
Summoner Skill of Glory of Kings Which hero will carry?

Healing in Glory of Kings is arguably the least popular summoner skill in the game. It's rare to see a hero carry it in a match, but in the season when the Eternal Night gear first came out, the white full-flesh suit plus the healing dough could resist a huge amount of damage. Now let's see which other heroes or under what circumstances will they bring healing?

Summoner Skill of Glory of Kings Which hero will carry?

Now bai qi rarely chooses to take treatment since the blood hand is strengthened, and generally chooses to punish and flash either side punishment or big flash people. The main reason for the current cold is that the skill CD time is too long and the income is not high enough. Before the previous interference skill changes, many auxiliaries would still carry healing, and now most of them can only be seen in the Dream Chaos.

Summoner Skill of Glory of Kings Which hero will carry?

In fact, as long as it is satisfied as an auxiliary that does not need to undertake the task of opening the group, the auxiliary in the anti-attack lineup that does not have a high demand for interference can still carry the healing technique to play a good effect, such as Zhuang Zhou's redemption treatment Kaida, as well as Liu Bang's teleportation shield plus treatment and double resistance. Now many national service fish will carry treatment, mainly so that teammates will not be controlled and sudden death in the team battle.

Summoner Skill of Glory of Kings Which hero will carry?

Before interfering with the popularity, there are only a few heroes who can bring treatment in the bureau, such as Baiqi Zhuang Zhou Zhang Fei Cai Wenji Big Joe and so on. Interference changes speed up the game while also reducing the benefits and usage of healing techniques. I think that if you want to hold up the treatment, you can only wait for the strengthening after the treatment, and what do you think about it, you are welcome to comment on it.

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