
It is recommended that women eat more of these 3 high folic acid foods after the age of 50 to eat healthy

author:Medica Media

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, the content in green leaves is relatively rich, naturally obtained folic acid mainly in the form of polyglutamic acid, through the acquisition of nutrition is beneficial to human health, especially women should be appropriately supplemented with folic acid, which is helpful for disease prevention. So, after the age of 50, supplement nutrition and obtain folic acid, what are the specific benefits that can be harvested?

At a certain age, the aging rate of women's bodies accelerates, and after the age of 50, it begins to decline, and the function of some organs is reduced, coupled with the slow absorption of nutrients, so it is prone to nutritional deficiencies. If enough folic acid can be supplemented, it is beneficial for the growth and reproduction of the body's cells.

It is recommended that women eat more of these 3 high folic acid foods after the age of 50 to eat healthy

If it is lacking, it will have an impact on the normal physiological activities of the human body. Some people have megaloblastic anemia, depression, tumors, etc., all of which are related to folate deficiency. After the age of 50, through the dietary adjustment of sufficient folic acid, these diseases can be better prevented, without the impact of the disease, the quality of life can be improved in addition to prolonging life.

What foods can get folic acid?

1. Green leafy vegetables

Many types of foods are rich in folic acid, it is recommended that women properly consume, such as green vegetables, including spinach, beets, etc., these foods have high nutritional value, not only can provide rich vitamin C, dietary fiber, a variety of trace elements, minerals, but also get folic acid. Folic acid provides participation in the normal physiological activities of the human body after that, which is helpful for disease prevention and resistance improvement. If you eat a lot of meat for a long time, the amount of fresh vegetables is small, which may have an impact on nutrient deficiencies.

It is recommended that women eat more of these 3 high folic acid foods after the age of 50 to eat healthy

2. Animal offal

In order to supplement enough folic acid, animal foods can be properly ingested, including egg yolks, animal livers, etc., through the acquisition of these nutrients can meet the needs of the body, thereby activating immune cell function, strong resistance, disease can be better prevented. In addition, the acquisition of folic acid is involved in the metabolism of proteins, and also affects the secretion of pancreatic juice, so it cannot be lacking. Some people are picky or partial to eating for a long time, which is easily affected by insufficient intake of folic acid.

It is recommended that women eat more of these 3 high folic acid foods after the age of 50 to eat healthy

3. Fruit

For people who love fruit, the nutrients needed by the body can be more fully provided, and many types of fruits also contain folic acid that the human body needs, including kiwifruit, citrus, etc. These fruits not only obtain rich vitamin C to enhance immunity, but also folic acid can provide. In daily life, the choice of food is more extensive, the types of fruits should also be increased, and the daily intake of more than three kinds of fruits has a promoting effect on the health of the body.

In summary, women after the age of 50 can not forget folic acid, although other nutrients are also needed by the human body, but folic acid can not be lacking. The acquisition of this substance can prevent many types of diseases, and if there is a bad dietary habit for a long time, there will be obstacles to nutrient absorption, and subsequent health will be threatened.

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