
Do you know how harmful respiratory infections are to children?

Do you know how harmful respiratory infections are to children?

Upper respiratory tract infections in children are a particularly common respiratory disease, and upper respiratory tract infections include inflammation of the tonsils, mumps, laryngitis, and the common cold.

Recurrent respiratory infections in children are harmful to children in many ways. To a certain extent, respiratory tract infections themselves are not particularly serious diseases, but if they are repeated frequently, they will affect other adjacent organ tissues, including the eyes, nose, and even the brain and heart.

Do you know how harmful respiratory infections are to children?

In addition, recurrent respiratory infections may also affect your child's immune function. In severe cases, it may even induce the occurrence of immune diseases.

How to prevent it? Here are a few tips I hope will help you:

One. Baby respiratory infections are generally mainly viral infections, drink more water during the onset of the disease, and parents should pay attention to the child's reasonable diet.

Two. It is necessary to pay attention to the reasonable ventilation in the house to ensure that the child can breathe fresh air, ensure the cleanliness of the house, and create a comfortable living environment for the child.

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