
Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter

For babies, play is a very important thing. Scientific research has found that babies learn and grow through play, and play is not only the baby's way of knowing and exploring the world, but also the most effective way to help babies develop interpersonal relationships.

From the birth of the baby, mom and dad can play with the baby. Parents are the baby's first playmate, playing with the baby not only helps to enhance the parent-child relationship, but also stimulates the baby's brain development and makes the baby smarter.


Touch the fun

A special way to gain a sense of security during your baby's infancy is to be in contact with your mother's skin. After the newborn is born, the baby will be the first time to have skin contact with the mother.

Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter

Parents can accompany the baby to play "touch music", give the baby a gentle massage of the whole body, can stimulate the baby's microcirculation, soothe the baby's nervous emotions, help the baby digest the bowel movements, and can increase the baby's tactile development and body perception ability. Of course, pay attention to the temperature in the room, when conditions permit, to avoid catching a cold.

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"Child Behavioral Psychology" believes that laughter helps promote the intellectual development of babies.

Mom and Dad can hold the baby gently and slowly swing back and forth, and when the baby smiles at you, respond positively and smile at the baby to let him know that you also enjoy playing like this.

Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter

Or gently scratch your baby's belly, or kiss your baby's body, causing your baby to wave and stomp, or even make a sound, or make a "giggling" laugh.

Pay attention to which action is most likely to cause the baby to laugh, and often intentionally repeat this action later. Studies have found that the more children laugh, the more fully developed their facial muscles and their language skills are.



Music has magical powers, it can infect emotions, transmit happiness, but also can train the auditory ability, enhance the sense of music and attention, and can cultivate the baby's temperament.

Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter

Turn on the music, the sound is not too big, parents hold the baby with the rhythm of movement, such as front stride, back step, left turn, right turn, back and forth, you can follow the melody of the music to do some expressions, while jumping while watching the baby's expression and reaction, and constantly changing the baby's posture in the mother's arms.

You can also change the type of music and dance to different melodies. Psychologists have found that listening to music can improve the brain's ability to respond to speech, which is crucial for later reading learning.


Bump heads

When the baby is full and sleepy and the emotional state is better, the mother sits on the bed with her legs slightly bent, holds the baby's armpits, puts the baby on the mother's knee, while looking at the baby, while chanting "pang-pang-pang", the last "pang" is pronounced a little higher, the head leans forward slightly, gently touches the baby's small forehead or small belly, and so on.

Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter

Such sound and rhythmic physical contact, the baby will love it very much. Let the baby enjoy the game, but also play while talking to the baby, this game can stimulate the baby's enthusiasm for socializing with the family.


Play with hands

When the baby is lying down, parents can touch the baby's small hands with different textures, let the baby practice grasping, and experience the different feelings of different materials. This game is very beneficial for stimulating your baby's tactile development.

Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter

When the baby touches it, be sure to give a positive reply with expressions and words to make the baby think that this is a very interesting interaction.


Lie down

This game is suitable for babies after the full moon, parents can let the baby lie on the bed to practice looking up, but be sure to control the time, to increase the time step by step.

Practicing lying down can not only allow the baby to look at the world from a different perspective, but also allow the baby to practice looking up, exercising the muscles of the neck and back, laying a good foundation for the back of the turning and sitting, and playing a role in exercise.

Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter

Mom and Dad can lie head-to-head with the baby, face and eyes at the same height, so that the baby can make eye contact with Mom and Dad, which is a good opportunity to strengthen parent-child communication.

You can call your baby by name and make him look up at you, or you can touch your baby's face with your hands or small hands to get his attention and make him look up. Whenever your baby looks up for a long time or feels tired, he will take the initiative to lie down, and you will let him rest.

The above games can often be played with the baby, it should be noted that we must choose the baby is not hungry, sleepy, and in a good mood. Don't play too long, the baby is easily tired, if you play too much, it will be difficult to sleep.


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Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter
Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter
Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter
Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter
Playing with 0-3 months old babies makes the brain smarter

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