
What is the same as the "upper pregnancy" and "lower pregnancy" of pregnant mothers? The difference is really not small

The process of pregnancy is both arduous and happy, the happiness is that the family will add a new life, and the hardship is that as the baby continues to develop, the pregnant mother will produce various discomforts.

For inexperienced new mothers, everything will be careful, always worried about what is wrong and hurting the child.

Although Xiaoxiao is only 23 years old, she has been married for more than a year, and now the baby in her belly has been for many months.

Due to her inexperience in her first pregnancy, Xiaoxiao often consulted materials from the Internet to learn, and also dined with her sisters to learn from them.

What is the same as the "upper pregnancy" and "lower pregnancy" of pregnant mothers? The difference is really not small

Once Xiaoxiao suddenly found that her stomach was erect, much larger than rui rui's stomach, which was pregnant at about the same time. But Rui Rui's stomach was sagging and she was a little frequent, and she was worried about whether she had a problem.

Listening to her confusion, Sister Min, who gave birth to two babies, said that this is not a problem, no need to worry, it is nothing more than an upper pregnancy and a lower pregnancy. Although the two feel differently to the mother, they do not have an effect on the fetus.

What is upper and lower?

Upper and lower pregnancy refers to the position of the stomach, the upper pregnant mother's upper abdomen is more prominent, and the overall position of the stomach is up; the lower pregnancy is the opposite, and the bulging part of the stomach is lower.

What is the difference between "upper and lower"? Although there is only a one-word difference, the gap is not only reflected in the literal, the real difference is not small at all

First of all, it is reflected in the difference in the amount of food

Pregnant mothers who are "pregnant", because the bulge is on the top, as the stomach grows larger and larger, it may squeeze the stomach, resulting in a smaller stomach capacity, not much food, but it is quickly digested, so it usually eats several meals a day.

The belly of the pregnant mother who is "pregnant" will not squeeze the abdomen, so the amount of food is relatively large, but it is necessary to pay attention to controlling the diet, and eating less and eating more is the best way to eat.

In addition, the pregnant mother of the "lower pregnancy" may have constipation because the placenta is closer to the position of the lower abdomen, while the pregnant mother of the "upper pregnancy" may have indigestion because the stomach is closer to the stomach.

What is the same as the "upper pregnancy" and "lower pregnancy" of pregnant mothers? The difference is really not small

Secondly, it will affect the number of times you go to the toilet

Pregnant mothers who are "pregnant" because their stomachs are hanging upside down, and the center of gravity is easy to compress the bladder under the bottom, so they often have the feeling of wanting to go to the toilet, and even walking will squeeze the bladder to produce urine, and the night is also very frequent.

The pregnant mother of the "upper pregnancy" does not urinate as frequently as the lower pregnant mother because it does not compress the bladder, but when the baby enters the basin in the third trimester of pregnancy, there will also be a feeling of frequent urination.

What is the same as the "upper pregnancy" and "lower pregnancy" of pregnant mothers? The difference is really not small

Finally the belly size is different

The "upper pregnancy" pregnant mother's belly is a rounded shape, which is more pregnant, while the "lower pregnancy" placenta is low and the belly shape is pointed, so it does not look obvious.

However, due to the lower center of gravity, the pressure on the pelvis and waist is greater, which may cause damage to the waist during pregnancy.

What causes the ups and downs?

Some people feel unstable in the first trimester of pregnancy, mainly because the sperm and egg do not sit immediately after the combination of sperm and egg, and they have to find a comfortable position before they can grow.

Some cling to the upper position, and some land in the lower position, which creates the phenomenon of upper and lower arms.

In addition, if you stand for a long time during pregnancy, the possibility of getting pregnant is relatively large; and if you often sit and do not exercise, the probability of getting pregnant will increase.

What is the same as the "upper pregnancy" and "lower pregnancy" of pregnant mothers? The difference is really not small

Whether it is upper or lower, pregnancy is very hard, but the precautions are different. Pregnant mothers should focus on reducing the burden on the stomach and intestines, so the frequency of diet can be increased;

Those who are pregnant should eat more fruits and vegetables to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. Don't care too much about whether you are pregnant or down, as long as you follow the doctor's advice on time for obstetric examination and protect your body, you can promote the healthy growth of the fetus.

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