
A transcription of a mother of twin IVF! It has been an unimaginably difficult journey

I am a mother of twins who has her own angel baby through IVF.

I was six years married and decided to do IVF when I was 30 years old. When I was just married, I was not old enough to start working, so I negotiated with my husband to have a baby later, and I spent more than 2 years contraception.

At that time, other relatives who were married to us at the same time had children, and more people came to ask our husband and wife when they wanted to have children. Although we are not actively trying to conceive, we are starting to be out of contraception and want to have a baby as it should be. Fortunately, there are no drinkers and smokers at home, but they don't need to change anything.

For 2 years, I still haven't conceived a child. When we were married for 4 years, our jobs were basically stable and our family's savings increased, and we began to actively prepare for pregnancy. First went to the hospital to check the body and prescribed some folic acid, and then drank black soy milk, counting the ovulation period. But still failed to do as desired, the parents of the family began to worry, fortunately, my husband helped me to block back, saying that I did not want it.

At the beginning of 2017, I went to the hospital for hysteroscopy and found that my fallopian tubes had a sticky connection, one side was blocked, and it would be very difficult to get pregnant, so I could consider doing test tubes. I was still very sad to get the report, but my husband comforted me, saying that it was okay not to have children, and Dink's life was also very good.

I thought about it for a long time, I still want my own children, I want to experience being a mother, and I am very curious about what the crystallization of my husband and I will look like. At that time, our husband and wife were working in Guangzhou, and it just so happened that the IVF technology in Guangzhou was the leading in the country and could be tried.

A transcription of a mother of twin IVF! It has been an unimaginably difficult journey

A lot of raids were done online, and finally the inheritance and reproduction center was selected. The owner of the company where I work is very encouraging of production, and the company has subsidies in this regard. So it was more convenient for me to take time off at that time.

After almost 2 months, I was lucky enough to conceive twins. The test tube tour is, to be honest, still very tough. I was an ultra-long plan, and I had to get my own injections in my stomach for a month, which I couldn't imagine before. When it comes to egg induction, basically 1 or 2 days to go to the hospital to draw blood and test the follicles. At that time, there were too many hormones, and I became fat, drew more blood, and produced shadows, which led to a lot of fear of injections now.

Looking back now, I don't know how I persevered. I guess the patients who did the test tubes together at that time gave me courage. Some people have tried more than once, and some have seen it up to 6 times, but they are still holding on. Most of them are from out of town, and they have left their homes just to want an angel baby. Some women's friends said that the in-laws had issued a death order and would be divorced if they could not conceive. Compared to them, I am much luckier, with my husband's understanding and the support of my family.

I thought it was over when I got pregnant, but I was so naïve that the real ordeal began. During my pregnancy, morning sickness was very severe (electrolyte imbalance), so severe that I could not drink water, vomited to the point of injuring my esophagus, could not sleep, and seriously lost weight. I really wanted to faint at that time so that I wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

I have also seriously considered terminating the pregnancy, and it is better to live than to die. Fortunately, the babies are very tenacious, I can't eat anything, but they have grown up well, and I persevered (this kind of discomfort, I really don't want to have it in my life). In the hospital infusion, the hand is beaten, the arm is spanked, the discharge is discharged when there is no place to hang, and then it comes back in a few days later. At about 20 weeks or so, the situation improved slightly, and I could eat normally, but my appetite was particularly bad throughout my pregnancy, and I did not enjoy too many husband benefits at all.

A transcription of a mother of twin IVF! It has been an unimaginably difficult journey

As a high-risk mother, I have to go to the obstetric examination almost once a week, and the items of the examination are more cumbersome. Fortunately, the most comforting thing for me during the whole pregnancy is that the babies have been growing up very healthy, otherwise I would have spent my entire pregnancy in the midst of gain and loss.

By the third trimester, the stomach becomes so large that there is no way to sleep on the back, almost by leaning on. During this period, if I have a problem with my physical condition, I will be hospitalized and discharged repeatedly, and I will become a regular visitor to the hospital. In the last 36 weeks + 5 days, I finally waited for the birth day, had a caesarean section (the story of the post-caesarean section hemorrhage rescue I wrote in another article, friends who want to see me can pay attention to my personal page to see the self-statement of a high-risk pregnant woman), and welcomed my angel babies. When I learned that the babies were male, I was thankful that they at least didn't have to go through my condition.

From pregnancy preparation to, IVF, pregnancy, and childbirth, I have experienced hardships that I have never thought of in my life, and the reward is two lovely babies, and it is worth it to see their cute appearance.

All pregnant mothers are hard, only they have become a part of them. Of course some people will be a little better off, not like me in a whole disaster movie, but there will be more or less all kinds of situations. So husbands, please give more care and support to these wives who risked their lives to give birth to the crystallization of your love.

After giving birth to the baby, it is not the end, but also the real prologue begins. Raising children, educating children, and accompanying children all require learning. I still have a long way to go, and there will be all kinds of situations, but I will enjoy the process and go down with everyone.

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