
Is it really useful to do counseling?

# Have a heart to find lemon psychology #

Is it really useful to do counseling?

Lemon Psychology 丨 Author

Lemon Psychology &QQ Music 丨 Audio

Pexels, Pixabay, Network 丨 Image Source

Is it really useful to do counseling?

Many people know my profession:

Some will behave very curiously, they think that psychology is very mysterious, and even think that every psychological counselor can read minds;

Others will show contempt, they feel that psychological counseling is to scare people, it is useless, it is equivalent to pit abduction.

I think you may have this question about psychological counseling:

Is psychological counseling useful?

This question, rather than my answer, is better to look at the answers of other visitors.

Next, I will show you a self-statement of the visitor (the consent of the visitor has been obtained for the disclosure of the following):

Is it really useful to do counseling?

At that time, not long after I graduated, when I first entered the workplace, I was pua by the leader, no matter what achievements I made, he always said that I could not do it, and scolded me with very ugly words.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I quit my job, but his influence on me did not disappear, I did not dare to look for a job again, under his influence I also thought that I would not do anything, and I was very afraid of everything around me.

My girlfriend of four years couldn't stand this state of mine, thought I wasn't aggressive and left me. My family also thought I was too fragile to take responsibility...

I felt very painful, so I often locked myself in my room and played games day and night, for me at that time, only the fight in the game could make me temporarily forget the reality.

But reality is still reality, and I feel like my emotions are like a tight string, and I can't stand any unexpected changes. Even a small thing like chopsticks that I accidentally dropped on the ground during a meal can make me overturn the entire table. Later I realized that I could not go on like this, I wanted to save myself!

I kept looking up and reading about psychology on the Internet, but it could only help me transfer the emotional pressure of the moment, and I still couldn't find the crux of the problem, let alone how to cure and repair this broken self.

So, I sought more professional psychological help and started a weekly psychological counseling.

Is it really useful to do counseling?

When I first walked into the counseling room, I was so nervous that I didn't know how to talk to a stranger about my problem.

My counselor saw my embarrassment and began to guide me slowly, he communicated with me like an old friend, and it didn't take long for me to relax.

I began to communicate my dilemmas and my thoughts to the counselor in detail, and he listened carefully to my narrative and responded to me from time to time.

With him I got an unprecedented sense of acceptance and I could talk to him about everything without any burden:

For my more extreme ideas, he will not be conclusive and completely negative.

And when I mistakenly confuse feelings with thoughts and bother me, he will carefully tell me the difference between the two, and then take me with me to interpret my feelings.

Is it really useful to do counseling?

Under his guidance, many things that I couldn't figure out gradually had answers, which made my dark and chaotic inner world gradually clear.

As the counseling progressed, my counselors began to take me to explore my heart and help me understand myself.

In psychology books I've seen before, I've often seen the phrase "know yourself":

At that time, I thought that understanding myself was probably to write down what kind of person I was and what my personality was...

But the counselor told me that I wasn't calling myself an understanding, but labeling myself.

Is it really useful to do counseling?

Knowing myself should be to feel myself, to understand myself, to accept myself, and he asked me to experience all the thoughts in my heart, and to accept the good, bad, bright, and dark thoughts in my heart, so that I could be "more complete."

Of course, this process did not happen overnight, and now I am still working hard to reconstruct my cognition and change the way I see things.

Fortunately, now that I have rarely had irrational thoughts, my emotions are more stable, my thinking is no longer as chaotic as before, and I can feel that I am getting better and better.

I hope that everyone who has psychological troubles like me can find a cure for themselves.

Is it really useful to do counseling?

After listening to the visitor's self-statement, I think everyone should be able to understand:

Psychological counseling is not as magical as we think, but it is not a deception.

Although it cannot solve the annoying real problems, it can help us correct our misconceptions, find the root cause of the problem, dissolve negative emotions, and achieve the purpose of healing ourselves.

If you have a wound inside you that can't heal, you can try to get professional help.

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