
Huawei's vacated high-end market was all given to Apple! Who can pick up the beams of Android manufacturers?

On March 23, Counterpoint reported that in the domestic high-end mobile phone market with a unit price of more than 600 US dollars (about 3800 yuan), Apple's share increased from 55.40% in 2020 to 53.50%, and the Android flagship share decreased from 44.60% to 36.50%.

Huawei's vacated high-end market was all given to Apple! Who can pick up the beams of Android manufacturers?

Discussing this change, it has to be said that the most important event in the mobile phone industry in the past two years, Huawei mobile phones have been sanctioned, the frequency of releasing mobile phones is getting less and less, and most of the models released only support 4G. Prior to this, Huawei has long been the leading big brother of domestic mobile phone companies, and the flagship machine is thriving in the domestic Android market and is Apple's biggest rival.

The problem now is that Huawei's flagship is no longer powerful, but other Android phones are difficult to pick up. At present, there are five major mobile phone manufacturers in the world, namely Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, Android manufacturers account for four, domestic manufacturers account for three. Samsung's performance in the high-end field is also average, and there is no sales in China. So Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, and the glory that is rising, who can carry the beam of the domestic flagship?

Huawei's vacated high-end market was all given to Apple! Who can pick up the beams of Android manufacturers?

First of all, Xiaomi, has been known for its "cost performance", flagship sales are the first domestic Android manufacturers, but the financial report released a few days ago shows that the sales of models of 3,000 yuan or more than 300 euros in 2021 are only 24 million units, and the total sales of Xiaomi mobile phones are 190 million units.

This is the hardware of Xiaomi's flagship is very strong, but the high-end image has never stood up. In fact, not only millet, OPPO, vivo also have the same problem, whether it is the main cost performance, consumers have not recognized their high-end status.

As for Glory, its relationship with Huawei is well known, and it is precisely because of this layer of feelings that Glory recovered after a period of silence, and immediately received the support of many domestic consumers, and several models sold well. However, Honor is not Huawei after all, and it is difficult to carry the beam of the domestic flagship.

Huawei's vacated high-end market was all given to Apple! Who can pick up the beams of Android manufacturers?

If you want to really go to the high-end, the most important thing is definitely self-research, Apple has an A-series bionic processor, Huawei has a Kirin, and Samsung also has Exynos. The road of self-development is not easy, and the Kirin chip from E3V2 to 9000 has taken many years to be recognized by consumers. At present, Xiaomi, OPPO, and vivo all start from the image aspect and apply self-developed chips to new machines, and it seems that they are not willing to give up the high-end market to Apple.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Upgrade Point of Android Flagship has become less and less in recent years, but I am afraid that before the road of self-development is passed, the flagship machine market share will be lower and lower.

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