
These FC games, you never see the ending

FC, the real name is the home game console, and everyone generally calls this a red and white machine, naturally because of Nintendo.

These FC games, you never see the ending

FC games are generally divided into two types, one is a story story that can be played, and the other is an infinite loop. For example, "Super Mario", "Contra", "Snowman Brothers" and so on are the former, and the latter, we may never see the ending, today here, we list some games that will never see the ending.

These FC games, you never see the ending

1,90 tank battles

It's a vertical war shooter game with a bit of strategy added, and it's also a classic game from my childhood, because there's a loop every 36 levels, so we never see the ending, but the difficulty goes up.

These FC games, you never see the ending

2. Circus

The circus is also a classic game of childhood, but it is also never finished, every 5 cycles, the difficulty increases, there are jumping fire rings, stepping on the ball, walking tightrope, riding and other levels.

These FC games, you never see the ending

3, little bees

This seems to have only one level, but it is also different, as the bees hit you to shoot more and more poison needles, the difficulty also increases, but also can not finish, you hit the 99 level, there will be a pause word of pause, and then everything automatically starts from the beginning, so, can not finish playing.

These FC games, you never see the ending

4. Fight ducks

Duck Fighting is a sports light gun shooting competitive game, although you can get points just by hitting the duck, but you can never finish playing, and the same principle is "Playing Flying Saucer".

These FC games, you never see the ending

5, F1 racing

This seems to have many levels, but also divided into three difficulty levels, but in fact it is also several one-cycle mode, before seeing a up master with automatic hang-up software from the first night to the next morning did not pass the level, and later according to the algorithm it was a never-ending game without exiting.

These FC games, you never see the ending

In addition to "Road Racing", "Tetris", "Chinese Chess" and so on are such games, especially the competitive game is a lot, you also know which games are this kind of never finished, welcome to add,

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