
Huawei: Patent fees cannot be too low, otherwise innovation will be curbed and no one will be willing to invest in research and development

Recently, the Huawei Voice Community published the minutes of the "Patent Licensing Business Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Minutes") issued by Ren Zhengfei. The minutes said that patent fees cannot be charged for the sake of charging; nor can they be too low, and if they are too low, they will curb the innovation of the whole society, and no one is willing to invest in research and development anymore, which will form our de facto monopoly and do not meet the principle of fairness, reasonableness and non-discrimination required by law. But charging is not the ultimate goal, the most important thing is that we sort out the relationship between the two sides through communication and negotiation.

Huawei: Patent fees cannot be too low, otherwise innovation will be curbed and no one will be willing to invest in research and development

The following is the full text:

Minutes of the "Patent Licensing Business Report"

Published: March 16, 2022

On March 16, 2022, the Intellectual Property Department reported on the patent licensing business to Mr. Ren, and the main points of the meeting were as follows:

First, the essence of the patent system is to stimulate innovation, promote technology disclosure and be used fairly and widely by the industry, so as to promote industrial prosperity and social progress; we must establish scientific and reasonable intellectual property values, establish the company's image of innovators, and also benefit the sustainable and quality development of the company.

We must establish scientific and reasonable intellectual property values, first, we must continue to protect the research and innovation results and actively build high-value patent packages around the world; second, we must continue to play the role of patent protection companies in global business security; third, we must lay the image of Huawei as an innovator through reasonable fees; and fourth, we must cooperate with selected patent pools and patent operating companies through the construction of partners.

In the past, our intellectual property rights were for self-defense and to ensure the safety of our business. Through the accumulation of so many years, high-value patent packages have been formed in several major fields such as 5G, WiFi 6 and audio and video codec, optical transmission, and optical intelligence, and have a certain right to speak. We must build a reasonable price benchmark, let the industry use our patented technology fairly and reasonably, and at the same time obtain appropriate returns on research and development, it will also help us to establish an image of innovators in the international community; we use other people's patents and pay reasonably, so as to establish intellectual property values and soil conducive to innovation in the world.

Patent fees cannot be charged for the sake of charging; nor can they be too low, and if they are too low, they will curb the innovation of the whole society, and no one is willing to invest in research and development anymore, which will form our de facto monopoly and do not meet the principle of fairness, reasonableness and non-discrimination required by law. People who invest in research and development expect that the income will be a little more than the investment, and there will be many failures in research and development, and the cost of failure should also be included in the cost, so that everyone will be willing to continue to invest in deep research and development and form a positive cycle. At the same time, we must be prepared to fight a "protracted war," not seek quick victories, and are not afraid of defeat. But charging is not the ultimate goal, the most important thing is that we sort out the relationship between the two sides through communication and negotiation. In the process of negotiation, a team that is good at communication and negotiation is gradually forged. When one day we come to the leading position in the world, we can rationally allocate the value chain, and then the value of you "senior monks" will be reflected.

Second, "guide the way" and "senior monks open the light", share the experience of reading patents, and inspire young people to make rapid breakthroughs.

We must read more patents, disclose our experiences, and lead our R&D personnel to find tips from them. We are not trying to infringe on the patents of others, but to stand on the shoulders of giants. Theory is open in the world, and technological innovation can only be developed on the basis of open sharing, mutual learning, and mutual respect (transaction). We need to make the best products in the world based on available licenses and patent rules, not to work hard without understanding the innovations that others already have, and not to take detours to produce more consumption.

Our young people are very clever, but they are not particularly clear about the overall road signs; and you have been "facing the wall" for ten years, and you have read a lot of other people's patents, as well as our own patents, and you will certainly have some insights. You can express your feelings through small videos, live broadcasts, etc. on the "Huang Danian Tea Siwu" platform and the Voice of Hearts community, and point out a road sign for young people. They rushed upwards and stepped on the shoulders of giants. It is more important for you to tell the young people where and what the "giant's shoulders" are, so that they can break through earlier. Some videos and live broadcasts that explain well and have a high click rate can also be given certain rewards, such as giving a medal. Whether the number of medals can be used as one of the reference criteria for your "senior monk" rating can be further explored.

Third, it is necessary to formulate intellectual property strategies with the times to serve the commercial success of the company; actively explore the technical secret licensing model and industrial promotion mechanism

We are a company based on product revenue, and we have something in common with many product companies in the industry in terms of intellectual property strategy; we have the basis of mutual patent cross-licensing, using each other's patented technology, we can provide better products for the market, and ultimately benefit consumers and customers, thus prospering the entire industrial chain. In the process, we have also accumulated experience in patent licensing, litigation and transactions. In the past, when we talked about intellectual property rights, we mainly referred to patents, and mainly standard-related patents. At present, some research and innovation achievements are not suitable for disclosure through patents, and are more suitable for protection in the form of technical secrets, such as material formulations, internal core algorithms, process processes, etc. We must keep pace with the times to formulate intellectual property protection strategies, explore and think about the licensing model and promotion mechanism of technical secrets. In particular, some technical secret achievements, we do not produce and sell related products, may be "shelved", resulting in waste, but also not conducive to the prosperity of the industrial chain, and ultimately affect our own development. We should explore the appropriate licensing model and promotion mechanism, authorize external manufacturers, solve the problem of industrial competitiveness, and exert its commercial value.

Fourth, dare to make breakthroughs, firmly follow the path of factual standards; the intellectual property system must have strategic thinking, and systematically protect our research and innovation results.

We are going fast, everyone can't keep up, but there must also be a law interconnected and interconnected, which is the standard of fact. We are taking our own path, the factual standard has great significance for the future development of our company; in this process we will have a lot of strategic breakthroughs, these breakthroughs produce research and innovation results in the future is not all patented, or take technical secret protection, intellectual property experts to think clearly, to look at the whole world, to judge the situation, then you are not a strategist? The intellectual property system should have strategic thinking, according to the characteristics of the business, comprehensively use patent protection, technical secrets and other intellectual property protection and authorization mechanisms, and systematically protect the research and innovation achievements of our construction of public standards, factual standards, open source and open ecology.

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