
Huawei has formed 10 more legions, which is a bit interesting in the second batch of legions

In 2021, Huawei set up the first batch of legions (5 legions), which can be seen that Huawei is regulating the entire market situation, better exerting its advantages to expand Huawei's business, and allowing Huawei to survive, the slogan at that time was that there was no way back is the road to victory! Then Huawei's core is that in the case of the team and business obstruction, it cannot be without profits!

Huawei has formed 10 more legions, which is a bit interesting in the second batch of legions

However, in the second batch of legions formed by Huawei on March 30, we saw a little meaning, first of all, let's understand what kind of legion was formed, and what is the core purpose of this legion!

Huawei has formed 10 more legions, which is a bit interesting in the second batch of legions

According to huawei voice community, on March 30, Huawei held the inaugural meeting of the second batch of legions in area K of Huawei Bantian Base in Shenzhen, and Huawei director and CEO Ren Zhengfei and key executives of the company attended the meeting to present the flag to the legion. This group includes a total of ten legions, namely the Power Digital Corps, the Government One Netcom Corps, the Airports and Orbits Corps, the Interactive Media Corps, the Sports Health Corps, the Display New Nuclear Corps, the Park Corps, the Wide Area Network Corps, the Data Center Dock Corps and the Digital Sites Corps. Ren Zhengfei talked about the source of the legion at the meeting, and said: "At a time when the current international situation is changing and we are facing more and more stringent suppression, our company must stabilize its position, actively adjust the formation, firmly create value for customers, and cannot waver, so we must adopt flexible and mobile strategies and tactics." ”

Huawei has formed 10 more legions, which is a bit interesting in the second batch of legions

In fact, it can be seen from the report that Huawei should actively adjust its formation and adopt flexible and mobile strategies and tactics. From the specific legion established by Huawei, it can be seen that on the one hand, it is more refined B-end business system, such as store digitalization, government affairs one Netcom, airports and rails, parks, etc. The main service core of this system is B-end, but there are some legions that are interesting, I think it is more technical attack, for enterprises to do the underlying services, it may be to explore the chip road!

Huawei has formed 10 more legions, which is a bit interesting in the second batch of legions

From Ren Zhengfei's speech, it can be seen that Huawei needs to create value for customers and serve customers this time, and really begin to pay attention to creating deep technical aspects. So why organize the legion this time, my understanding is that Huawei is now going to start to stumble on some technologies to achieve technical breakthroughs and break through the blockade! On the other hand, some of the legions established are subdivided into production types, and I think Huawei is doing vertical depth to create more enterprise-level solutions. Serve some people in the industry. For example, to do a Netcom system for government affairs, this is a very good project, so that relevant departments can use China's own network system, the security factor is more secure!

Huawei has formed 10 more legions, which is a bit interesting in the second batch of legions

Summary: Huawei is subdividing its professional capabilities into more subtle industry classifications, and then serving some industries through industry classifications, of course, the first legions had such intentions last year. And Ren Zhengfei has a very important sentence, that is, the Legion model was first proposed by Google, and their goal is to be the first in the world. So in terms of building a legion, does Huawei also hope to become the world's first in many fields? What do you think about this, welcome to pay attention to my entrepreneur Li Meng and I communicate together!

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