
When is the best deal to buy a phone? Remember these 4 points in time and don't spend a penny of wrong money!

As an electronic product, mobile phones will definitely face more or less price reduction problems after starting to start. But for knowledgeable people, they can always choose the lowest price point in a period of time, so that the mobile phone can maintain or even increase in value for a long time, and spend a lot less money. On the contrary, the new xiaobai machine was reduced the price the next day and became the wronged head.

When is the best deal to buy a phone? Remember these 4 points in time and don't spend a penny of wrong money!

Take myself as an example, the author bought the iPhone 13 128GB starlight color for 5229 yuan last December (blue was only 4999 at that time), and now 4 months later, the lowest price in the market is higher than when I bought it, and I not only did not spend money but even earned. Below, the author will take stock of the 4 most cost-effective time points to buy a mobile phone, to help everyone avoid the pit reasonably!

When is the best deal to buy a phone? Remember these 4 points in time and don't spend a penny of wrong money!

There is no doubt that the first time point is 618 and double 11, especially the price reduction during 618 is the largest. In fact, it is not just a simple price reduction, for mobile phone manufacturers, 618 and double 11 are excellent tools for clearing inventory, after all, after 618 will face a new wave of new machines in the second half of the year, manufacturers also need to use 618 to quickly clear back funds, this time is the best time for consumers to buy!

When is the best deal to buy a phone? Remember these 4 points in time and don't spend a penny of wrong money!

The second time point is September-October, when many new machines released in the first half of the year will often usher in a wave of large discounts. Because September-October is the beginning of the school season, the demand for student party purchases will break out at this time, and mobile phone manufacturers will inevitably carry out official price cuts in order to compete for sales, so if this opportunity can be seized, it can also save a lot of money.

When is the best deal to buy a phone? Remember these 4 points in time and don't spend a penny of wrong money!

The third point in time is the end of the life cycle of the flagship machine. Take the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra as an example, as a top image stacking demon, this phone has not been officially reduced since its listing, and the price fluctuations of third-party channels are also very limited. After 2022, due to the flagship machine collectively cut off to the telephoto, resulting in no flagship machine to take photos beyond the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra, the price has been very strong.

When is the best deal to buy a phone? Remember these 4 points in time and don't spend a penny of wrong money!

However, with the arrival of the Rice Noodle Festival, the xiaomi 11 ultra life cycle has also come to an end, so the official offer for this phone is 1500 yuan, and the hand is only 3999 yuan. Obviously, this is the most suitable price for Xiaomi 11 Ultra, 3999 yuan can buy the top photo flagship, and the texture, appearance, screen are top-notch, and so the party can start!

When is the best deal to buy a phone? Remember these 4 points in time and don't spend a penny of wrong money!

The fourth point in time that many people did not expect, that is, when the new machine was just launched. For many thousand yuan machines or extreme cost-effective mobile phones, the profit itself is very small and the price reduction is very limited, instead of waiting for half a year to save 200 yuan, it is better to buy early and enjoy early, do you agree?

The above is the experience I have summed up after so many years of engaging in machines, I hope to help you purchase a machine. Saving money is making money in disguise, I hope that everyone can get the most suitable price to start the mobile phone of their choice!

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