
Treatment and vaccination of herpes zoster

--- shingles ---

Shingles is a skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, often accompanied by pain. Because the blisters are more commonly found in the waist, they are also commonly known as "waist-wrapped dragons" and "snake disc sores", which are more common in middle-aged and elderly people. The global incidence of shingles has been rising in recent years, with 20 to 30% of people developing shingles in their lifetime [1]. Many people may have had chickenpox when they were young, although it is caused by chickenpox ‐ zoster virus infection with herpes zoster, but the lifelong immunity to chickenpox obtained by the human body after having chickenpox does not prevent shingles. Therefore, regardless of whether you have had chickenpox, as long as you have been exposed to this virus, it is possible to cause shingles, and even if you have had herpes, there is a possibility of recurrence in the future. Today we will take a look at the disease of "shingles" and how to prevent it.

(Source: Tencent Medical Code)


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