
Three Kingdoms Kill: Several child illustrations in the game, do you think they are really all children?

In the game, skins are also one of the keys to making up this game. If it weren't for the martial arts designing more and more grounded mansions, maybe Xiao Zhi wouldn't have shifted his gaze to the illustrations. However, there is one thing to say, many illustration designs are really top, among which the details and Easter eggs in the illustrations of Liu Xie, Shen Sima Yi, Sun Ben, Cao Ang and other martial artists are first-class. And today we don't talk about sisters, don't talk about Hanzi, talk about children's illustrations (Shenzhou punishment, I look at the punishment, Zhang San is actually myself).

Cao Chong

Three Kingdoms Kill: Several child illustrations in the game, do you think they are really all children?

Give Chong Er a fierce knife! I believe that this sentence is known to friends, because Cao Chong's skill design can watch the top four cards of the card pile when receiving damage and choose the cards with no more than thirteen points. But there is a problem that no matter how much damage, you can only see it once, so the big bad guys who take away Chong Er with one knife abound.

Back to the point, all of Cao Chong's illustrations are children, which is designed against the benchmark history. Cao Chong was the son of Cao Cao and Lady Huan, and was quite popular with Cao Cao, and Cao Chong said that Xiang xiang also taught us a deep lesson in the language textbook, and Cao Chong died of illness when he was a minor, only thirteen years old, and was a veritable child.

Sun Liang

Three Kingdoms Kill: Several child illustrations in the game, do you think they are really all children?

This warrior is actually a small partner who has probably never seen the appearance, right? Because the skill design is really a bit crotch-pulling, so that it does not show off in any mode. So the little friend naturally sees it less, but in the illustration it really looks like a child.

However, Sun Liang is actually not a child, and according to the current adult standards, he just meets them. Sun Liang ascended the throne as emperor at the age of ten, was demoted to marquis, and died at the age of eighteen. But look at people, look at you and me in front of the screen, people are eighteen years old and have four wives, hey

Bell meeting

Three Kingdoms Kill: Several child illustrations in the game, do you think they are really all children?

Ah, the bell will be small cute ~, the bell will be practical in the standard stage of many people, now there is a boundary breakthrough, the price is even more expensive than my drama Zhicai life, it is really outrageous, the intensity of nature is not said.

However, although there are such cute illustrations, Zhong Hui, after destroying the Shu Han Gongcheng, developed a disobedient heart and colluded with the Shu general Jiang Wei in an attempt to rely on Shu to stand on his own and suppress the lieutenant Deng Ai. As a result, he was killed by the general Hu Lie and died in the rebel army at the age of forty. Don't think about it, it's an uncle.~

Dong Bai

Three Kingdoms Kill: Several child illustrations in the game, do you think they are really all children?

Dong Bai, a martial general, is also rare now, but in fact, Dong Bai still has some strength, and generally consider filling the opponent's heart and then touching a wave of explosions to take away the opponent, but now it is really not enough to see.

Dong Bai was also very pitiful, the granddaughter of Dong Zhuo of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was ordered to exterminate the three tribes after Wang Yun killed Dong Zhuo. Dong Bai died at this time, at the age of sixteen. She's still just a kid!


Three Kingdoms Kill: Several child illustrations in the game, do you think they are really all children?

May you tun mita, roselle a piece of black. Heaven is jealous of peaches, smelling books continuously. I am a little wise joke that I love life and love you even more! Do you know which warrior has a child illustration? Are they all really "young deaths"? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area! Let's discuss it

PS: Thanks for reading ~ ~ original is not easy, pure hand play (the end is to copy the previous oh), like to click on it ~

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