
Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

As the old saying goes, 3 years old looks big.

3 years old is a watershed in the baby's growth, at the age of three, the baby has undergone tremendous changes in all aspects, such as being able to go to kindergarten, beginning to produce role cognition, and the way of thinking has improved by leaps and bounds...

Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

Moreover, the way babies behave at the age of 3 also indicates the general direction of what will happen in the future. It's just that the child's development is not achieved overnight, and if you want to transform at the age of 3, the previous guidance is also indispensable.

Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

From 3 months onwards, your baby explores the world with his mouth

At the time of the baby's 3 months, it is the oral period, that is, the mouth needs to get more stimulation, which induces the brain to develop rapidly and understand the world.

At this stage of the baby, no matter what you see and want to take to your mouth to taste, some mothers will also dislike the baby's saliva flying, but this is the performance of smart babies!

Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

Because the baby's brain begins to develop, they want to understand the strange world outside, but with the accumulation of experience in their brains, they cannot meet their own requirements, and naturally they need to keep trying.

And why do you use your mouth to understand the world, because the 3-month-old baby's small limb movements are not perfect, the ability to coordinate hands and eyes is almost non-existent, and only his tongue is the most flexible!

At the time of the baby's 6 months, there is a sign of recognition

From the time the baby is born to the time before 6 months, the baby's way of thinking has changed from having milk to being a mother, to being able to find the mother by taste, and they slowly know that the mother's body temperature and taste, and even the timbre, are different from others. Only the mother's arms are the most comfortable and secure.

Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

When it is about 6 months old, the experience accumulated by the baby will suddenly burst out, and when they need a mother but can't find a mother, they will cry. That is, the manifestation of recognition.

At this stage, in addition to being able to recognize his mother, he can also roughly distinguish himself and others. They no longer scratch and bite their hands and feet hard, because they know that this is their own body, and it will hurt to bite.

Around the age of 1, he actively develops hand-eye coordination skills

When the baby is one year old, he begins to learn to speak and walk, and the development of these abilities is caused by imitation, imitating what the mother says, the mother's walking posture, and even the "sabotage behavior" that the mother occasionally does.

Just like when a mother tears a tissue in front of her baby, the baby will imitate and tear it, and once they have experienced it, they will immediately fall in love with this behavior. Not just because of the pleasure, but the hand-eye coordination tendency they constantly repeat and stimulate themselves.

Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

And mothers should not underestimate this simple paper tearing behavior, for 1-year-old babies, the difficulty is not small. To successfully tear the paper in half, the eye needs to determine the position, and the fingers give strength and control the direction.

Parents can use the action of tearing paper to test how the baby's hand-eye coordination ability is developing. If you are more than 1 and a half years old and do not have the corresponding ability, your mother can guide you.

At the age of 2, attention can be concentrated

When the baby is 2 years old, attention development begins, and when they play, they tend to like repetitive games, just like the game of hide-and-seek, and the mother will hide in a place every time to make the baby more interested.

Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

At this time, the mother will feel that the child is not in some problem with intellectual development, can't they remember the last time they were in the same position? How else would you be so happy?

In fact, the more the baby likes to repeat, the more it shows that the baby's attention is developing rapidly, they do not think of the game as a game, but a way of learning, they see finding parents as a solution to the problem, help their brains accumulate experience.

In addition, the mother can guide the baby to play sticker painting, the longer the baby quietly play sticker painting, indicating that the baby's intellectual development is better, the mother as long as he is accompanied by the side, do not distract his attention.

Smart babies under 3 years old usually have 4 manifestations, from checking your baby

Alpaca mom has something to say:

All the features mentioned above are just macro phenomena shown by big data, not any brick answers. If some babies do not have relevant characteristics at an age, it does not prove that the baby's intelligence is low.

After all, each baby's development rate is different, and it is normal for short delays to occur, and parents need to observe closely and not worry too much.

Today's Topic:

How is your child's intelligence developing? Do you have any special tricks to promote their development? Welcome to share your thoughts with us!

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