
Sleeping like this makes you fat and old in your sleep...

Some people say that sleeping is an art, sleeping badly is wasted, and sleeping well may even dream of the periodic table. What does it take to sleep well? Of course, this has a lot to do with some sleeping habits

When it comes to sleeping habits, a thousand people have a thousand different sleeping habits, some people may like to turn on the lights to sleep, some people like to sleep on pillows, some people like to sleep on their sides, and some may like to sleep with their mouths open.

Like this

Sleeping like this makes you fat and old in your sleep...

Although it is a small habit of casualness, it can change your appearance, quietly make you ugly and fat, what bedtime habits will make you slowly ugly today?

As early as 2019, the Research Group at the American Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEH) did such a study, which analyzed and recorded the sleep habits of 43,722 healthy women aged 35 to 74, including whether there was artificial light in the environment.

Sleeping like this makes you fat and old in your sleep...

After several trials, researchers believe that melatonin in the human body has an important effect on sleep cycles.

When sleeping in the presence of light, light will interfere with the secretion of "melatonin" in the human body, reducing melatonin secretion.

Strong light will affect the sleep cycle and sleep quality, and regularly turning on the lights to sleep will make most people sleep later and sleep worse.

If the quality of sleep is not good, the "leptin" in the body will be reduced, and the feeling of weakness caused by poor sleep quality will make people feel hungry, resulting in greater desire for high-calorie foods.

In the long run, the body's ecosystem is unbalanced, and the continuous intake of high calories and the body's inability to break down the cycle smoothly will naturally increase the risk of obesity.

So people who lose weight are better off not turning on the lights to sleep!!

In fact, whether you want to lose weight or do not want to lose weight, or honestly turn off the lights to sleep, and then close the curtains to block the light (be sure to buy that kind of double-layer thickened, blackout level stick), but also to ensure that the mobile phone or iPad is in a black screen state Oh.

Sleeping like this makes you fat and old in your sleep...

Friends who like to sleep on their sides need to pay attention!

Sleeping on your side often will cause half of your face to be squeezed by external forces, and over time, sleep wrinkles may form.

Sleep wrinkles are formed due to the location of sleep and the site where the SMAS (fascia layer) condenses.

During side or prone sleep, facial tissues are affected by mechanical forces of compression and stretching, and the skin is deformed due to mechanical compression, which leads to the development of sleep wrinkles.

In addition, if you habitually sleep on one side (left or right) for a long time, there is a high probability that the face is large and small, and the left and right faces are asymmetrical, after all, one of the sides is under too much pressure.

Therefore, in order to reduce wrinkles, try to reduce the number of side sleeps when sleeping, and can lie flat (non-lying flat) or lie flat to sleep

Sleeping like this makes you fat and old in your sleep...

Is it to sit back and relax?


On the contrary, the high pillow has "worry", because the higher the pillow pillow, the more it affects the health of the cervical spine.

Once the cervical spine is deformed and bent, it looks visually like a proper chest hunchback and a lewd neck, instantly lowering the appearance and temperament.

Some researchers have conducted experimental analysis of sleeping positions and pillow-high pillows from the biomechanical perspective of cervical spine stress and found that:

Long-term pillow height pillow, so that the cervical spine inside the harmful stress, neck muscle strain and relaxation, destroy the normal connection relationship between the vertebral body, resulting in intervertebral joints and discs and other degeneration.

In the same way, a pillow that is too low will put the cervical spine in an overextended state, both of which will destroy the normal cervical curvature (when the cervical spine is damaged by dynamic structures such as loosening, misalignment, and curvature changes, and the structural damage of the cervical spine involves peripheral nerves, blood vessels and other tissues, cervical spondylosis will form).

Sleeping like this makes you fat and old in your sleep...

What is the right pillow height?

The appropriate pillow height should be to keep the cervical spine in a natural and relaxed state during sleep to prevent overextending, overflexion and lateral flexion of the cervical spine.

It is recommended that adults be 10-12 cm tall (when lying on their back, the pillow height is the size of a fist in their own hand; when lying on their side, the pillow height is the height of one fist plus the thickness of one palm). Babies around 8 months old are 1-3 cm, and newborns do not need pillows.

Staying up late is a common topic, whether it is an urban beauty or an urban man, there are always endless nights for various reasons.

After staying up late every time, the skin begins to have various problems, which should be the most resonant painful experience for late night masters

Sleeping like this makes you fat and old in your sleep...

After staying up late, hormone levels are unstable, metabolism is also abnormal, and the skin's ability to repair itself is reduced.

Therefore, the skin will quietly change, showing signs of aging such as enlarged pores, loose skin, dull skin tone, wrinkles, and false dark circles.

In addition, staying up late for a long time will increase the risk of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction, and will also lead to neurasthenia, slow response, memory loss and endocrine disorders.

Having said so much about the ending of staying up late and becoming ugly, in fact, I want you to go to bed early, and if you go to bed early, you will become beautiful and white, or become handsome and become better and more powerful!

Of course, it would be better if you could sleep for 10 hours like Gu Ailing

Sleeping like this makes you fat and old in your sleep...

After reading these bad habits, have the little friends been recruited?

If you find that you have these bad habits, you must correct them in time! Develop good sleep habits, in order to sleep more and more beautiful, the more sleep the thinner!

Since you have all seen here, then by the way, click to share + watch, and the active point story will be constantly updated.


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