
Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruited an assistant and was scolded, with a salary of 2500 regardless of eating, saying that the monthly income was 5.1W net

author:Wushi Elf Pavilion

Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruitment assistant caused controversy: the consideration of salary and responsibility in the workplace

Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruited an assistant and was scolded, with a salary of 2500 regardless of eating, saying that the monthly income was 5.1W net

Recently, the Internet celebrity "Kotou Loli" has sparked extensive discussions among netizens because of the recruitment of assistants. The Internet celebrity, who became popular with his unique style, posted a recruitment information on social media, saying that he was recruiting an assistant with a monthly salary of 2,500 yuan and no catering subsidies. As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, with many netizens expressing puzzlement at such a low salary, and some even directly questioned its reasonableness.

Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruited an assistant and was scolded, with a salary of 2500 regardless of eating, saying that the monthly income was 5.1W net

In this recruitment turmoil, netizens mainly focused on two aspects: salary level and assistant responsibilities. Some people believe that as an influencer's assistant, although not directly involved in content creation, you also need to take on a lot of day-to-day management work, such as arranging trips and handling fan letters, which are crucial to the success of an influencer. Therefore, they felt that the monthly salary of 2,500 yuan and the treatment of no food were too low to show respect for the work of the assistants.

Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruited an assistant and was scolded, with a salary of 2500 regardless of eating, saying that the monthly income was 5.1W net

However, "Kotou Lori" gave her own explanation in her subsequent response. She said that although her monthly income is as high as 51,000, it contains a lot of costs and expenses, such as equipment purchase, venue rental, content creation, etc. After deducting these expenses, her net profit is actually not high. She admits that she offers this salary because she thinks the job of an assistant is not complicated and she cannot offer a higher salary. At the same time, she also said that the position of assistant is very important for her work, and she hopes to find a partner who is responsible and willing to grow together.

Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruited an assistant and was scolded, with a salary of 2500 regardless of eating, saying that the monthly income was 5.1W net

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the workplace logic behind this incident, we interviewed several workplace experts and practitioners in the influencer industry. In the workplace, they said, salary levels are often closely related to the responsibilities, workload and market value of the position. For the assistant position, there is a certain range of salary levels, but it is usually not too low. However, in the influencer industry, there may also be differences in salary levels due to the characteristics of the industry and the stage of development.

Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruited an assistant and was scolded, with a salary of 2500 regardless of eating, saying that the monthly income was 5.1W net

In a conversation with Kotou Lori, we learned about her expectations and requirements for an assistant position. She said that she hopes that her assistant can have certain communication skills and organizational coordination skills, and can assist her in handling some daily affairs and fan letters. At the same time, she also hopes that her assistant can have a certain learning ability and innovative spirit, and can grow and progress with her. She stressed that although the salary level is not high, she will try her best to provide a good working environment and development opportunities for her assistants.

Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruited an assistant and was scolded, with a salary of 2500 regardless of eating, saying that the monthly income was 5.1W net

However, netizens do not fully agree with the explanation of "Kotou Lori". They believe that as an influencer with a certain degree of popularity and influence, she should assume higher social responsibility and moral obligations. When recruiting assistants, she should take into account the labor value and living needs of the assistants, and give them a reasonable salary and welfare guarantee. At the same time, they also suggested that "Kotou Lori" should be more clear about the responsibilities and requirements of the position when recruiting, so as to find a more suitable partner.

Internet celebrity dog head Lori recruited an assistant and was scolded, with a salary of 2500 regardless of eating, saying that the monthly income was 5.1W net

In response to this incident, we also interviewed several workplace experts. In the workplace, they said, recruitment is a two-way process. Employers should develop a reasonable salary package and benefits guarantee based on the responsibilities and requirements of the position when recruiting to attract suitable candidates. At the same time, candidates should also choose the right position and salary level according to their abilities and interests when applying. In this process, both parties should maintain frankness and communication to reach consensus and cooperation.

In addition, the experts also suggested that the recruitment process should focus on the potential and value of the candidate, not just the salary level. They say that a good assistant can not only assist the influencer with day-to-day tasks and fan letters, but also provide valuable advice and support to the influencer to help him achieve greater success in his career. Therefore, when recruiting, we should pay attention to the comprehensive quality and development potential of candidates to build an efficient and harmonious team.

In short, this "Kotou Loli" recruitment assistant incident has aroused widespread attention and discussion. It made us think about the relationship between salary and responsibilities in the workplace, the particularity of the influencer industry and the importance of social responsibility. In the future workplace, we should pay more attention to rationality and fairness, and respect the fruits and value of everyone's labor. At the same time, we should also actively embrace change and innovation, and constantly improve our abilities and qualities to cope with the increasingly fierce competition in the workplace.

The material comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!

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