
(Inventory) How greasy can a twelve-sign man bear to be a lover?

(Inventory) How greasy can a twelve-sign man bear to be a lover?

Twelfth place: Aquarius

Aquarius man is typical only allowed to state officials set fire to the people to light the lamp, Aquarius man's social circle is relatively wide, like to make friends, there are many friends of the opposite sex, but the water bottle man has more requirements for the girlfriend's emotional life, especially after living with the water bottle man, your opposite sex friends will be reduced a lot to be satisfied. However, in life, the private life of the Aquarius man is very mindful of the lover to ask, if the lover looks at the Aquarius man too tightly, then your feelings will have a lot of problems! Aquarius men need to have their own independent space in their relationship and do not want their lovers to disturb them. However, the Aquarius man will grasp his own scale, so that the feelings of the two people are relatively balanced, and there will be no major problems.

Eleventh place: Sagittarius

Sagittarius man is a little naughty in love, and will not go home step by step or accompany the lover, and for the re-election of the spoiled and entangled, he is even more disliked, if you want to keep the heart of the sagittarius man, cultivating a common hobby with him is not better? Why go through this method of bondage! Maybe you really care about sagittarius men, but you always want to know what Sagittarius men are doing, but it will make Sagittarius men think that you are spying on him, Sagittarius people are more open in sexuality, but lovers over-require Sagittarius to be dedicated to be conservative, but it will make Sagittarius have excessive thoughts, and your feelings will deteriorate! I have to say that Sagittarius people are very emotionally independent!

Tenth place: Gemini

Gemini men do not like the feeling of being glued together by lovers, he always has time to do his own things, from this point of view, Gemini men are very mindful of lovers sticking together. Not only that Gemini men need lovers to give enough face outside, whether in front of friends or in front of friends of the opposite sex, Gemini men hope that lovers can give support and like attitudes. Gemini man is a more open personality, like to socialize, need friends, bars and nightclubs are also frequented, and these are the need for the consent of lovers to be able to, if you are a conservative woman, leave gemini men as soon as possible! He's not your best bet, but if you can play crazy with gemini men, that's a different story!

Ninth place: Capricorn

Capricorn man is not very romantic in love, he will be busy with his own work when he has time, naturally he will not understand the woman's careful thinking, if the lover has a conflict with you in the time companionship of the Capricorn man, or let him do his own thing! I believe that the Capricorn man will be very grateful to you, can give him freedom or give him enough time and energy, in the Capricorn man's career is at a low point, you have a little more companionship, will certainly enhance your feelings, Capricorn man is a pure man, he wants is a power struggle or career success, which is also doomed capricorn man to give you not a lot of time. Most Capricorn men will not steal love behind their girlfriends' backs, and this Capricorn he does give lovers peace of mind!

Eighth place: Libra

Libra man is very concerned about the views of friends, if the lover wants him to accompany him every day, he will be angry, but the Libra man will try to meet the needs of the lover in love, and the Libra man will try to do it when he can accompany him, but when the lover's requirements are excessive, the Libra man cannot accept it. Libra men will be a little shaken emotionally, after all, the opposite sex is good, Libra men will also like other women, but he can also grasp the scale, but lovers are too concerned about the opposite sex and other friend relationships around Libra men, it will give him a bad impression. Libra man does not mind being glued together by his lover, but Libra man is very concerned about some things that involve his lover in his social life, especially in front of friends and friends of the opposite sex.

Seventh place: Leo

Leo man has a strong sense of enterprise, coupled with many friends, the socializing and meals around him are also quite a lot, so his time is spent on these more, encountering a girlfriend who is too clingy, Leo man will naturally feel that it is a waste of time and energy, he always has to do the most important thing for himself, in addition to the girlfriend sticky people are nothing. As a man, the Lion Man will also feel satisfied with the woman he loves, and it is indeed a very face-saving thing! It's just that the girlfriend of the lion man does not want too many unreasonable requirements, for the macho lion man, too many unreasonable requirements for women are childish performances, and what he really wants is a mature and sensible woman! Secondly, the lion man always wants to protect his beloved woman emotionally, and you must obediently listen to him!

Sixth place: Taurus

Taurus man does not like to be around his girlfriend when and where, after all, his career is relatively strong, like to do his own things, but Taurus man also likes to pamper his clingy girlfriend! The Taurus man may not give much time to his girlfriend, but he will try his best to satisfy the woman's liking with substances. Taurus man is a little stiff in life, not very understanding of the mood and romance, but her kindness to lovers is from the heart, and his love for his girlfriend is basically reflected in the economic aspect. However, the Taurus man does not like the girls who lose gold! Spending money on really useful aspects will also make Taurus men love you more! As for him doing things that are important to him, I advise you not to bother!

Fifth place: Scorpio

Scorpio men in love possessive is very strong, but Scorpio men are absolute love and hate is not black and white, if the beloved woman does something wrong hope to solve it through the way of coddling, in Scorpio man here I am afraid it is not so easy to work! The Scorpio man is indeed a calf protector, but this is in front of outsiders, if it is the two of you, the Scorpio man still prefers that you can be honest. Scorpio man very much hope that the lover will always report his whereabouts, which will make him add a lot of points to you, although the Scorpio man is cold and mysterious, but he desperately needs to control the lover and make this relationship long,The best way is naturally to be a little bit obedient, sticky, and the heart of the Scorpio man will slowly melt. Scorpio men are actually easily moved!

Fourth place: Virgo

Virgo men are quite unconfident in love, not very like to take the initiative, not because they don't care about their girlfriends, but because they are too active to make the Virgo man feel that this relationship is difficult to continue, so Virgo men need women's initiative to strengthen their ideas emotionally. The virgin man very much hopes that the girlfriend is an understanding and cute guy, and the virgin man is very hungry for the girlfriend to spoil this set! There will inevitably be a small friction between two people, but the girlfriend is spoiled, the virgin man is absolutely obedient, although the virgin man has many standards and principles for himself, but in the face of the petite little woman in love, his ideas basically will not stick to it. If you are a cute little girl, no matter what you look like or how you look, let the virgin man cherish you even more!

Third place: Aries

Aries men are macho on the outside, but when they are around women, Aries men prefer to play the role of a small man, hoping that women are a spoiled and naughty little woman, which will make Aries men like it more. Aries men are somewhat stubborn in their feelings, and their desire to control and protect women is very strong, but this feeling can only be reflected in the words of women's clinging. If the woman is lukewarm to the Aries man, perhaps at the beginning of the relationship he is still very willing to take the initiative, but with the deepening of time and relationship, the Aries man does not care so much about this relationship, Aries girlfriends should also pay attention to clingy people to have a certain limit, but do not deteriorate your relationship Oh! Handling it just right is the right way.

Second place: Pisces

Pisces men have some sensibility in love, so if the lover is more active, it will make the Pisces man feel that this relationship is very sweet, he will also take the initiative to spoil the lover, but the Pisces man's pampering is mostly achieved by creating romance, after all, the Pisces man will also want to face dignity, in front of the lover he still has to cover up, with machismo to cover up the Pisces man actually needs the woman's heart. And the lover is originally a sticky elf, the Pisces man must not be able to help but want to like it! But Pisces men prefer to protect women, in addition to spoiling and selling cuteness, as a woman around pisces men, you still have to have a little more feminine and sad feelings, so that Pisces men will be pampered to you!

1st place: Cancer

Cancer man, as the constellation dominated by the moon, may not like lovers to stick to his side! Instead, he can stick to the people he likes, and Cancer men like to be clingy! Not only that, there are many plans for the lover's food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, such as how the weather conditions are, where they are, Cancer men will take the initiative to report to their lovers, Cancer men are pampered to lovers, but they are also sticky, Cancer men are difficult to control their own affection in front of lovers, he hopes from the heart that lovers are a well-behaved and sensible, but can be used as their own spiritual pillar of women, Cancer men need women, and need to dominate and possess women to get dependence and security from life, He even has the feeling of dependence on men that only women have!

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