
Red net night reading 丨 Heart has spring, life lasts for a long time, maintain a beautiful life

Red net night reading 丨 Heart has spring, life lasts for a long time, maintain a beautiful life


Convey warmth with sound, welcome to listen to the red net night reading, I am Tian Meng, the field of the field, the bud of the bud. Today's sharing with you is the essay "The heart has spring, life lasts for a long time, maintain a beautiful life" brought by teacher Zimo

Time residence, has the appearance of spring, the depth of the season, slowly has the beauty of the scenery, gentle time vein, I use the feelings in my heart as pen and ink, lyrical life.

When the flowers bloom, with a touch of floral fragrance, with an attitude of appreciation, look down on the past, the depths of the clouds, a person calmly faces the ups and downs of life.

Looking out the window at the white clouds leisurely in the sky, the distant mountains hold up a blue sky, a few flowers, a few green leaves to hold up a spring.

Between the mountains and rivers, quietly feel the beauty of nature and the clarity and clarity of time, the mood, idyllic and soft; between the flowers and leaves, quietly taste the taste of life, keep an indifferent heart, and embrace the tranquil beauty of life, which will also make people elegant for a few points.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" said: "A person's life, whether it is everywhere to the sun or all the way to the mud, loneliness is the norm of life." A person's maturity is not how good at communicating with people, but good at living peacefully with loneliness. Loneliness is preceded by confusion, and loneliness is followed by growth. ”

After seeing the flowers blooming and the red flowers, when you have experienced some things, you will find that the most beautiful look in life is ordinary and ordinary, indifferent.

The best state of life is "life rises and falls, the years are not hurried, there are flowers to appreciate, there are clouds to see the clouds, there is rain to listen to the rain." ”

A good life has always been, not in a hurry, watching the flowers blossom and fall, looking at the clouds and clouds, half a volume of idle books, and two sleeves of fresh wind.

The pain of life, some people rely on the mood to heal, some people rely on the scenery to heal, and some people heal themselves because they love life and pursue the beauty of life.

All those who can heal themselves are planting goodwill in the soil of the spring wind, the wind to breed love, the rain to blossom flowers, the thickness and lightness are suitable, it is the poetry of life, the deep affection, is the moving chapter.

Born as a human being, it is normal to have a heart, a little sentimental, if you are not sad, not contained, is a good life. In this noisy world, may we all turn our lives into silent mode, so that the rest of our lives will be simplified, simple and happy.

Life is impermanent, some encounters, no one can predict, is the arrangement of heaven; some deep friendship, the most rare in life, is the belonging of the human heart!

In this life, all feelings are inseparable from fate; in this life, all happiness is inseparable from one's own mood.

I remember Zhu Ziqing wrote in his essay "Looking at Flowers": "He said that when He looked at flowers in Beiping, he had to rush to see them, and the spring light was too short. ”

Indeed, life is short, spring flowers, flowering period is also short, which requires looking at the flower people, have a good mood to balance themselves.

Accept the changes of nature, indifferently blossom and thank you, in the season of flowers and hopes, and cherish the people in front of you, live well in the present.

Even if life is short, there is also the comfort of the soul; even if the flowering period is short, the companionship of feelings is also warm.

When you are grateful, just by looking at it, you feel very warm; when you are lonely, listening to the sound of flowers is also nostalgia.

A spring greeting, a warm concern, only because of the understanding in that heart. Spring is a season of love, the heart has a sharp mind, not because of the barrier of space, a tacit understanding, guarding each other, into the heart of the beautiful.

There is a chance to meet spring, we meet each other is beautiful, no appointment, but also meet each other, every flower has a love, the flower is shy, even the wind is jealous.

Perhaps, there are confusions and bumps in the road of life; perhaps, in the scenery of life, there is wind and rain. If there is love in the heart, there is warmth in the heart, and everywhere is sunny!

The most precious thing in the world is not money, but life; the most beautiful thing is not the scenery, but the emotion. May we keep the good in our hearts.

Don't say time is too fast, don't regret knowing too late. Looking back on the past, there will be infinite sighs, people are alive, a blink of an eye, time will slip away, a turn, the past will turn over, unconsciously, the days will pass a year.

I remember someone saying something like this: "Young man with green onions, he doesn't know everything in the world." Stir up young people, do not know chai rice oil and salt. Calm and middle-aged, Fang knows the burden of life. When people reach old age, they must know that they are idle and have fun. ”

Life is really too short, a lifetime is only thirty thousand days, between trance, life has gone through most of the half, through the ups and downs, only to know peace is good, tasted sour and sweet, only to know plain is good.

After experiencing spring, summer, autumn and winter, after all the rise and fall, it is good to be content. After seeing the flowers blossom and fall, I thought hard to know that it was best to be indifferent. The best way to live in life is: to do and cherish, not to be sad or complain, to live in the moment, to cherish the side!

The road of life is always full of loneliness, because the wisdom of life comes from lonely thinking, profoundly, experiencing life, after an experience, we do not need to look back, because no one is the original self.

Yang Dai said: "The heavens will not let all happiness be concentrated on a certain person, getting love does not necessarily have money; having money does not necessarily get happiness; getting happiness does not necessarily have health; having health may not necessarily achieve everything as desired, the mentality of contentment and happiness is the best way to refine the mind and purify the mind, all happy enjoyment belongs to the spirit, this happiness turns tolerance into enjoyment, it is the victory of the spirit over the material, this is the philosophy of life." ”

Experiencing vicissitudes, one day, you will slow down in the light time, in the time when the flowers bloom, drink a cup of idle tea of the years, and when the grand flowers come, say thank you to the world, thank yourself, and thank the beautiful scenery along the way.

The world changes, the vicissitudes of the sea, everything will change, but what remains unchanged is our heart, may we not forget the love and beauty in our hearts, love life, and have the most beautiful spring color along the way.

In this world, the intoxicating is not only the fragrance of flowers and wine, sometimes, a warmth, a light, more lasting fragrance, a simple time, a simple life, more able to understand life, maintain a beautiful life.

Today's red net night reading is here, thanks for listening, goodbye. Submissions are welcome, email: [email protected]

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