
What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

As we all know, the sun is a star, the earth is a star orbiting it, it is very important to life on earth, without the sun, life on earth would not be born. The temperature and climate on the earth that are so suitable for life are either too cold or too hot, or because the earth's orbit is kept at a relatively suitable distance from the sun.

What would happen to the Earth and humanity if the Sun suddenly disappeared?

The sun occupies 99% of the mass of the solar system, and it is precisely because the mass of the sun dominates that its gravitational pull is also extremely strong, and under the action of gravity, the earth and other planets will orbit it.

If the Sun suddenly disappears, these stars will scatter and fly in a nearly uniform linear motion due to inertia until they are captured by the gravitational pull of other massive objects, or collide with other objects and are destroyed.

What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

After the sun disappears, the temperature on the earth will drop rapidly until minus one or two hundred degrees Celsius (this can be seen from the temperature changes during the day and night), and soon the oceans that occupy 70% of the earth's surface will be frozen, and the rivers, lakes and seas on land will be frozen. In the process, 99% of life on Earth will disappear.

Clouds are Xiaoice crystals and small water droplets suspended in high altitudes by condensation of water vapor in the air, and its formation must meet three elements: water vapor, lower temperature and condensation nuclei. There are very few clouds in the polar regions, mainly because of the lower surface temperatures and the lower levels of water vapor in the air. Clouds in the sky fall to the ground in the form of snowfall, etc., and when there is no water vapor replenishment, the clouds will eventually disappear, and the entire earth will be covered with ice and snow, becoming a snowball earth.

What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

Without the sun, the environment on Earth would become extremely harsh and extremely cold, but this does not mean that life on Earth would disappear completely, because some life on Earth does not depend on sunlight or oxygen, and can survive in extreme environments. Without the sun, geothermal heat still exists deep underground, and the water there does not freeze, so even if the sun suddenly disappears, some microorganisms in the deep sea can survive.

What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

As for whether humans can preserve the fire of civilization in events of this level, it is really difficult to say, unless we can control the super energy "controlled nuclear fusion", after all, the level of energy utilization marks the level of development of a civilization.

What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

Nuclear fusion can be regarded as an infinite energy source for human beings, and with it, it means that we can build a "small sun" on the earth, which means that we have nearly unlimited productivity, even if there is no sun, we can survive. When we have the ability to travel interstellar and live in space for a long time, it already means that we can survive without the sun.

If the sun suddenly disappears, the Earth and humans will not react until 8 minutes later

It takes more than eight minutes for sunlight to reach the earth from the surface of the sun, and when the sun disappears, the sunlight will also disappear, but the light that was previously emitted continues to spread and shine on the earth, that is, humans on the earth will not know that the sun is gone until 8 minutes later.

What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

When the sun disappears, not only will the sunlight disappear, but the sun's gravity will also disappear.

In the 17th century, Newton discovered gravity and believed that the reason why the earth revolved around the sun was due to gravitational force, but he did not explain how gravity was transmitted between two objects, so that it was generally assumed that gravity was a long-distance action (non-local action), without a medium, it could ignore the distance, and it was instantaneous.

However, Einstein's general theory of relativity in the early 20th century gave a new view, he believed that the interaction of gravitational force relies on the mechanism of geometric curvature of space-time, and the transmission speed of gravitational action is the speed of light, and the concept of gravitational waves and gravitational radiation is generated.

What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

That is to say, when the sun disappears, the earth can react after 8 minutes to get rid of the shackles of the sun's gravity and become a wandering planet.

Is it possible for the sun to disappear?

The sudden disappearance of the sun is impossible from existing scientific theories, even if it is swallowed up by a black hole, its mass will not disappear, and the gravitational force is still there. Because of the conservation of mass and energy, matter cannot be produced out of thin air, nor can it disappear out of thin air.

Unless the sun passes through one space-time tunnel (such as a wormhole) and reaches another space-time, this can be regarded as a true disappearance, but this is science fiction.

What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

But the sun cannot exist forever, if not suddenly. The Sun is now about 4.6 billion years old, and according to the theory of stellar evolution proposed by scientists, the Sun has a lifespan of about 10 billion years, and in a few billion years, the Sun will evolve into a red giant star, and then end its life with a violent explosion, when the Earth will no longer exist. When the sun disappears, it will also leave a relic, a white dwarf, which, although it can still emit light and heat, is not a star, because the nuclear fusion inside has stopped. Then a long time later, the white dwarf will also become a black dwarf until the end of the universe.

What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly disappeared? It took 8 minutes for The Earth and humans to react

The prevailing view in science now is that the universe was born out of a big bang. In fact, everything has a beginning and an end, not only the sun will disappear, the universe may also disappear.

Okay, here we go, follow me, and we'll see you next time.

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