
On the first day of the King's Shard Store update, no one wanted the video game kid, and the top of the list was redeemed in more than 6 digits

On the first day of the Shard Store update, the video game kid no one wanted, and the top of the list was redeemed for more than 6 digits.

On the first day of the King's Shard Store update, no one wanted the video game kid, and the top of the list was redeemed in more than 6 digits

We all know that the king glory of this game, is a big hit game, Tianmei will come out of some activities at any time, first of all, the fragment store, today is also updated, and after the update, Luban Seven's video game boy, directly online again, this skin quality is still OK, but this time on the line, but was met with the player's cold attitude, because Luban Seven just came out of the Tiger Year skin, this skin is more fragrant than the video game boy.

On the first day of the King's Shard Store update, no one wanted the video game kid, and the top of the list was redeemed in more than 6 digits
On the first day of the King's Shard Store update, no one wanted the video game kid, and the top of the list was redeemed in more than 6 digits

And Luban No. 7 has a lot of skin, so the player does not want to say 288 fragments to redeem, and the players who want to exchange have long been redeemed, and now no one cares, in addition, Sun Shangxiang's fruit sweetheart, on the contrary, is exchanged by many people, because the epic skin of the 88 fragments has been optimized before, so the overall quality is very good, and the special effects in the bureau play the effect of candy.

On the first day of the King's Shard Store update, no one wanted the video game kid, and the top of the list was redeemed in more than 6 digits

Now this skin appearance rate is very high, because Sun Shangxiang is very sweet and cute, and then the Goddess of the Nile, which is also more like to be exchanged, because recently in the professional arena, the appearance rate of Nuwa is relatively high, so the appearance rate of Nuwa is constantly rising, and 28 skin fragments can get a skin.

On the first day of the King's Shard Store update, no one wanted the video game kid, and the top of the list was redeemed in more than 6 digits
On the first day of the King's Shard Store update, no one wanted the video game kid, and the top of the list was redeemed in more than 6 digits

It is also a lot of players will choose, after all, the skin has attribute bonuses, and the heaviest, but also the most people to redeem, then is Zhao Yun's future era, this skin is about to be optimized to complete, the special effects must be very good, so some players, seize the opportunity, hurry to exchange, exchange more than 6 digits.

On the first day of the King's Shard Store update, no one wanted the video game kid, and the top of the list was redeemed in more than 6 digits


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