
What is the level of the League of Legends mobile game planning game? The opening showed weakness, and then won the anchor to win 3 consecutive wins

Many players are curious about the real level of the game that is responsible for the planning of the game on weekdays. According to the assumptions of most players, game planning is generally "do not understand the game", "do not understand the player's heart", "do not understand the needs of the player", "have you played this game" and other negative images, so is this the case?

What is the level of the League of Legends mobile game planning game? The opening showed weakness, and then won the anchor to win 3 consecutive wins

Recently, the planner of the League of Legends mobile game gave his own answer to this question, and it was still in front of the audience and the anchor face to face.

The game itself is not complicated, the League of Legends mobile game recently launched the April Fool's Day series of skins, the most classic of which is the crocodile's "crocodile" skin, and the League of Legends mobile game planning is to choose Nessus (also known as the dog's head) who has a strong relationship with the crocodile in the game background to match. And the two sides also made an extremely terriered name for this game, called "crocodile anchor vs dog head planning".

What is the level of the League of Legends mobile game planning game? The opening showed weakness, and then won the anchor to win 3 consecutive wins

However, according to common sense, the dog's head to fight crocodiles online is an absolute weakness, and the planning of the League of Legends mobile game will be deducted if the operating hero is killed. In such a situation, for the sake of the program effect, the dog head to fight the crocodile, is the planning of the League of Legends mobile game really do not understand the game?

Sure enough, the planning of the League of Legends mobile game began to shout at the public screen that the anchor "taps the hand, and when he dies, he will deduct his salary", which makes the anchor side strange and embarrassed. But that being said, but both sides are not soft, the anchor side of the crocodile played the classic "displacement general attack bite and then the general attack turned a circle of displacement back" "do not explain the combo", according to the development of this plot, planning this side to wait until the anchor crocodile the second set of combo moves is afraid to be eaten online.

What is the level of the League of Legends mobile game planning game? The opening showed weakness, and then won the anchor to win 3 consecutive wins

But the anchor's side was dumbfounded. The planning of the League of Legends mobile game has long prevented this move, and the principle is very simple, that is, with a weakness.

What is more pompous is that planning this side of the dog head play is obviously not a conventional idea, he line the main 3 skills to take ap, 1 skill to clear the rear row of soldiers by the way to consume crocodiles, and then use crocodile blood does not dare to go forward to make up for melee soldiers. With the passage of time, the anchor side was beaten to 1-3 in the early stage, and for the hero of the crocodile, the lack of advantage in the early stage is basically equivalent to declaring the end of the game.

At the moment when the game ended, the audience in the live broadcast room who witnessed the victory of the planning over the full-time anchor boiled over, and the original planning was so strong. The losing anchor also accepted the reality after being surprised, taking advantage of the increasing number of viewers to smoke a wave of League of Legends mobile game April Fool's Day skin to increase popularity.

What is the level of the League of Legends mobile game planning game? The opening showed weakness, and then won the anchor to win 3 consecutive wins

In this way, the League of Legends mobile game planning through the weakness of the early stage, AP consumption of the idea of continuous victory over 3 dan in the extraordinary master of the anchor. The funniest thing is that the final League of Legends mobile game planning has not forgotten the expression of "Versailles", although this is playing with the number of the emerald dan, but in fact, his highest rank is the grandmaster.

What is the level of the League of Legends mobile game planning game? The opening showed weakness, and then won the anchor to win 3 consecutive wins

I have to say that the planning of the League of Legends mobile game is still a bit of a thing, and this wave can also be regarded as breaking the inherent impression of players on the planning. According to the report of the planner brother, there are many planners in the team who are die-hard fans of this game, the game level is very good, and the whole activity should still be able to hit the player's heart. This time a fold of crocodile skin is also really very conscientious, do you players have any heart?

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