
Rollover Warning! iOS 15.4.1 or make the iPhone signal "crash", do not update

Netizens who have paid attention will find that the user experience of the official version of iOS 15.4 is not good, so Apple has launched the official version of iOS 15.4.1 for this version. However, from the current online reviews, the experience of the official version of iOS 15.4.1 is equally unsatisfactory. See what everyone has to say.

Rollover Warning! iOS 15.4.1 or make the iPhone signal "crash", do not update

1: Whether the battery life is good I don't know, I only know that the 15.4.1 signal has deteriorated, send a WeChat to turn half a day and then go out, let alone receive messages.

2: After upgrading ios15.4.1, it obviously looks like there is a 5G network, but it is not used, and it can only be used normally after borrowing and returning to 4G, and it cannot be solved after shutdown and restart.

3: From 15.4 liters up, originally only wanted to let the endurance not so pulled across, but now it is the endurance is normal, the signal collapsed, the subway pictures can not be opened, bored to the point of picking fingers.

Rollover Warning! iOS 15.4.1 or make the iPhone signal "crash", do not update

4: Battery life is ok, fluency is also good, that is, the signal has no worse space, with traffic can not do, today's itinerary code is scanned for 5 minutes did not sweep out, and finally the kind staff shared the hot spot to sweep out, too delayed.

5: Camera splash screen, storage space has been rotating, signal crash, third-party charger can not be used, memory less 8G, what is the significance of upgrading?

Rollover Warning! iOS 15.4.1 or make the iPhone signal "crash", do not update

In summary, there are many iPhones that have been upgraded to the official version of iOS 15.4.1, and the signal has been affected to varying degrees, and more users have bluntly said that the signal has collapsed. If your iPhone system is not a big problem, then don't update this version.

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