
What about Apple? The iPhone SE3 spread two big bad news in a row

The most important product at Apple's spring 2022 conference was undoubtedly the iPhone SE3, when both industry analysts and data research institutions were very optimistic about the prospects of this model. After all, the average shipments of the previous two generations of iPhone SE exceeded 25 million units, but the reality is not so good.

What about Apple? The iPhone SE3 spread two big bad news in a row

On March 28, there were two big bad news about the iPhone SE3:

Bad news one: Apple broke the news that a brother Guo Mingxi said that the iPhone SE3 is expected to target 10 million units next week

According to previous news, Apple's shipment target for the iPhone SE3 is between 25 million and 30 million units, which has now been downgraded to between 15 million and 20 million units, shrinking by 10 million units in just a few days;

Bad news two: Apple will cut the iPhone SE3 capacity next month

Media reports have said that the global smartphone market has tightened due to uncertainties. Apple is ready to reduce the production capacity of the iPhone SE3, and the overall red is reduced by about 20%.

What about Apple? The iPhone SE3 spread two big bad news in a row

This phenomenon can only be said that the market is not friendly to the iPhone SE3, to put it bluntly, the iPhone SE3 is not very popular with the market, and the overall sales are not good. If the market reaction is hot, there will be no analysts lowering the expected shipment target for the iPhone SE3, and Apple is ready to cut the overall production capacity of the iPhone SE3 by 20%.

It can only be said that consumers are becoming more and more objective and rational, even if the brand influence is as strong as Apple. If the products it produces do not meet the expectations of consumers, they will still be eliminated by the market. Like models like the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 13min, two consecutive generations of poor sales forced Apple to cut the series.

What about Apple? The iPhone SE3 spread two big bad news in a row

The same is true for the iPhone SE3, which in 2022 has a non-full-screen mobile phone, a single-camera mobile phone, a mobile phone with such a small screen, Apple dared to sell 3499 yuan to start. And compared to the previous generation or the price increase, for normal consumers will definitely enter the 128G version, but the price of this version is close to 4,000 yuan. There are 4,000 yuan of the same level of Android phone is indeed more fragrant, not to mention 4,000 plus a little iPhone 12 can be obtained.

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