
Accelerate exploration Horizon: Desperate West's updated options allow for immediate pickup of resources

After Guerrilla quietly added new features, Aloy can now instantly pick up resources in Horizon Forbidden West.

Accelerate exploration Horizon: Desperate West's updated options allow for immediate pickup of resources

As a switch in the options, players can now turn off pick-up animations so Aloy can grab nearby resources instantly, greatly speeding up exploration.

This feature appears to have been added in a recent patch, although it is not explicitly mentioned in the patch notes.

The feature affects small items such as natural resources and loot that Aloy has taken off the machine, but anything found in the chest or a dead robot still needs to be picked up silently.

Accelerate exploration Horizon: Desperate West's updated options allow for immediate pickup of resources

What's more, you can also do this on your mount when you're speeding up and running in Horizon: Desperate for the West.

Admittedly, quick pick-up is a common feature found in many other open-world games, from Souls of Tsushima to Assassin's Creed to Eldon's Ring of Law, so it certainly fits the gameplay of Horizon: Desperate West.

Accelerate exploration Horizon: Desperate West's updated options allow for immediate pickup of resources

In addition, a recent patch fixes some bugs, and Guerrilla continues to optimize the visual effects of flickering, but does not completely eliminate the problem.

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