
Apple does not send chargers and headphones to save more than 40 billion yuan Netizens: it is all business!

According to the Daily Mail, experts have analyzed that Apple's practice of removing headphones and chargers from the iPhone box has saved at least $6.5 billion in total.

Apple does not send chargers and headphones to save more than 40 billion yuan Netizens: it is all business!

Since the release of the iPhone 12 in 2020, Apple has announced that the new iPhone no longer comes with chargers and headphones, and uses minimalist packaging.

For the reasons for this, Apple has said that it can use smaller boxes after removing chargers and headphones, a move to reduce waste, and claimed that its annual carbon emissions would reduce carbon emissions by 2 million tons, equivalent to the emissions of 500,000 cars, praised by environmentalists.

Apple does not send chargers and headphones to save more than 40 billion yuan Netizens: it is all business!

In 2020, Lisa Jackson, Apple's head of environment, also said: "We know that customers have a lot of chargers in their homes, and producing millions of unwanted chargers will consume resources and increase our carbon emissions." ”

But critics say Apple's continued high prices have raised customers' costs and not become environmentally friendly. Even, the iPhone has been fined in some countries for not sending a charger.

Previously, Brazil's consumer protection agency will issue another penalty notice to Apple because the iPhone 13 series phones sold by Apple do not have chargers. The head of the agency said it was illegal to sell the phone and charger separately. Previously, the agency had fined Apple $2 million for not sending a charging head for the iPhone 12.

Experts believe that "Apple is an environmental leader in the mobile phone industry, and the elimination of chargers and headphones is one of the many attempts it is making." Of course, Apple's removal of chargers and headphones when selling iPhones is also a small means of cost compression.

Analysts believe that since the announcement of this move, Apple has sold more than 190 million iPhones worldwide. The total revenue from the elimination of chargers and headphones, combined with reduced shipping costs, can reach £5 billion ($6.5 billion), with an estimated £225 million coming from accessory sales.

That is to say, since 2020, Apple has saved at least 5 billion pounds, or about 41.45 billion yuan, by canceling accessories such as chargers.

In this regard, many netizens have complained:

Apple's reduction in the name of environmental protection is essentially an act of infringing on the rights and interests of consumers;

Nominally for environmental protection, in fact for the sake of greater interests;

Selling chargers alone can require several layers of packaging, is this environmentally friendly? ;

Wouldn't it be more environmentally friendly not to produce mobile phones?

What do you think of this?

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