
New beauty education | every child is a shining star

New beauty education | every child is a shining star

Teaching Notes ——

Every child is a shining star

○ Hanzhong City Xixiang County Gaochuan Town Center School Zhang Xiuping

Entering the classroom, the eyes are locked on a bumpproof soft sticker on the wall behind the doorknob, not because the color is bright, but because of the small owner of the soft sticker - Xiaotian.

That day, for some reason, the children in the classroom either stared wide-eyed and waited for the answer, or looked out the window to empty themselves, and the classroom became a lounge and a sitting place. I walked into the classroom, watched this scene, couldn't help but burn with anger, endured the nearly collapsed heart to guide, click, and finally survived to the end of the class, in order to calm the anger, I rushed out of the classroom, threw the door away. But suddenly remembered the freshly painted wall at the back of the classroom, worried that the doorknob would hit the wall paint, I quietly stepped back and glanced at it, no obstacles, and then left with confidence.

The next morning, as I stepped into the classroom, I suddenly noticed that blue soft stickers appeared on the wall—Xiaotian told me with a hippie smile that it was his masterpiece, and said that I wouldn't have to worry about hitting the wall. What an understanding and caring child! At that moment, deep inside me, an inexplicable warm current surged forward.

I began to re-examine the little sky in my eyes. The boy who has nothing to do all day and is distracted by class has so many advantages that I usually don't pay attention to: optimism about not knowing what to worry about, dashing on the sports field, and talent for imitating shows... In short, in addition to the learning tasks such as writing a few words in my eyes, memorizing a few texts, and studying a few codes of words, he was not competent, xiaotian also had so many star-studded places.

Putting aside the "anger in the classroom", I re-examined the children in this class: Xiaohong's well-behaved, Xiaowen's honesty, Xiaoyuan's intelligence, Ah Gui's kindness... They are all shining stars! I ignored their cuteness and their infinite possibilities for the future. I sat at my desk and quietly rethinked my work. I thought of the overall development of children in the context of "double reduction", I thought of the five routines, to reduce the burden and increase efficiency of students, I thought of whether my teaching understands students, whether I am teaching according to the talents of development, I think of the reality of the need for both white-collar workers and blue-collar workers in the front line of struggle in society... And simply evaluating students by learning will invisibly kill how many talents and break the wings of angels, I am annoyed.

Every child, to make them a shining star, needs to be watered with love and cared for with heart. After this baptism of the soul, I changed myself: starting from a young day, praising his optimism, affirming his athletic talent, and pointing out his shortcomings. I found that he has changed, his strengths have become better, his weaknesses have changed, he has taken the initiative in learning, he has been active in endorsement, and his writing is also trying to become better. I tasted the sweetness of education, actively interacted with children, used positive energy to evaluate, to praise, encourage, guide, communicate, occasionally under the "little red flowers, small snacks" rain, do not forget to smile and pat the shoulders of progressive children between classes, and praise the children's immature expressions without stinginess in class... Finally, the children on the "resting place" were ignited and woken up. I was pleasantly surprised to see the smiling faces and efforts of the children, and tasted the sweetness brought by the renewal of educational concepts.

In the future, on the road of volunteer teaching, I will continue to grasp the original intention of "nurturing talents for the mountains" and follow the stars of the children. Use your own temptation, patience and care to light up the hearts of the babies, and strive to become a "long light" on their growth path, helping them become the brightest star in their own starry sky!

Zhang Xiuping: The first famous teacher in Xixiang County and the leader of the first language discipline. He started his career in July 1992 and is currently working at Jinniu Primary School in Xixiang County, Hanzhong District, and in September 2021, he responded to the government's call to teach in the "three districts" to teach at Gaochuan Town Center Primary School.

New beauty education | every child is a shining star

Underwater Composition ——

"Fighting Method"

○ Hanzhong City Chenggu County Jiling Primary School Shao Yun

Due to the pandemic, we recently took online classes at home. I often hear adults chatting that this is "Sun Wukong guarding the peach orchard". Whenever I hear this, I can't help but snicker, in order to satisfy me and my sister who is in high school, two people at home to smoothly take online classes, usually "iron rooster" general mother bought me a mobile phone for the first time, and went to the business hall to handle the network speedup, excited "Sun Dasheng" I flipped several heels in bed.

ay! Today is Saturday, the "Tang Monk" mother and the "Bao Tang Faction" father do not go to work, they are at home for me to "take care of" the "peach orchard" that originally belonged to me.

In the morning, after the online class, my mother took back the mobile phone and kept it. I was idle and wandering around the house, and when my mother saw it, she ordered me to continue to study. As I read it, I had a plan: I just finished learning "Chinese characters are really interesting", haven't I accumulated so many riddles? Right! Test them and win back the opportunity to take care of the "Peach Orchard"! The thought of this brilliant idea made me laugh. Dad shouted, "Let you read, what are you laughing at?" I rushed out the door and said triumphantly, "I'm going to 'fight' with you." If I win, let me play with my phone for 1 hour today. Mom immediately refused: "No! The father of the "Baotang Sect" also echoed: "From Monday to Friday, we are not at home at work, you play with your mobile phone all day, and today you rest." Seeing that the plan was about to fail, I was just about to turn around, only to hear my mother say to my father: "Don't play with your phone, go, wash your clothes." "Don't, don't! I finished this round, I will make sure to wash the clothes, rest assured, wife! After saying that, Dad looked down and played "Fighting Landlord" again. Mom listened, stared straight at Dad, but Dad looked down and didn't know, seeing that there was going to be a war, I immediately ran to Mom's side, smiled and said: "Mom, I have a plan, I can let Dad put down the mobile phone." ”

Mom narrowed her eyes and asked, "What's the plan?" ”

"Let's play the riddle, if Dad loses, today's housework will be covered by him." If I win, let me play with my phone. What do you think? ”

"What if you lose?" Dad hurriedly interjected.

"If you lose, I'll listen to you, write your homework and read books!" I answered emphatically.

In order not to affect my sister's study, we transferred the "battlefield" to Mom and Dad's bedroom, closed the door, and began the first round of "fighting". I scrambled to come up with the question "Supreme (typing a Chinese character)". "It's so simple, the mystery is 'one.'" Dad snapped up the answer. No, I came up with a difficult point: "One person has to be rehabilitated (playing a Chinese character)." After listening to the riddle, Mom and Dad both thought about it, I looked at it, proud, just ready to announce the answer, My mother looked up and said: "I know, the mystery is 'gold'." "Hey! Clever Mom!

In the second round, the question is answered by the mother, and this time the father also has to answer the question. The first riddle, "Calm Wind and Waves (Hit a City)", I pondered for a long time in the accumulated "question bank", finished, beyond the scope of my accumulation, I had to concede defeat. But Dad triumphantly said the mystery "Ningbo". Then, my mother asked another question, and neither my father nor I answered it. "Question Three, Weightlifting Competition (Playing an Idiom)." It was such a coincidence that the teacher had just talked about this when we were in class, and I jumped up and said, "This I will, the mystery is 'pounding on the matter'." After answering the three questions, my father and I were defeated, and the winning mother looked like a queen, pointing at me and my father and saying, "You two defeated generals, go, what should you do!" ”

Eventually, I obediently read a book in the house for 2 hours while Dad washed his clothes, mopped the floor, and then pulled me to make dinner. At dinner, my father complained to me directly: "Next time, don't come up with such a bad idea, your mother is Zhuge Liang's reincarnation, we can't fight her." "I don't believe it!" Looking at the seductive "peach orchard", another plan came to mind, "Teacher said, tomorrow let me have an ancient poetry conference with you." You wouldn't disagree, would you? When she heard that it was the learning task assigned by the teacher, my mother didn't even think about it, and promised: "Okay, no problem!" ”

"Fish" is hooked again, see how my "Sun Dasheng" will win back my "Peach Orchard" tomorrow...

New beauty education | every child is a shining star

Hometown has changed dramatically

○ Baoji City Qishan County Cai Jia Po Town Five Star Primary School Sixth Grade Li Xinyan

My family lives in Jipo Village, near the mountains in the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains. The scenery there is beautiful, but because of the inconvenience of transportation, the family life is not rich. In the past, many families in our village lived in adobe houses, and for many years there was no money to repair, and there was no money to build new houses, and slowly became dangerous houses. That's what my family is. The town's poverty alleviation cadres reflected the situation of my family to the town, and with the help of the government, we moved to the Caijiapo resettlement site, and my family lived in a high-rise building that I never dared to think of in my life. Every day when I came home from school, I sat on the elevator with my school bag on my back, and when I gently pressed the floor number, my heart was sweet, and I had a feeling of dreaming for a long time. The family lives in the elevator room, not to mention how happy, Grandpa is even more excited to sleep, every day chanting: "One step to the sky, one step to the sky." ”

"In the past, transportation was very inconvenient." As Grandpa spoke, he told the old story. When he was young, his grandfather worked in tibet as a member of the People's Liberation Army, and the family was very proud. Considering that the family is poor, Grandpa will save money and send home the saved things, or find someone to carry home. Once, when Grandpa heard that his comrades-in-arms in Xi'an wanted to go home to visit their relatives, he immediately ran to ask his comrades-in-arms to carry a package, and Grandpa's comrades-in-arms happily agreed. When I arrived at the Cai Jiapo Railway Station, my comrades-in-arms immediately called my grandfather, and it took a lot of effort to get through the phone of the brigade headquarters, and the people of the brigade brought the news back and passed it on to the grandfather in the village. After the phone rang, My Grandfather's comrades-in-arms patiently waited for my grandfather. In the waiting, time slowly passed, from the rising sun to the red sun, from the bright sun to the west, until the sun was tilted to the west, only to wait until the grandfather who was full of dirt, the grandfather kept saying words of thanks, and apologized vigorously: "Let you wait for a long time, there is really no way, there is no shuttle, just rained, the road is too slippery, and fell a few times, stumbling all the way over." Grandpa's comrade-in-arms said politely, "It's okay, it's okay." ”

Now the road is flat and wide, and the asphalt road is built directly into the village. Now go to our Jipo village, the village shuttle bus directly to my doorstep, several families in the village also bought cars, motorcycles, my grandfather is now shotgun for cannon, no longer riding his old bicycle that rings everywhere, riding his "electric donkey" every day, starting from his new home, roaring Qin Lu back to the field to do kiwifruit.

With Grandpa's hard work, my family's kiwifruit is more and more knotted, Grandpa smiles every day, and his eyes are more squinted and bent. He often said: "Grandpa Mao's words of 'upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones' have finally been realized in my generation, and I am content and content." "In the future, he still wants to insert wings and fly freely." Last fall, Grandpa sold kiwifruit, earned money, and traveled by plane. Every day, Grandpa opened a weChat video and chatted with his comrades-in-arms about the changes in his hometown. He said to his old comrades-in-arms in Xi'an: "Xi'an is too hot in summer, come to my place for a tourist holiday!" I promise to give you green food every day. In his spare time, Grandpa began to use his mobile phone to photograph the new scenery of Qishan: roads, bridges, high-rise buildings, Three Kingdoms Town, Guanzhong Tianxia, high-speed rail, highway, Weihe Park, Caijiapo School City, and the changes in his hometown every day were recorded in his mobile phone.

Hometown is beautiful and has changed a lot. The hometown is changing with each passing day, creating one miracle after another. I want to study hard, grow up to be the builder of the motherland, and make the dream of "the world's Singapore, China's Cai Jiapo" that my grandfather often said come true!

Teacher's comments: The small author of this article reflects the great changes in his hometown from housing, transportation, communications, and all aspects of life through the perspective of his grandfather, and expresses his grandfather's feelings of loving his hometown and the great changes in his hometown. The article is fresh, the context is clear, the sentences are fluent, and the feelings of praising the hometown and praising the motherland jump on the paper. (Instructor: Xu Gui)

New beauty education | every child is a shining star

My plant friend

○ Class 3 (4) of the Affiliated Elementary School of Northwestern Polytechnical University

Today, my mother brought me a plant friend, which is a pot of blooming phalaenopsis orchids. From a distance, its flowers resemble butterflies that spread their wings, hence the name Phalaenopsis orchid. Its leaves set off the flowers, the flowers are pink, white and yellowish, the flower color is bright and dazzling, so it has the reputation of "Queen of Orchids".

The leaves of phalaenopsis orchids are green and shiny, and they are vaguely set with a small circle of black edges, like a small circle of black-edged emeralds. The green leaves are huddled together in a oblong oval shape, and although they are smooth to the touch, they are not very soft. The leaves are large, like cow's tongue. Each leaf is different in size and posture: some are full and round, stretching outwards in a half-reclining position; some are small and cling to the leaves next to them; and some are rolled inside and huddled together for warmth.

Phalaenopsis orchid is a large family of tropical orchids, and the reason why it has the reputation of "queen of orchids" is because it has a group of flowers with beautiful flowers and gorgeous colors. Its flowers come in three forms: bone-bearing, semi-blooming, and full-blooming. When the bones of the flower are in full bloom, the petals tightly wrap around the flower bud and shrink into a small ball; the half-blooming petals slowly unfold, revealing the lilac flower buds; when all bloom, it is as if a flock of butterflies in a line is gently flying, which is intoxicating. When you smell it, there is a floral fragrance; when you touch it, it feels very soft, as thin and slippery as silk. The flower buds resemble Ultraman's big eyes, and the purple "skin" is wrapped in white "gems".

If I were a Phalaenopsis orchid, I would wear a yellow trench coat with a purple jacket and a white shirt underneath. When a breeze blew, I danced, and the yellow trench coat swayed with the wind. My friends also performed dances with me. The wind stopped, our performance was over, and I stood there quietly again, looking forward to dancing with my friends again. A bee flew over and flew to my petals to collect nectar, and when it was finished, it smiled and said to me, "Thank you, I will definitely brew sweet honey for people!" I said happily, "You're welcome, I wish you success." After saying that, it flew away happily.

Since Phalaenopsis orchids have joined our home, it has added a lot of life to our lives. Every time I come home, I can smell a fresh fragrance. It not only brings a beautiful fragrance to our home, but its vitality is still very tenacious, and it is a rare flower. I love this beautiful pot of Phalaenopsis orchids. (Instructor: Liu Jun)

"The Story of the Goat and the Watermelon" after reading

○ Baoji City Qishan Middle School Senior Two (18) Class Zhang Jiayi

Recently, I read the selection of Xu Yue's works recommended by the Chinese teacher, and when I saw the author's profile, I couldn't help but think: What kind of book is this? But a "Tale of Goats and Watermelons" surprised me as a young reader.

The story of the goat and the watermelon tells the story of three innocent and kind children, Huai'er, Mai Xia and Cat Qinwa, who diligently herd sheep in exchange for watermelons to send warmth to oil workers. At the end of the story, the oil workers laughed, the three children laughed, Grandma MaiXia laughed, and I laughed along with them. Teacher Xu Yue's books make people have a sense of happiness when they read, with the child's initial flexible childishness and the pure beauty of human nature. Coupled with plain and vivid language, the picture of the story will jump to the reader's eyes. I think the most interested is the Shaanxi readers, the text is appropriate shaanxi dialect, such as: "hook slippery, pull belt." "It always makes people laugh and then marvel at it!" While lamenting the charm of regional language, the pride of being a Shaanxi person is spontaneous.

As I got older, I was constantly looking for books that were harsh and difficult to understand in order to improve the depth of my thinking. Now he is lost in contemplation in a seemingly popular story. Admittedly, this is an era that has become obsolete before it has expired, and it is imperative to improve yourself. Realistic propositions such as "touching porcelain" and "not supporting" pull the moral bottom line of human beings again and again, and the good people have nowhere to escape. But this story once again awakens people's insensitive hearts: those who ask for the people's lives, those who sacrifice their lives and forget their deaths are still countless. Don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent. Most importantly, we must first be kind. I think that after helping others, the sense of accomplishment that is needed by others is an indispensable motivation for each of us, so that we always want to do something to defend the light of justice in our hearts.

Summer is here, watermelons are ripe, and a group of children who have been raised by AIDS are working day and night, eager to contribute a lot of fruit in the autumn. (Instructor: Hou Ling)

Image source: Zhang Xiuping

This article is selected from the A05 edition of Culture and Art Newspaper on March 23, 2022

Responsible for the | Liu Zhilin

Review | Wu Hanxing

New beauty education | every child is a shining star

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