
Glory of Kings: S27 Battle Order Details Exposed, Skin 6 Choose 1 can be exchanged for Epic, and the remaining 6 benefits are as follows

Text/Jing Haijun

No one expected that on the afternoon of April 4th, Tianmei suddenly released all the information related to the new season (S27) battle order, which included both level 1 and 80 battle order skins, as well as battle order star skins, and other related benefits such as 6 choice 1 skin that everyone liked very much.

3 skin-related benefits

All along, advanced battle orders are the most cost-effective existence, so I introduce the content related to advanced battle orders here.

Level 1 Battle Order Skin

Glory of Kings: S27 Battle Order Details Exposed, Skin 6 Choose 1 can be exchanged for Epic, and the remaining 6 benefits are as follows

The level 1 skin of this issue's Advanced Battle Order is the White Night Monster.

In the setting, Bai Qi is a gentleman wearing a tuxedo and a white eye mask, but there are several things about this skin that are particularly unsatisfactory:

First, as a gentleman, Bai Qi turned out to be a camel, which is really difficult for people to accept, very contrary to harmony.

Second, the pants that Bai Qi wears in this skin are the same as those of Yuange


, familiar with the yuan song of the small friends know.

As a free skin, Night Monster is qualified, but if you sell it alone, it will be embarrassing.

Level 80 Battle Order Skin

Glory of Kings: S27 Battle Order Details Exposed, Skin 6 Choose 1 can be exchanged for Epic, and the remaining 6 benefits are as follows

Compared with the white skin, the 80-level Ming Shi Hidden Skin is much more powerful. I've already covered the game modeling and skill effects of this epic skin in detail before, and it can be summed up in one sentence:

The chain crushed Empress Dowager Xuan of Great Qin, and the big move did not lose Zhuge Liang's glory collection.

In addition to the really good skin, there are four other small benefits associated with bard magic.

Glory of Kings: S27 Battle Order Details Exposed, Skin 6 Choose 1 can be exchanged for Epic, and the remaining 6 benefits are as follows

First: The Glory Of the Bard Psalms, which is issued when the Advanced Order reaches level 20.

Second: The avatar frame of the Bard Psalms, a benefit that is paid when the Advanced Battle Order reaches level 45.

Third: The Progressive Effect of the Bard Psalms, which is issued when the Advanced Battle Order reaches level 55.

Fourth: The Special Effect of the Return to the City of the Bard Psalms, which will be issued when the Advanced Battle Order reaches level 70.

Battle Order Star Element Skin

Glory of Kings: S27 Battle Order Details Exposed, Skin 6 Choose 1 can be exchanged for Epic, and the remaining 6 benefits are as follows

As for the Star Element skin of this issue of the Battle Order, it belongs to the Lü bu-doom mech that has just been optimized, and after changing the mecha skin to a blue color, this skin has a very different look and feel.

After carefully reading the skin introduction of the blue mech, the overall color matching style of this skin and the effect of the skills are perfect, and there are friends in the group who think that he is the final killer of the S27 season. Ming Shiyin's epic skin is indeed perfect, but he is a relatively unpopular hero after all, and Lü Bu is completely incomparable.

brief summary

There are three new skins in this issue of the Battle Order Package, and I personally prefer Ming Shiyin's bard magic, followed by Lü Bu's Azure Mech.

Other benefits

In addition to the skin, there are some benefits that everyone likes to hear, which I must introduce.

Choose 1 out of 6 skins

Glory of Kings: S27 Battle Order Details Exposed, Skin 6 Choose 1 can be exchanged for Epic, and the remaining 6 benefits are as follows

The participants in the Skin 6 Pick 1 activity are:

Cao Cao's Super X-Men, which is priced at 388 bonds.

The seventh puppet of The GuildErman, it sells for 288 bonds.

Miyamoto Musashi's Ghost Sword Musashi, which is priced at 888 bonds.

Su Lie's tenacity, which is priced at 488 bonds.

The Pinocchio of Luban Vii, which is priced at 288 bonds.

Athena's Goddess of War, which sells for 288 bonds.

Everything else is virtual, skin quality and coupon price is fundamental, so I personally recommend that you exchange Miyamoto Musashi's ghost sword Musashi (which is also an epic in any case), followed by Su Lie's tenacity, and then Cao Cao's super power X-Men, as for the remaining few 288 coupon skins, everyone will have a good opinion.

Hero 6 out of 1

Glory of Kings: S27 Battle Order Details Exposed, Skin 6 Choose 1 can be exchanged for Epic, and the remaining 6 benefits are as follows

As for the hero 6 to choose 1, the skin of the 13888 gold coin has Big Joe, Luna, Marco Polo, Sun Ce, and YiXing; and the hero of the 18888 gold coin is only Ma Chao, so if there are no heroes, then everyone should know who to choose, right?

Rest of the benefits

Glory of Kings: S27 Battle Order Details Exposed, Skin 6 Choose 1 can be exchanged for Epic, and the remaining 6 benefits are as follows

In addition to the regular 388 Advanced Order, Tenmi also has a 1288-coupon Collector's Advance Order, which you will receive additional rewards if you choose this Order, including:

Exclusive broadcasts, exclusive avatar frames, 30 increases in battle order level (worth 2400 bonds if purchased), etc.

If you don't purchase the Honor Progression, you can also get the season's Battle Order Tail Effect and The Return to Town Effect.


The content of this issue of the battle order package is still very rich, in addition to the white skin, other can be seen to have a heart to do, so I think this issue of the war order should be able to get a relatively good sales.

That's all there is to it, I'm Jing Haijun, and I'll see you next time.

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