
iOS 15.4 measured, whether to charge electricity or not has an answer

Two weeks ago, Apple officially pushed iOS 15.4, and the biggest change in this version is the addition of mask facial recognition. However, only the iPhone 12 series and iPhone 13 series models are supported, and unexpectedly, shortly after the official release of iOS 15.4, some people reported that the version had abnormal power consumption, in other words, it was more expensive than the previous version.

iOS 15.4 measured, whether to charge electricity or not has an answer

So is this phenomenon of abnormal power consumption really exist? On March 31, the overseas technology channel "iAppleBytes" conducted a test of this phenomenon, and the models they tested were iPhone 13, iPhone 12, iPhone 11, iPhone XR, iPhone 6S, iPhone 8 and other models. The test method is also very simple to select two per model, one plus for the official version of iOS 15.4, one for the previous generation of iOS 15.3.1, in the same environment to test the battery life of these models.

iOS 15.4 measured, whether to charge electricity or not has an answer

The results show:

1. The battery life of iPhone 13 is 8 hours and 26 minutes, which is 8 minutes less than that of iOS 15.3.1 version, which is negligible;

2, iPhone 12 compared to the previous generation of system endurance time is 22 minutes less, the overall reach of 6 hours and 34 minutes, this should be able to detect;

3. The battery life of iPhone 11 is about the same as that of the previous generation system;

4, old users cheer it! After upgrading to iOS 15.4, the overall battery life of the old models such as iPhone 7, iPhone 8 and iPhone 6S increased by 20-30 minutes compared with the average battery life of iOS 15.3.1. This shows that Apple is really good for these old users!

iOS 15.4 measured, whether to charge electricity or not has an answer

After the official test, foreign media concluded that iOS 15.4 has abnormalities in battery life, which is a phenomenon that exists, but only exists in individual models, and the specific reason has not yet been found. In other words, most models do not exist in this phenomenon, which is also in line with the feedback of real users who use iOS 15.4 on the Internet.

The strange thing is that iOS 15.4 has been released for two weeks, and Apple has not pushed a new update to testers. What's the problem this time?

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