
One snail, 6000 parasites, many places have appeared! Many people still love to eat

In the blink of an eye, the Qingming holiday has ended, and with the temperature rising, various barbecue shops and food stalls have also begun to open. On the one hand, people feel the warm sunshine of spring and taste all kinds of delicacies, and the beautiful weather also makes many parents unable to hold back their inner restlessness, and begin to take their children out to get close to nature, and even fish for snails in ponds and rivers.

But as everyone knows, behind the delicious is a fatal crisis, if you don't pay attention, you will fall into the abyss.

Here, I would like to remind everyone that some delicacies look very "delicious", but once they are eaten by mistake, they will affect the nerve center, and the heavy will be dementia and even death!


A mistaken eclipse,

Let her have 6 lumbar punctures and terminate her pregnancy

At the end of July 2017, some netizens posted about their own experiences, and it is still shocking to think back to this day!

The netizen was traveling in Yunnan at the time, during which he ate the local Erhai field snail. After I went back, I developed symptoms such as fever and leg pain. Because she happened to be pregnant, she mistakenly thought that she was overworked and didn't care much.

Two weeks later, her condition deteriorated dramatically, and she began to have a high fever, unable to stand, sleep, or even open her eyes.

In the following days, she did 6 waist punctures, ate more than a dozen boxes of insecticides, and stuck 300 bottles of water, because of hormones and drugs, which caused her face and body to deform, and finally had to terminate her pregnancy...

One snail, 6000 parasites, many places have appeared! Many people still love to eat

The culprit that caused all this was the "field snail" she had eaten before.


The tragedy that never stops must be taken seriously!

Is Tian Luo so scary? Of course not!

Because what she ate at that time was not a normal field snail, but a frightening "Fushou snail"!

In May 2006, more than 160 people in Beijing became infected with Guangzhou roundworm after eating Fushou snails in restaurants, which became a major public health emergency in Beijing.

One snail, 6000 parasites, many places have appeared! Many people still love to eat

It is also because of this incident that many places in the country began to ban the sale of Fushou snails, and everyone gradually realized the danger of Fushou snails.

One snail, 6000 parasites, many places have appeared! Many people still love to eat

But Fushou snail and field snail are too similar, people are difficult to distinguish, so only 3 years later, Fushou snail climbed to the table again, because the tragedy brought by Fushou snail was staged again!

In 2020, a 7-year-old boy experienced frequent headaches and vomiting, and no cause was diagnosed in many hospitals. After high-throughput sequencing of cerebrospinal fluid, intracranial parasitic infection is diagnosed. And the culprit is the Guangzhou pipe roundworm in the Fushou snail!

One snail, 6000 parasites, many places have appeared! Many people still love to eat

On August 20, 2021, a restaurant in Guang'an, Sichuan Province, was exposed to selling Fushou snails as field snails, which attracted widespread attention.


In the face of interests, FushouLuo has repeatedly forbidden it

Now many people know that Fushou snail is dangerous, but Fushou snail still appears again and again in restaurants and their own tables.

At the end of the day, there are only two reasons. First, everyone's understanding of Fushou snail is still not enough, and even some merchants themselves do not know that they are selling Fushou snail.

Second, the merchant clearly knows that he is selling Fushou snail, but because the price of Fushou snail is lower, in order to reduce costs, he will not hesitate to gamble on the life and health of customers!

Even today, we can see many posts on blatant transactions when we look at social platforms:

One snail, 6000 parasites, many places have appeared! Many people still love to eat

Thinking about it, my back is cold!


Up to 6,000 parasites, severe can be fatal!

The reason why Fushou snail is so dangerous is precisely because it is the host of the tube roundworm!

According to statistics, a snail may contain 3000-6000 parasites. After the parasite enters the body, the larvae will invade the brain, damage the central nervous system, and then cause eosinophilia meningitis. At this time, patients will have symptoms such as headache and fever, neck stiffness, etc., which can lead to shock, dementia, and even death in severe cases.

One snail, 6000 parasites, many places have appeared! Many people still love to eat

The reason why we say that Fushou snail is dangerous is for those who are not thoroughly cooked. If the snail is cooked, the parasite will also be destroyed.

But here is still recommended that you do not eat, because you have no idea how to cook the Snail thoroughly. More importantly, the taste of Fushou snails will become much worse after being thoroughly cooked, so some merchants will also take risks.


How to distinguish between Fushou snail and field snail?

Although Fushou snail and field snail look like "brothers" in appearance, there are still many differences under close inspection.

Size: The spiral part of the adult Fushou snail is relatively small, and the size is usually larger than the field snail;

Color: Field snail is more bluish brown, while Fushou snail color is more yellow;

Shape: Field snails are generally oblong or oval, Fushou snails are more disc-shaped;

Shell mouth: Field snails will basically have black frame edges, while Fushou snails generally do not have black frame edges;

Taste: Compared to Fushou snail, the snail meat will taste a little more tender.

If you have recently gone out to play, you will find that the nearest river bank, ditch, and even many parks in the river, you can see some dense things, similar to this:

These are actually the eggs of fushou snails, don't pick them up!


This snail can not be eaten!

It is called weave snail, known as white snail, sea snail, mostly distributed in Fujian, Guangdong and other coastal areas.

The weaved snail is smaller than the ordinary snail, about the size of the fingernail cap, and the color is generally black brown.

Because snails are scavengers, they will ingest various poisonous shellfish, fish and shrimp as food, and accumulate toxins in the body.

It should be noted that the amount of toxins gathered in the snail meat of the weave snail is very large, so as long as a small textured snail is eaten, it may lead to poisoning and even death.

As a result, from 2012 onwards, the snail was banned from being sold and eaten.

And all these years, because of the tragedy of weaving snails has never stopped:

In May 2015, a 2-year-old boy in Putian was poisoned after eating a weave snail, or became a vegetative person;

In May 2005, four people in Fuzhou suffered from collective food poisoning from eating textured snails, and one of them died;



These 4 kinds of "high-risk dishes",

Adults and children are better not to eat!

Drunken shrimp and drunken crab: After eating drunken shrimp and drunken crab that is not cooked, people may be infected with lung trema. The incubation period of lung trematode infection can range from a few days to a long period of 2 years.

After infection, people will have symptoms such as low-grade fever, bloody sputum, fatigue and abdominal pain, and urticaria. When severe, even irreversible sequelae are left behind.

Water chestnut, diamond horn: The most common parasite in these foods is ginger flakes, in addition to lotus root, zibai, etc. are also the hardest hit areas for ginger flake parasitism.

Because these aquatic plants have a refreshing taste and are convenient to eat, many people like to eat them raw. It is not known that after infection with ginger flake disease, symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and loss of appetite will occur, and even in the later stages, it will cause stunted growth and death.

However, ginger flakes will die in boiling water for a minute, so it is best to blanch these foods before eating them.

Tender steak: Tender steak is delicious, but steaks that are not fully cooked may contain tapeworms, which can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. Therefore, when eating steak, it is best not to pursue the taste too much and eat too tender steak.

Sashimi: Freshwater fish mostly carry liver fluke live cysts. To kill insects thoroughly, sashimi must be soaked in cooking wine and vinegar for more than 2 hours.

But in most cases, very few people can do it. Frequent consumption of this sashimi can lead to hepatic fluke disease, which results in cholangitis, gallstones, cirrhosis and liver cancer.

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