
Fantasy Journey to the West: Five Open Players On Hot Search! After 77 rounds, Shenwei players challenge the champion of the suit battle

Fantasy Journey to the West was on the hot search because of a Shenzhen Wukai player! Unexpectedly, the player actually became the first god of the dream to go out of the circle of fire. This video has also become popular in the dream circle, and everyone knows that there is a five-open god in Shenzhen.

It is reported that the man had five dreams at home and has not been out of the house since January. The reason why I was found by the police is because the local epidemic situation requires nucleic acid monitoring. When the police came to the door, the player still muttered: I really don't have time, I play the key card, I rely on the game every day to earn living expenses. It was such a sentence that made this five-open player fire all over the network.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Five Open Players On Hot Search! After 77 rounds, Shenwei players challenge the champion of the suit battle

When the police entered the house, they were completely stunned, because there was only one man in the house, and there was garbage everywhere. Some players even joked that playing fantasy is the safest, there is no need to do nucleic acid at all, after all, there is no contact with the outside world. Many people commented that the man's addiction to the game was on the verge of extinction. In this regard, the grandmaster only wants to say that the man does not steal or rob, and the money earned entirely by his own efforts seems to be nothing except for the sloppy living environment, right? After all, there are not a few players who make a living from games in fantasy. In the current pandemic environment, everyone will find a way to adapt to their own survival. The Grandmaster just hoped that everyone would not look at this five-open god with colored glasses.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Five Open Players On Hot Search! After 77 rounds, Shenwei players challenge the champion of the suit battle

The player below should be a 109 mighty player from the outside. It is reported that he is challenging the mission of the Battle God Mountain Division, and what he wants to defeat is the spirit of the 188th Martial God Altar Champion Incarnation Temple. This task is relatively simple, after all, the challenge is not the ontology. However, the player's hardware is indeed a bit low, 77 rounds have not been successfully challenged, the fundamental reason is that no round can only cause more than 700 damage to the spirits, and the blood of the spirits is more than 800, if you do not change a powerful point of the summon beast, you can not fight at all. In addition, the rewards for this task are also very general, there is no need to waste point cards for this.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Five Open Players On Hot Search! After 77 rounds, Shenwei players challenge the champion of the suit battle

A player in Xiaomeisha identified a physics artifact with 4 blue characters. 160's unbranded simple object burst belt, attached nether ghost eye state. This belt is an artifact level for the physics department of 159, right? At least in the gang battles and competitions, it is considered to be the top. It's just that in the high-end PK, the belt part is necessary to be angry, so this piece of equipment may belong to the big guys can't look up to, and civilians can't afford to buy the series. I don't know if any big guy will give up the anger effect for the sake of critical hits?

Fantasy Journey to the West: Five Open Players On Hot Search! After 77 rounds, Shenwei players challenge the champion of the suit battle

Catching a ghost? As for such a good reward? The player below identified a level 80 Luohan Golden Bell shoe in the ghost hunting reward ring, which was properly worth tens of millions of silver. The Grandmaster had to sigh, is the ghost hunting ring suit secretly changed? How come every day players identify the best equipment? I remember another player who also identified an 80-year-old angry belt, right?

Fantasy Journey to the West: Five Open Players On Hot Search! After 77 rounds, Shenwei players challenge the champion of the suit battle

Sincerely thank you to everyone for their likes, attention, and collections! Your love is what motivates me to keep creating! Please love me a little more! Follow the collection likes and fire at me violently! For more fantasy new things, please pay attention to the game Grandmaster!

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