations, flatulence, bleeding gums, diarrhea, stye and other symptoms.


You may be able to convey your career goals to the VIP more succinctly, as Mercury will be on your chart peak on Sunday. If you have a pitch or other demo, you're sure to do well. In addition, if you are negotiating a professional contract, you are more likely to get the conditions you are asking to meet. In other ways, you have the potential to succeed by investing. On Tuesday, Jupiter hugs Neptune, and you may also hear the news that you will receive a financial gift or inheritance.

A friend who feels "I'm the worst" – someone who is constantly addicted to self-pity and negative thinking – may upset you at the beginning of the week. Sometimes you just avoid talking about that part, Leo, or avoid them as much as you can. This time, though, doing something different might help. This time, try to tell them how you feel and what you're asking of them isn't that negative attitude. They may not even realize how extreme their way has become, and if you can point this out gently, it may put them on a whole new trajectory where they will recognize their behavior more and try to improve it.

While you definitely need to seek some leisure time right now, you may find that every time you do, you'll be interrupted by those who need you, or at work, at home, or in your neighborhood, with something that desperately needs your help. It feels good to be needed, but there's a point where you have to put yourself down and buy yourself some time. It's all a matter of prioritization.

If things can wait and you need to rest, then take a break. Don't start imagining the worst because you lack confidence in your current project. If you do, it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy because your lack of faith may lead you to that result. You have good reason to be confident in yourself. You know what you're doing, and you need to keep reminding yourself. You'll do a great job!

Career luck: This week's career luck is very strong, you are very active in your work, and your efficiency is greatly improved, because your performance will be praised by your superiors, and you will even be promoted and raised. However, if you are a villain, someone may say bad things about you or conspire against you behind your back because of jealousy, reminding you that it is indispensable to be defensive.

Academically, you have entered the highlight period, as long as you study hard, the progress will be very fast, seize this time, do not delay and waste.

Love Luck: Singles are busy with work or study this week and don't have time to think about off-order, so it's unlikely to find someone.

The partner is in a bad mood, needs to be busy with too many things, usually unwilling to communicate with the other half, and even magnifies the shortcomings of the other half, and some people will come up with the idea of breaking up.

Life Luck: There are more places to spend money this week, health, insurance, medical beauty or other unexpected expenses that make you bleed heavily.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to pillows, mouth ulcers, respiratory infections, constipation, allergies, breast, sharp object injuries and other symptoms.


This week's partnership is likely to change a lot. First, the glittering Jupiter Neptune rendezvous will take place in your relationship house on Tuesday. If there is a conflict, this may bring healing between you and your partner or business partner. Another possibility is that with the support of your partner, you will achieve your dreams. In other ways, Saturday's full moon in your income house may make a difference in the way you make money or your cash budget.

For a long time, you may have wanted to work with someone, or plan something with this person, and this week it finally came true, Virgo. But oddly enough, you find that the person isn't as easy to get along with as you think, and your relationship isn't as completely harmonious as you might think. If you can break up quickly and simply, and you tend to do so, act now, and if you continue to wait, the situation may become more complicated, and how to get rid of it may give you a headache. Mid-week, you may need to release stress and do everything that works for you — meditation, yoga, long walks, journaling, or any activity that helps you find balance— and be sure to take time out of your day to do so until you feel like you're back to business.

This week you may have the opportunity to spend more time with a person, this person is not usually very much contact, which is a good thing, you find this person very interesting, bring brain stimulation, you may develop a unique friendship. You may expect someone to apologize to you because the other person has been implicitly saying that something is their fault, but whether you receive an apology or not, accept that things are really the way they are. At such times, not everyone can express themselves well.

Career luck: This week you are in a good state, you may also encounter good cooperation or opportunities, but this is likely to be a trap, some things that seem to have a bright future are actually hidden crises, this week must be vigilant, do not be confused by other people's pie. In addition, you have been stretching too tightly lately, and it is recommended that you learn to relax, otherwise you will have a nervous breakdown.

Academically, you make a series of study plans, but after two days of persistence, you start to slack off, and this state of three days of fishing and two days of drying nets has made your grades stagnate.

Love luck: Although single people have peach blossoms this week, they are likely to be rotten peach blossoms, and the other party just treats you as a spare tire or play, reminding you not to fall into it too quickly, observe each other for a while.

When a partner's relationship encounters a crisis, you may spy on the other party's hidden secrets or some real thoughts, which makes you feel cold, you are tired of the relationship, and you have the idea of breaking up.

Life luck: This week is prone to impulsive consumption, but after buying, you will regret it, remind you to try to restrain the impulse to chop your hands, and find a way to open up and throttle it.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to flatulence, hemorrhoids, acne, bronchitis, anemia, physiological discomfort, folliculitis and other symptoms.


Since Mercury moved into your eighth house on Sunday, financial decisions may be reasonable, allowing you to evaluate your investment strategy and long-term financial plan in a thoughtful, pragmatic way. Schedule a meeting with a financial advisor to get the best guidance. If you're looking for a new job, you might find a dream position on Tuesday, as Jupiter and Neptune will be hugging in your work house. On Saturdays, The full moon in Libra may make you say what you think.

You may be waiting for an offer or formal request to take on a special project at work or in the community. But dear Libra, why wait? Maybe someone else doesn't want to impose it on you, or doesn't even realize you'll be interested. This week you can start on your own. In fact, not doing it with official notice also gives you privacy and time to work at your own pace and way, and your efforts will be praised. You've probably had little time in recent weeks to focus on someone close to you, and you're uncomfortable with that.

There are special things to do with him in the coming days, even if they don't work until later. Starting to act will make you feel less uncomfortable and let your loved one know that you are thinking of him. You may feel that something in your life needs to be changed, such as the progress of your career or personal dreams. But you don't have to be radical to fill that sense of need. If you can follow the steps, you can continue to pursue your goals cautiously and strategically, and you can continue to experience a sense of accomplishment.

Career luck: This week your state is very good, career luck is also continuing to rise, before the bottleneck period of you can not only break through smoothly, but also encounter good opportunities and resources, if you seize your career will open a new chapter. But remind some people not to do things that violate principles, lest you pay a price you can't afford.

Academically, your exam luck is quite good, but it is easy to lose points in the details, reminding you not to be sloppy, careful and serious to get good results.

Love luck: Singles peach blossom luck is flat, there may be someone to confess to you, but you have no feelings or the people you like do not like you, because the rhythm is not right, the single rate is very low.

The relationship between the companion will encounter a crisis, you are prone to disagreements because of old people or rotten peach blossom problems, both sides are not very happy, and a small number of people will break up.

Life Luck: This week's financial luck is flat, major unexpected expenses make you bleed heavily, you will be very short of money, have the idea of part-time or developing side business.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to insomnia, cramps, physiological discomfort, blisters, mammary glands, muscle soreness, rhinitis and other symptoms.


Conversations with your partner are likely to become richer and more productive, as Mercury will enter your relationship house on Sunday, which will help you communicate better with your partner. If you are single, love is in the air. On Tuesday, Jupiter and Neptune will hug in your romantic palace, and then Mars will enter this part of your astrolabe on Thursday. A passionate and deep spiritual connection may come, and if so, you may feel as if you have arrived in heaven.

This week, you'll receive an important piece of news, perhaps much like an exciting opportunity, that may require a snap decision to take a risk. However, it may not be as exciting as it seems on the surface. Keep an eye out for "now or forever" proposals, as there may be misleading intent. Use good judgment and common sense to show that nothing is done now than a contract or a guarantee.

Be cautious this week if you're planning any social gatherings or going out. Think clearly before you group together people who may not be in a good personality. Your mood is a bit ostentatious, and you may invite people who are prone to conflict. It will end up giving you a headache, which is not fun. Be careful to discern. If you all want to see each other and they don't, organize two shows. You may start doing something you haven't done for a long time, and you'll worry that you've been a little rusty because you haven't practiced for too long. Don't worry, you get started and all the feelings will come back immediately.

Career luck: This week your career luck is very good, the previous work to the end of the moment, although very busy, but the harvest is a lot, career form is very good. You will also make some new plans, open up new attempts and challenges, act boldly, and your career will take it to the next level.

Academically, you are steady and steady, although the grades cannot improve by leaps and bounds, but to maintain this state, you will catch up with others little by little.

Love luck: Single people have the idea of taking off the single, but lack of practical action, the single rate is not high.

Companions can't help but pick at the words and deeds of the other half, and even magnify the shortcomings of the other half, some people will also face the temptation of peach blossoms, this week is the peak of your breakup, reminding you that you must be more tolerant and give in.

Life luck: This week you are prone to impulsive consumption, remind you to restrain, otherwise the expenditure will be greater than the income, and some people will even borrow money to survive.

In terms of body, pay more attention to allergies, burns, colds, edema, gastroenteritis, physiological discomfort, chest tightness and other symptoms.


After Sunday, you may make extraordinary progress on work tasks thanks to Mercury entering your sixth house of efficiency. You'll also find it easy to work with colleagues. In other ways, family dreams may come true. With Jupiter and Neptune meeting on Tuesday, Mars will enter your home palace on Thursday, and a renovation project is likely to turn your home into your refuge. Saturday's full moon may bring emotional news to your friends, and if that's the case, you'll definitely be there to give support.

Irony is often your weapon. When you don't want to show vulnerability, you pretend that nothing bothers you, and in your opinion, sarcasm and other difficult expressions bring an advantage. But the shooters, this week was a little more low-key. You may see the indestructible side as strength, but if you make yourself more gentle and vulnerable this week, you will be the big winner.

People who have never seen this side of you will find a different you, which will have a powerful impact and bring you good opportunities. Someone may throw ideas at you this week to get you involved, but you may need to put in more time and effort than you think. Don't be shy about asking questions. This may be great for you, but it's also a huge investment for you. This week, unusual advice from unexpected sources may be exactly what you need. Pay attention to it, even if you feel that its source is not routine.


After Sunday, communication with your child or the decision to be a parent may be easier. You'll also find yourself inspired to make a creative effort. In fact, you'll make a lot of progress on Tuesday's communications program, thanks to the conjunction of Jupiter Neptune in your information palace. You may have the opportunity to impart what you know, or to give a speech that inspires others. Saturday's full moon will appear at the top of your astrolabe, which means you'll be in the spotlight for career achievements.

You may have taken on some responsibilities for work or business-related matters, and now that responsibility is coming to an end. While it will make bigger and better things happen, the tone always seems to be a little sad. This week, take a moment to imagine how this will change your life and cherish the gains you've gained along the way – they'll always be with you. Celebrate this moment. Some things related to work and family have been haunting you for a while, so you can't really relax and really enjoy life.

This week you'll receive reassuring and exciting news. But before the news comes, you have to try to find peace of mind. You can't pin your happiness on a certain time – when you find inner peace, then your life will be happier. Someone may be playing psychological warfare with you, depending on the relationship between the two people. You don't want to, and you don't have time. You have to be honest about your feelings and give the other person a chance to respond. If the other person doesn't respond, then put the matter aside and wait until they're ready to say it themselves. By participating in the "game" in this way, you can keep the relationship going.

Career luck: This week you enter a smooth state, not only do things smoothly, and get along with colleagues is also very harmonious, and you will come up with great ideas, talents will be displayed, not only the possibility of promotion and salary increase, but also people who want to develop side jobs or find jobs will hear good news.

Academically, you're enlightened, your learning progress is fast, and if you stay in this state, you'll amaze everyone.

Love luck: Singles peach blossom luck continues to rise, go more social, you will not only meet new friends, but also have the possibility of flashing love or love at first sight.

The partner becomes very sensitive, easy to think wildly, and will do something to prove that the other party loves you, but the other half may feel that you are inexplicable or unreasonable, and the two sides are prone to disagreements.

Life luck: This week's partial fortune is good, bonus dividends, red envelope gifts are likely to be recorded.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to mouth ulcers, fever, cervical spine, flatulence, tinnitus, pillow drop, stye, eczema and other symptoms.


You may be busy chatting with your family or entertaining them at home. Mercury will enter your family palace on Sunday to create more activities in your life. It will be a pleasure to talk to relatives and you should have an advantage if you have a real estate contract to negotiate. In other ways, there may be a major financial blessing coming, as the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune will take place in your house of income on Tuesday.

Bottle, this week's question boils down to: "In a relationship, which party's needs are more important?" "For the sake of everyone's happiness, you both need to make some effort to find that right balance." However, don't think of it as a "competition." If you can change your mindset and think in terms of a team, you'll know how to get along is the best way for each other. And, through this model, you can also get what you want and what you need. Take a moment to think about this. Maybe you've put a lot of effort into a project and expect the other party you work with to help you solve some problems, but you're disappointed.

If you're starting to feel like you're being misled, say it out loud. Even if it's just because you "think too much" (this illusion), it's very important for you to get things straight and speak your mind. Maybe you'll get a very logical reason to be able to explain it all. Try to accept the social invitations you receive, whether it's a very formal or informal event. For example, if a friend or someone you want to know more about suddenly asks you to have a small gathering for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine or something, why not go? Sometimes, you also take your social life as seriously as your professional life. This is all to put your life in a state of "balance".

Career luck: This week you have some anxiety, whether it is the status quo or the confusion about the future, it makes you emotionally depressed and tense, reminding you to relax your mood, first deal with the accumulated work, and then take action to do what you have always wanted to do but have not done.

Academically, your exam luck is quite good, if there are important exams, I believe that the final result will be as you wish.

Love luck: Singles peach blossom luck is flat, although they want to get off the single but lack of action, so the single rate is not high.

Partners are prone to different values or old people and the other half of the quarrel, if the two people do not deal with it honestly, it is likely to be estranged, and some people will even break up.

Life Luck: There will be some necessary expenses this week, and they will be large expenses, although painful, but these are the money to spend. In addition, some people may have emotional consumption, remind you to restrain it.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to cholecystitis, abdominal pain, muscle soreness, burns, conjunctivitis, anemia, acne and other symptoms.


This week, learning, communicating, and selling projects may be in your favor. On Sunday, Mercury will enter your palace of information, stimulating your mind and all the opportunities associated with communication. On Tuesday, Jupiter and Neptune will meet perfectly in Pisces, which means you'll feel like you've been blessed with extraordinary blessings. The power of your faith in achieving your dreams is incredible, so wait for it to unfold. On Thursday, Mars will enter Pisces, which will make you more motivated to take action.

You may feel melancholy at the beginning of the week, you are worried about the outcome of a farce that has occurred for a long time, and this matter may involve some contract or formal agreement that can reverse or correct something that has gone wrong. You feel guilty for insisting that things be done this way, but you shouldn't think so, and you have every reason to pursue justice in your life, even if others have been procrastinating on "correcting." Let him go and believe that the best results will happen.

If you find that your new lifestyle routines or schedules are exhausting, whether physically, psychologically, or both, take a moment this week to figure out how to adjust your time management and the way you do things. Small changes can make problems easier and less stressful. This stage is perfect for dealing with unresolved issues that you've been ignoring but have been bothering you with – like scheduling a long-delayed dental exam or changing the oil on your car. Even planning for the near future can give you the feeling of being in control and getting things done, so you can stop worrying.

Career luck: This week your career is progressing very smoothly, not only conscientious about the work, but also you will want to cross-border learning or development of side business, etc., have ideas to do, I believe you will gain something. People who are looking for work will also hear good news this week.

Academically, you enter the peak period, learn everything quickly, maintain this state, your learning progress will be doubled with half the effort.

Love luck: Singles social luck is opened, if you go to meet new friends, the probability of getting off the order is very large.

The relationship with the companion will go further, and you will begin to consider cohabitation, seeing a parent or preparing to conceive and have a child, and so on.

Life Luck: Your partial fortune is quite good this week, and you will receive gifts and red envelopes or encounter part-time opportunities.

In terms of the body, pay more attention to diarrhea, stye, burns, rhinitis, respiratory infections, urticaria, cramps, cervical spine and other symptoms.

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