
The Moon Button Skin debuted in advance, the Fragment Shop locked the Doom Mech, and the white new skin reached two models

Some time ago, the official launched four honor collection key skins in the game, I don't know if the player remembers, anyway, according to the current experience suit content, players should see the glory collection of button skins online again after a long time.

The Moon Button Skin debuted in advance, the Fragment Shop locked the Doom Mech, and the white new skin reached two models

In addition, it is the epic skin that the Fragment Store will first hit the shelves this year, which can be basically determined at present, and the hero of Bai Qi has recently been revealed about the new skin. So, let's take a brief look at it.

The skin of the Mi Yue button is exposed in advance

In fact, if you calculate it, in the current formal clothes, above the key skin of the Glory Collection, only the collections of Lu Ban No. 7, Cheng Yaojin, Mi Yue and Zhuge Liang have no button skin. Among them, the key skin of Zhuge Liang's Star Domain Divine Revelation has already appeared in the experience suit. This also indicates that before long, some players who own this skin will spend 150 coupons on it.

The Moon Button Skin debuted in advance, the Fragment Shop locked the Doom Mech, and the white new skin reached two models

Even, according to the revelations in other places, it can be concluded that the key skin of empress Dowager Mi Yue's collection of keys should not be long before the player can also see it in the official service. Because this collection of key skins, it is currently suspected that it has been exposed in advance, and the exposed button skins are really good in all aspects.

The Moon Button Skin debuted in advance, the Fragment Shop locked the Doom Mech, and the white new skin reached two models

And because two of the remaining four collection skins have button skins related to the appearance, this also indicates that the key skins of Cheng Biting Jin and Lu Ban No. 7 Glory Collection should also be about to see, and maybe the official will also be like some time ago, and then the four will be launched in one brain.

88 Shards to doom mechs

The Shard Shop will have a new Epic Skin every year, and I believe that most players are aware of this, because the reason why many players expect the Shard Shop update every time is related to this aspect. However, considering that every year the new official is only carried out at the end of the year, so it is not necessary to expect players in this regard at this stage.

The Moon Button Skin debuted in advance, the Fragment Shop locked the Doom Mech, and the white new skin reached two models

However, according to the current skin-related can be concluded, the skin that will be listed on the shelf for the first time this year into the fragment can be basically determined at this stage, and the skin should be the Lü Bu "Doom Mech" that is about to be redone. The reason doom mechs have been added to the Shard Shop is simple, that is, the epic quality skins that have been overworked are basically entered the Shard Shop.

The Moon Button Skin debuted in advance, the Fragment Shop locked the Doom Mech, and the white new skin reached two models

There is also the fact that the skin of the Doom Mech really meets the requirements of the Shelf Fragment Shop. Because the Shard Shop will pick the skins that are online in the old version of the epic skin, and Lü Bu's Doom Mech is exactly what it is. If you have a player, this year you should really be able to redeem 88 shards for this skin.

Two new skins from White are not online

In fact, when Yang Jian's dimension was proud to first reveal the news, it was also revealed that bai qi this hero had a new skin of "Midnight Paradise". Although this skin has not been online so far, because Yang Jian's dimensional pride is determined and online, this midnight paradise that is white is really a matter of time before it is launched.

The Moon Button Skin debuted in advance, the Fragment Shop locked the Doom Mech, and the white new skin reached two models

Then according to the latest rest of the revelations, it is obvious that players who like to be white, in addition to seeing this midnight paradise skin later, are also expected to see another new skin appear. Because this time it is clearly revealed that there is another new skin that has not been launched in addition to Midnight Paradise. Players who like to be white, the back should be double happiness at the door.


Mi Yue and the remaining heroes who have not yet launched the collection of button skins, anyway, on the key skins, can really wait, but whether they will be the same as the previous period of time several at the same time, it is not accurate at present. The fact that Lü Bu's Doom Mech is listed in the Shard Shop is highly likely to be seen by players this year. These two new skins that are white, players can look forward to it, anyway, no matter how bad it is, they can expect to be a real hammer midnight paradise.

Well, that's all for this time. Have you ever started with a button skin so far? Welcome to leave a comment.

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