
Two types of people will choose Apple's iPhone SE3, which is better than the Redmi K50

After the release of the Redmi K50Pro and K50, I found a rather interesting phenomenon: many people compared The Apple iPhone SE3 and the Redmi K50 series of new machines. Then, it was concluded that the iPhone SE3 was not worth getting started with, and that compared to the Redmi K50 series, it not only had no price advantage, but also did not have the K50 series in terms of performance configuration.

Two types of people will choose Apple's iPhone SE3, which is better than the Redmi K50

Objectively speaking, such a comparison is not without logic, but judging a smartphone should be evaluated in all directions. Take the Redmi K50 for example, this phone is equipped with the Tianji 8100 chip, which can be directly benchmarked with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888, and the performance strength is not as good as the Apple A15 bionic chip, but it cannot be underestimated.

Two types of people will choose Apple's iPhone SE3, which is better than the Redmi K50

Therefore, the Tianji 8100 chip can be said to be a magic weapon of the Redmi K50. In addition, this phone uses a 6.67-inch Samsung 2K screen, which is stronger than the iPhone SE3 in terms of quality. More importantly, the battery capacity of this phone is large, 5500mAh is really powerful in terms of endurance, Lu Weibing said it is stronger than the iPhone13Pro Max.

Two types of people will choose Apple's iPhone SE3, which is better than the Redmi K50

In terms of price, the starting price of The Redmi K50 is 2399 yuan. From this, it is not difficult to see: if you compare Apple's iPhone SE3 and Redmi K50, the former basically has no advantage at all. As some netizens said: SE3 in addition to Apple's A15 bionic chip, iOS system, is really nothing to praise.

Two types of people will choose Apple's iPhone SE3, which is better than the Redmi K50

Is this really the case? I think it's still debatable. Otherwise, where would such a perception put people who have already started with the iPhone SE3? To this end, I deliberately combed through the user groups that bought the iPhone SE3. According to my understanding, there are two main categories of people who choose iPhone SE3 at present.

The first category: originally Apple mobile phone users, and have used a small size iPhone for a long time, and now they will buy iPhone SE3

In the process of understanding, I found that some of the people who started the iPhone SE3 have a purchase basis. In other words, this part of the people used to be Apple mobile phone users, such as the previous iPhone6s, iPhone SE2.

Two types of people will choose Apple's iPhone SE3, which is better than the Redmi K50

Now, seeing that Apple released the iPhone SE3, I think the new machine is suitable for itself in terms of appearance and feel, and there is A15 bionic chip support, so it is directly taken down. In addition, this part of the people themselves like small size mobile phones, and the iPhone SE3's 4.7-inch screen is definitely able to meet their needs.

The second category: female users who have less high demand for mobile phone performance will also buy the iPhone SE3

According to my survey, the user group attributes of iPhoneSE3 are relatively unified. In addition to the people who just mentioned that like small-screen mobile phones, there is also a category of people who are more inclined to choose the iPhone SE3. That's right, it is a group of female users who have small hands but do not have a particularly strong demand for smartphone performance. They will buy the iPhone SE3 because of the iOS system.

Two types of people will choose Apple's iPhone SE3, which is better than the Redmi K50

Specifically, the iPhone SE3 has the size of their palms, the A15 chip that can perform well, and the iOS system that does not have to worry about. This point is incomparable to The Redmi K50, after all, MIUI is deeply customized based on the Android system, and the difference between the native Android system and the native Android system is not very large when used, and the characteristics of Android MIUI are almost all there.

Therefore, many people just see that the Redmi K50 is cheap and has strong performance, but they don't see the inherent advantages of the iPhone SE3. Of course, everyone also needs to understand a logic: people who can buy iPhone SE3, even if the Android phone is strong and cheap, they will not match; on the contrary, people who think that Android phones are easy to use will not look down on the iPhone.

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