
Buying a low-end car is just like this

The type of style bought by our company has recently been brought back, and as soon as this car arrives, the company's small partners take turns to test drive, and the popularity is quite high. And our colleagues themselves have booked this manual type, but still waiting, have you booked the same friend? Did you pick up the car?

Buying a low-end car is just like this

Speaking of type, especially buying this manual version, it will not be a little adjusted and lost, right? Especially after we picked up the car, many friends have been on various platforms @ me, asking what modification plans are available. That being the case, I would like to share with you a few of my personal insights that you are welcome to discuss.

Buying a low-end car is just like this

Because the type and many of the Civic modifications on the market can be shared, after all, it is a brother model, so its modification scheme has a lot of gameplay. And I will give three plans according to different budgets, hoping to inspire you.

Buying a low-end car is just like this

And the appearance kit part, this is really a matter of opinion, the aesthetic is different, so I will not recommend. But for this car, I also have a small suggestion, that is, its gear lever head, really need to be changed, whether it is aesthetic or feel, I feel quite lacking.

Buying a low-end car is just like this
Buying a low-end car is just like this

Next, we will start to build this model, interested friends remember to continue to pay attention to us.

Old friends, if you think it's good, remember to like and share!

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