
LeTV video changed the App slogan: crack survival is bitter and sweet

IT House April 2 news, today, LeTV video announced that the App icon is new, the app slogan has become "crack survival bitter and sweet".

LeTV video changed the App slogan: crack survival is bitter and sweet

When talking about changing the App slogan, LeTV Video said that over the years, it has experienced the hardships of survival in the cracks of the concubines, but it has also made many breakthroughs and progress, and said that "tomorrow will be better."

LeTV video changed the App slogan: crack survival is bitter and sweet

IT House understands that this is not the first time that LeTV Video has changed the app slogan in a fancy way. During the Spring Festival last year, when major Internet manufacturers opened the rhythm of dividing red envelopes, LeTV Video changed the App slogan to "Owe 12.2 billion", which triggered heated discussion among netizens.

This year's Spring Festival, LeTV Video changed the icon slogan to "can't afford to share", and said that "sharing red envelopes is unaffordable, but happiness can be shared".

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