
You have sleep disorders, experts teach you to sleep well this way

Today (21st) is the 22nd "World Sleep Day", and the theme of this year's World Sleep Day is: Quality Sleep, Happy Puzzle. According to research by the Chinese Sleep Research Association and other institutions, more than 300 million people on the mainland currently have sleep disorders. How can I get a good night's sleep? Come and hear from experts.

Sleep problems are related to the increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension, and more and more scientific research proves that long-term lack of sleep can easily lead to low immunity, induce other diseases, and affect health.

You have sleep disorders, experts teach you to sleep well this way

Xiao Yi, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital: Sleep is divided into two sleep stages - RAPID EYE MOVEMENT sleep and non-REM sleep, which plays an important role in the recovery of human body functions and the elimination of fatigue, including the enhancement of immune function. If the time is long, this sleep is not good, which will inevitably lead to impaired immune function in people.

You have sleep disorders, experts teach you to sleep well this way

According to the survey, the average daily sleep time of mainland residents is 7.06 hours, which is nearly 1.5 hours shorter than 10 years ago, and only 35% of people sleep enough for 8 hours.

You have sleep disorders, experts teach you to sleep well this way

How can I sleep well? Experts suggest that a relatively fixed bedtime and wake-up time should be established, preferably from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., to go to bed early and get up early, and to reduce staying up late. Adhere to appropriate exercise, moderate exercise during the day is a major motivation to improve nighttime sleep, and excessive exercise after 8 pm should be avoided. Dinner should not be too full, create a suitable sleeping atmosphere, and do not think about work and use electronic products for an hour before falling asleep.

Experts: Using drugs to improve sleep can only be short-term behaviors

Insomnia has caused many people to suffer. There are many factors that cause insomnia, such as pain, emotional anxiety, unhealthy living habits, and so on. Many people use drugs to help sleep, and experts remind that improving sleep with drugs can only be short-term behaviors, and long-term damage to the body.

Xiao Yi, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital: Many people hope to solve problems such as sleep, especially insomnia, through melatonin and sedatives. But in fact, long-term use of melatonin, there are certain side effects, in other countries strictly control the use of melatonin as a sedative.

You have sleep disorders, experts teach you to sleep well this way

It is widely believed that snoring is not a condition, but is related to factors such as sleeping posture, body obesity, overwork, and alcoholism. However, modern medicine believes that snoring is a potential risk factor, especially continuous snoring, which often causes sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a common and complex condition that occurs during sleep. Experts recommend that timely detection be carried out for treatment.

You have sleep disorders, experts teach you to sleep well this way

Xiao Yi, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital: How to find out that one of the situations is that he has other comorbid diseases, such as he has high blood pressure, and after treatment, the hypertension does not ease, or the family will find that he has obvious snoring, has breathing stop at night, and has obvious breath holding at night. If he found this situation, he was advised to come to the hospital and monitor his sleep at night to detect the disease.

Sichuan Observation (Source: CCTV News)

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