
Red meat may increase the risk of bowel disease! There are 3 factors that lead to this phenomenon, so take a look

The intestine is a relatively important digestive organ in the human body, which can not only help digest some food, but also be able to process some food residues and form a stool to excrete the body, so as to help the body detoxify.

However, the intestine is prone to decline in function due to some bad eating habits, and the probability of a series of intestinal diseases will increase. In daily life, there are many people who think that if you especially love to eat red meat, you will increase the risk of intestinal problems, is this true?

Red meat may increase the risk of bowel disease! There are 3 factors that lead to this phenomenon, so take a look

It's true! There are 3 main factors contributing to this phenomenon, so take a look!

1. The digestion speed of red meat is slower

Red meat is very rich in myoglobin, which is a protein that can provide more nutritional support for the human body. Moreover, red meat also contains a lot of vitamin B12, riboflavin, zinc, phosphorus, iron and other components.

But at the same time, the saturated fatty acids contained in red meat are relatively rich, and the meat fiber is also relatively rough, and the digestion rate is very slow. Long-term excessive entry into the human body will not only increase the burden on the stomach, but also make the normal function of the intestine rapidly reduced.

Red meat may increase the risk of bowel disease! There are 3 factors that lead to this phenomenon, so take a look

2. Too many metabolites

Because red meat contains more saturated fatty acids, these components will produce more metabolites after entering the human body. Too many metabolites accumulate in the intestine, increasing the burden on the intestines.

Since the intestine cannot form feces and excrete these metabolites in time, it will be broken down and fermented by some bacteria in the intestine. The intestinal mucosa will therefore be stimulated accordingly, and over time, the intestinal mucosa will be stimulated by these harmful substances, and the probability of some inflammation and ulcers will increase relatively.

Red meat may increase the risk of bowel disease! There are 3 factors that lead to this phenomenon, so take a look

3. Red meat has high fat content

If the intake of fatty components in the diet exceeds 40%, the probability of large intestinal polyps will increase relatively.

Red meat, on the other hand, is a high-protein, high-fat, and low-fiber food. Once consumed in excess, these foods will lead to an increase in bile acid in the intestine, and adenomatous polyps will most likely occur when the bile acid interacts with the gut bacteria.

In addition, according to a medical study conducted by Harvard Medical School, eating about 85 grams of red meat per day increases the risk of early death by 13%, and the probability of developing bowel cancer will be relatively increased many times.

Red meat may increase the risk of bowel disease! There are 3 factors that lead to this phenomenon, so take a look

Which of the most common meats in life are red meats?

There are many types of red meat, such as the most commonly eaten pork, although the color will turn white when cooking, but it is actually red meat.

In addition to pork, beef, lamb, rabbit meat, venison and other mammalian meat contain a lot of myoglobin, so these meats are all red meat. The meat color of chicken, duck, goose, turkey and pigeon is also somewhat red after cutting, but these meats are not red meat.

Red meat may increase the risk of bowel disease! There are 3 factors that lead to this phenomenon, so take a look

All in all, for people who love to eat red meat, the risk of intestinal problems is indeed greater. Therefore, if you want to maintain intestinal health, these meats can be eaten in moderation, but do not exceed the standard.

And when eating these meats. Pay attention to cooking methods and accompany vegetables appropriately. Then these red meats can provide more nutrients for the body at the same time, but also will not harm the intestinal health.

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