
"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

Hello everyone, I'm Empty Valley Youlan, a mom of two kids!

After you get married and have a baby, do you become more and more beautiful, or have you become a yellow-faced woman in the eyes of others? There is a saying in our hometown: "Eighteen and one flowers for women, thirty tofu residue." "It is said that once a woman reaches the age of thirty, her appearance begins to decline.

"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

But there is also a saying: "The more mature a woman is, the more charming she is." "Some women live more and more beautiful lives after giving birth, why is this?" I think it is she who jumped out of these major mistakes of middle-aged people, so the more she lives, the more wonderful it is.

The 40-year-old state-owned enterprise management sister divorced her husband, and after seeing her, she understood why she was rejected by her husband

There is a 40-year-old sister in our community, who is a middle-level management cadre of a state-owned enterprise. Recently, Sister Chen's family is not very stable, it seems that her husband wants to divorce her, but this daughter is already 14 years old, not to say that she can leave, and the families of both sides have come to persuade her.

At first, Sister Chen thought that her husband had someone else outside and wanted to divorce herself. As a result, when everyone broke things apart, the husband said: "I want to divorce you, not because of anyone, but because of you as a person, you see what you have become now, it is simply a greasy woman, and it is disgusting to see it." ”

"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

Sister Chen was completely blinded, she herself felt that she was still very slim, and she often did maintenance, willing to spend money to dress up, how did she become a "greasy" middle-aged woman?

It turned out that since Sister Chen became the leader of her own department, her temper was rising day by day. Even at home, the child must listen to her, and the husband must obey her arrangement. As long as the two have a little opinion, Sister Chen is either a storm of criticism or a long speech on the program, and both father and daughter have words of suffering.

Sister Chen's temper is getting worse and worse, the husband can not go home without going home, the daughter said to her mother, please go to the hospital to check, is it already menopause, otherwise take some medicine, the result is a good meal by the mother scolded.

"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

Sister Chen's husband wants to get rid of this unpleasant family atmosphere, so he has the idea of wanting a divorce. Sister Chen is also very aggrieved, not because she is a leader, she looks down on her husband, and she often loses her temper with her daughter, but because she feels that she has a lot of pressure every day.

There are a lot of things in the company every day, and when she comes home, there are many chores waiting for her at home. My temper is because there are too many things, and if you don't seize the time and find ways to improve efficiency, there is no way to complete it.

Every day rushing, for the sake of making money, for the sake of the family, for the sake of the children, the result is to fall into a role that the family hates. This is also the situation of many ordinary women, they gradually bloated with the passing of youth, and then the temperament and temperament have also undergone great changes, and the temperament of the whole person is different.

"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

I believe that every woman is not willing to be a greasy middle-aged woman, so she must constantly strive to change herself in a good direction. A few signs of greasy middle-aged women, hopefully you can stay away a little.

"Middle-aged greasy woman" has these four characteristics, two of which are very normal, and don't blame people for abandoning them

I. Women don't like to learn, current affairs, science, common sense of life, do not understand anything.

After a woman gets married, especially after having a child, she will really become unlearned and circle around the child and the family all day long. Women who can't keep up with the times are not pregnant for three years, but gradually give up self-study in their busy lives and become greasy middle-aged women.

"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

II. Women don't like to dress up and become sloppy.

The older a woman is, of course, there will be changes in her image, wrinkles, figure, and gray hair, which are unavoidable. However, these are not the standards of greasy middle-aged women, and the real greasy middle-aged women have completely lost the idea of pleasing themselves, do not pay attention to their own image and temperament, and become indifferent to their appearance.

"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

III. Women have a bad temper and always like to shout.

Women are probably a gentle girl before they get married, but as they get older, their temper becomes worse and worse. What changed your mood? I think a lot of women become less gentle because of life chores. A woman who yells all day, whether it's a family member or an outsider, won't like it.

IV. Women become multi-tasking and always want to educate others.

Many women are the head of the family, educating children is a daily compulsory course, and adjusting husbands is also essential. So it becomes a lot of things, loves to be reasonable, loves to educate others. Thinking that they know too much, thinking that they can save everyone, women manage too much, is also one of the manifestations of greasiness.

The greasy of middle-aged women will indeed be disliked by others, so when people reach middle age and life pressure is very high, we should still maintain a young heart and make life better and better.

"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

To make ourselves not look greasy, we can do that.

First, exercise more, good health, younger.

Physical health is the foundation of a happy life, and more exercise makes the body symmetrical and looks more pleasing to the eye. Moreover, exercise is good for health, speeds up metabolism, and slows down the rate of aging in women.

Second, keep pace with the times and become a woman who loves to learn.

Learning makes our minds smarter and women more energetic in life and work. A woman who loves to learn, the mental state is always young, so women should never give up enriching their brains.

"Middle-aged greasy woman" four standards: each one is difficult for the husband to accept, and the recruited one should pay close attention to reform

Third, develop good living habits and be a self-disciplined person.

Diet is moderate, sleep should be sufficient, it is very important for people to be a self-disciplined person in middle age, eliminate all bad living habits, make life full and regular, and their living conditions will get better and better.

Women, must learn to love themselves, only love themselves, others will love you well.

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