
Three Kingdoms Kill: A mathematician among martial generals, proficient in addition and subtraction within 100!

As a turn-based card game featuring strategy and martial arts skills, Three Kingdoms Kill does not involve a lot of calculations like some digital board games, but this does not mean that there is no mathematical calculation at all in Three Kingdoms Kill, after all, the battle cards in Three Kingdoms Kill are filled based on the number of color points of the playing cards. Although such calculations are not difficult, the calculation of some numbers inserted in normal battles also adds difficulty and fun to the game. In some warriors, the characteristics of numerical calculation are particularly obvious, and these warriors are also called "mathematicians" because of this trait.

Three Kingdoms Kill: A mathematician among martial generals, proficient in addition and subtraction within 100!

Since the number of points for cards is only 1-K, in the normal calculation of card points, it is only an addition and subtraction method of 13 or less. A typical example is our Chong Er, as the most typical blood seller, Cao Chong will open the four cards at the top of the card pile every time he receives damage, and get no more than 13 cards from it. Compared with the wisdom of the prodigy Cao Chong in historical records, such calculations are naturally nothing, but sometimes players have to make trade-offs according to the needs of the cards, such as the team has teammates with poor status, there is no peach in their hands, the four cards of the elephant do not have peaches, and if there is a large number of equipment cards, even if the cards are less, they must be preferred. And impeccable when posted has become a key card. When the player is injured and launches the weighing, do not be confused by the number of cards, and it is reasonable to give priority to finding useful cards. It is worth mentioning that the old version of the elephant can only take the cards with a maximum number of 12 points, and the cards with K points cannot be taken, and after the revision, it has been changed to a maximum of thirteen points, and Cao Chong only lived to the age of thirteen in the record and died prematurely.

Three Kingdoms Kill: A mathematician among martial generals, proficient in addition and subtraction within 100!

The same reason is also the "local tycoon" Mi Zhu, the reason why there is this nickname on the one hand because of Mi Zhu's line "money? How much and how much? On the other hand, because Mi Zhu can carry out "rende" that is limited by the number of points:


The card draw phase is limited to one time, and you can hand any hand with a sum of 13 points to another character, who then restores 1 stamina.

This skill is more restrictive in points than Cao Chong's scale, and it must be exactly thirteen points, otherwise it can't even be given out, but after it is given, it can also restore a little physical strength, which is still a decent auxiliary skill. Due to the point limit of the aid, Mi Zhu players need to always pay attention to the number of points of the cards in their hands, for example, when there are two flashes and one flash needs to be played, they must pay attention to which flash can be left and the other cards in their hands are exactly 13 points.

Three Kingdoms Kill: A mathematician among martial generals, proficient in addition and subtraction within 100!

Speaking of mathematicians, I believe that many Three Kingdoms Killers first thought of the above two, but Zhang Liang, the "General of Rengong" in the Yellow Turban Army. The original version of Zhang Liang's skills are very special, is to arbitrarily put the hand cards on the martial arts card, if the full thirty-six cards, Zhang Liang's camp directly won the victory, this effect seems to be against the sky, but the development time is too long, wait for Zhang Liang to gather thirty-six parties, the standard bell on the field will be the god Sima Wuqiu Jian has awakened eight hundred times, either died on the way to the collection, or did not wait for the collection to lose is the reality of the first version of Zhang Liang.

Three Kingdoms Kill: A mathematician among martial generals, proficient in addition and subtraction within 100!

Gathering Forces When you use a weapon card during the carding phase or do not assign the first target for the equipment card, you can determine if you are one of the targets of this card. When the decision card is moved to the fold pile, you can place the decision card on the martial arts card, called "Fang".

In the final stage, if there is a "party", you can discard a card and place any "square" into the discard pile. If the sum of the cards and all the "squares" you placed in the fold heap with this method is 36, you deal 3 lightning damage to one of the other characters.

After the revision, Zhang Liang's younger brother as the sect leader also mastered the ability to drive lightning and cessify electricity, although it still takes a period of development, but the artificial directional lightning can indeed make more contributions to the team than the old version, and the line "Thirty-six parties, will be the unification" is no longer ashamed.

Three Kingdoms Kill: A mathematician among martial generals, proficient in addition and subtraction within 100!

Well, this issue is like this, if you are interested, please like, close a note, Xiaobian is grateful.

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