
Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know

Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know

When people desperately need to accomplish their goals or use shortcuts to gain fame and success, anyone can manipulate others. Usually narcissists can easily get what they want with their keen skills and pretend to be selfless.

Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know

Which zodiac sign is most likely to manipulate others? Which zodiac signs are the most convincing or controlling? Which zodiac signs are the most liaring and deceptive? Which constellations are the most dangerous? If you're wondering which zodiac signs have narcissistic tendencies, here are a list of the 5 most manipulative signs based on the abilities they need to get the smartest way:

Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know

1. Scorpio: The most dangerous sign when angry

Scorpio is a master manipulator. It is impossible to beat them in a mysterious and unpredictable game, which makes them difficult for people to fall in love with. Scorpios have dark personality traits that are released when they need to win the support of their loved ones. They also have good observation skills and are very clever at exploiting other people's weaknesses to play to their strengths. When Acorpus is injured or angry, they can become dangerous. They will do everything in their power to avenge the injustices they have suffered. They are so sharp that it is difficult to understand what they are thinking. This makes Scorpio quite dangerous.

Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know

2. Libra: The most cunning sign

Both men and women born in Libra are creative and articulate. They are born to speak the Word, so they use their linguistic talents to change the meaning they want to express. Moreover, both Libra men and women are very observant. They watch people closely, and if the other person changes in something or in some expression, they may change color immediately like a chameleon. Libra craves the balance of life. Sometimes, when this quest for balance reaches its extreme, they do something sneaky. Libra people are also quite difficult to get along with because they are indecisive and therefore difficult to rely on. It's hard to tell what they're going to do next. Libras are very controlling, and they like everyone to be friendly to them. For the sake of peace and harmony, Libra can manipulate others to gain favor.

Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know

3. Cancer: Due to their ability to manipulate, they are the most difficult sign to deal with

Cancer people are very unpredictable because their emotions always seem to fluctuate. They are emotional, they use sweet words to distort reality. Cancer men and women know how to get what they want. They have many strategies to achieve their goals. Usually, Cancers lie because they don't want to intentionally hurt someone. So, for the benefit of the people they love the most, they don't mind cheating in clever ways. It's hard to spot a Cancer man or woman lying because they'll make you think it's your fault or you're guilty. While the typical Cancerian may seem naïve on the surface, they have a vast secret inside. Cancer's instincts are good, and they can easily come up with plans to destroy their enemies.

Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know

4. Aquarius: The most controlling sign

Aquarius has grand plans and ambitions. This makes them very good at using others for personal gain. With excellent communication skills, people of this zodiac sign can distort reality. While they may not lie directly, they will certainly play mental games to get what they want. Aquarius people are also picky and like to control others. While they subtly insult or bully others, they also project their own intellectual superiority onto others. Aquarius can remain distant and indifferent to people, which allows them to use a variety of tricks to reap some benefits without being affected. They are alienated from crowds and plotted in the most eccentric ways, which may also make them more extreme people.

Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know

5. Gemini: The zodiac sign that loves to lie the most

Gemini people are witty, sociable, and use their communication skills to get what they want. They are restless and indecisive, which makes them difficult to get along with. Gemini people have a very good ability to lie, and it is difficult to be caught on the spot. They can change what they say or what they mean at any time. Gemini can deceive and gain profit by imitating others. They know the art of language so well that they can explain everything that happens. Cunning and sarcastic traits make Gemini people very controlling. They can make people feel good or bad just by the power of words. This is one of the darkest sides of Gemini. In addition, Gemini people can also clearly indicate who they are, or whether they need to take advantage of others.

Which sign likes to manipulate, which sign loves to lie, which sign is cunning and dangerous, you know


These are the 5 most manipulative constellations, see if there are you? If you have any views on this, you can leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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