
(Weekly Fortune) Kill the Wolf_ Horoscope for March 14-20, 2022

This Week's Horoscope:

*March 18 is the full moon for Virgos, about labor rights, labor efforts, labor shortages, services, health... Related matters ended at this time, or because of the full moon effect caused an uproar.

*The Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are in a state of convergence (within 6 degrees), pay attention to problems related to "water" and "infectious diseases".

* Venus, Mars, present a conjunction, and present a 4-point phase with Uranus, about currencies, exchange rates, funds, precious metals... And other related things are getting attention.

* This week Venus and Mars converge in Aquarius, and with Uranus in Taurus, they present a 4-phase phase, pay attention to related issues such as "nuclear energy" and "electric energy", and beware of the disasters caused by nuclear weapons to human beings.

Important environmental impacts:

*March 18 is the full moon for Virgos, about labor rights, labor efforts, labor shortages, services, health... Related matters ended at this time, or because of the uproar caused by the full moon effect. During the full moon in Virgo, due to the influence of Jupiter, Neptune, and the Sun in Pisces, there will be a large number of strikes or resignations around the world. At the same time, due to the unstable relationship of the international situation, many professional and technical people will devote themselves to the ranks of charity and service, and help those affected by disasters with their own strength. At the same time, because Saturn, Venus, and Mars are gathered in Aquarius, people will pay more attention to the value created by "people" and "groups". The age of Capricorn is weakening, and people will break down national borders, regardless of enemy or enemy, and help those who are hurt. And more people participate in the ranks of employees. In addition, the full moon also means that certain events are coming to an end, and under the influence of the energy of the Virgo full moon, some problems of lack of industrial capacity will be solved, or some policies will be fully implemented.

* On March 20, the sun entered Aries, spring officially began, after the sun entered Aries, individualism rose, people will pay more attention to their own rights and interests, there are many new creations, personality things lead the storm, coupled with the atmosphere of the Year of Pisces, many very individual literary creations rise. Especially independent music, art creators, start-ups, small businesses, individual studios... and other related markets began to flourish. The younger generation will replace the old organization, and the world will move towards the atmosphere of the era of replacing the old with the new. But since Jupiter hasn't officially entered Aries yet, many emerging markets or trends are just beginning.

* This week, the sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune are still gathered in Pisces, during which the atmosphere of Pisces is very strong, the decadence is rising, many people's lifestyles will change, and people's spirits will be pinned on illusory things. Therefore, psychological-related diseases and problems will attract people's attention. In the atmosphere of the Year of Pisces, people pity those who are on the margins of society and victims of war, and there will be more and more charitable actions. In many countries where famine, war and poverty generate large numbers of refugees, informal relief organizations will be more mobile than large international organizations, able to provide rapid emergency relief across countries and races, and new countries and settlements will gradually take shape.

* The Sun, Neptune, and Jupiter appear to be in phase (within 6 degrees), and it is also necessary to pay attention to disasters related to "water", and beware of floods, heavy rains, blizzards, droughts, tsunamis, water shortages, water pollution and other issues. Infectious disease-related problems are examined under the sun, and the occurrence, spread and prevention of many problems will be solved in new ways, and the world's economy will restart. At the same time, many pharmaceutical companies have introduced the latest drugs or vaccines, but the experiments of these vaccines and drugs are not mature, and many will leave unpredictable sequelae.

* Venus, Mars and Saturn continue to converge in Aquarius, while Venus and Mars and Uranus present a 4-point phase, if people's minds are controlled by capital, many people will still live in misfortune, people will feel powerless, but it will also awaken the last conscience of some people, no longer insensitive to human rights violations. Above all, the humanities must be taken seriously in order to address the fundamental problems of social and economic structures. At the same time, because Venus and Mars present a phase and a 4-phase with Uranus, special attention needs to be paid to the harm caused by nuclear energy or nuclear weapons to mankind. There will be a shortage of electricity energy, or there will be a sudden power jump fault, causing many people to live in inconvenience.

(Weekly Fortune) Kill the Wolf_ Horoscope for March 14-20, 2022


In terms of emotional luck, the sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are in the spiritual palace, and the object of affection feels that the heart has a sharp mind, as if they have known each other in previous lives and found a suitable soul mate. Some Aries have an increasingly ambiguous relationship with the object of their crush, and their intentions seem to be perceived by the other party.

In terms of work luck, the full moon occurs in the work palace, and a certain position or task is unloaded at this time, and it can finally be relaxed for a while. Or they will quit during this time, switch tracks, and may be looking for a new job. Some Aries should be wary of layoffs without warning.

In terms of interpersonal relations, Mars and Venus in the interpersonal relationship house are affected by Uranus in the money house, and they will receive red bombs sent by friends, and the purse will be bloody, and some Aries will need to spend a lot of money to make some interpersonal relationships and pay off some human debt.

In terms of health luck, the full moon occurs in a healthy uterine position, the gastrointestinal condition is not good, beware of eating bad stomach to cause gastroenteritis, or because of excessive stress, there is constipation. Women should be careful about gynecological problems and try not to eat raw and cold foods.


In terms of academic luck, Pluto in the academic house is in a good phase, and the research on certain things will lead to preliminary results. Some Taurus have the opportunity to study or study abroad, which is an important period for you to improve your knowledge.

In terms of interpersonal relations, the sun, Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury gather in the interpersonal relationship house, and suddenly because of the promotion or help of nobles, they are affirmed in the workplace or professional field. Some Taurus are involved in many activities and have active relationships.

In terms of emotional luck, the full moon occurs in the love palace, because there are too many social activities, and the love object is somewhat unpleasant. Some Taurus should beware that the current relationship is interfered with or affected by others, which makes the relationship change and causes a breakup.

In terms of work luck, Venus, Mars, and Saturn gather in the Zhiye Palace, while Venus and Mars are affected by the Uranus of the Life Palace, and are currently switching the critical period of the runway, and may try a lot of work that is not suitable for themselves, feeling that life is idling.


In terms of work luck, the sun, Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury gathered in the professional palace, and the position was promoted and the treatment was adjusted. Gemini, who is starting a business, the new business is developing very smoothly, and if it can maintain a good service quality, the future life will be stable.

In terms of money luck, Pluto in the financial house is in good phase, and insurance or funds that you have inadvertently purchased in the past will find that these capital-guaranteed funds can get you through the difficulties when you are in urgent need of money. Gemini, who has investment habits, is currently suitable for long-term layout and buys potential targets.

In terms of academic luck, Venus and Mars in the academic palace are influenced by the Uranus in the secret palace, and they obviously perform well in their homework, but they have not been favored by the teacher, and they have less and less confidence in themselves. Some Geminis find that the knower has unwritten unspoken rules in their behavior and feel unfair.

In terms of home transportation, the full moon occurs in the house and palace, and a family member is more emotional, and the atmosphere at home will be more unpleasant. Some Geminis have to find a new home to move in a short period of time because of a job change or lease expiry.


In terms of emotional luck, Pluto in the emotional house is in good phase, while Venus and Mars enter the house of desire, and interact frequently with the object of affection with their favorite objects, which can consolidate each other's feelings. Single Cancers have many physical touch opportunities with objects of affection.

In terms of work luck, the sun weekend into the professional palace, the work field is about to have a great opportunity to let you perform, the position has a promotion notice, this week must be ready to undertake heavy responsibilities, in order to show professional ability.

In terms of money luck, Venus, Mars, and Saturn gather in the financial house, and under the influence of Uranus, they will receive compensatory money because of some unpleasant events. Like Medicare, or a lawsuit. Cancer, who has investment habits, must not partner with others, it is easy to have disputes.

In terms of transportation, the full moon occurs in the traffic palace, and the transportation failure is frequent, and even during this time, it is dead. Beware of driving disputes with people, the probability of being ticketed is also higher, whether it is driving a vehicle, riding a mass transport, or walking, pay special attention to safety, easy to be injured due to traffic accidents.

(Weekly Fortune) Kill the Wolf_ Horoscope for March 14-20, 2022


Money luck is good, the full moon occurs in the money house, while Mercury, Jupiter, the sun, And Neptune gather in the financial house, a certain installment bill is finally paid off during this time, no debt is light. Leo, who has investment habits, will currently get strong information or intelligence, buy a certain target, and have a good opportunity to make a profit.

In terms of work luck, Pluto in the working house is in good phase, and because of certain factors, it is necessary to isolate oneself from the office, or temporarily work from home, and the burden of life is much easier. When the boss of Leo, at present, one person has several jobs, saving labor costs and net profits.

In terms of emotional luck, Mars and Venus in the emotional house are affected by Uranus, while Saturn continues to wreak havoc in the emotional house, and people who like it have never given you an affirmative commitment, feeling that they have no formal name. Leo, who has a stable relationship, often quarrels with his other half for reasons, and the other party's attitude will become more and more indifferent.

In terms of health luck, Mercury, Jupiter, the Sun, and Neptune gather in the palace of disease, while Pluto continues to stay in the healthy house, beware of viral infections, causing respiratory problems. Poor metabolic status, tendency to be blessed, poor sleep quality, and affect liver function. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to cardiovascular and urinary system problems.


In terms of emotional luck, Mercury, Jupiter, the sun, and Neptune gather in the emotional palace, the emotional relationship tends to be stable, they are living together, or preparing for a wedding, but affected by the energy of the full moon, sometimes they can't see some small details, which will affect the mood, and try not to let the people around them feel that they are difficult to do.

In terms of work luck, Venus and Mars enter the working house, which is affected by Uranus in the overseas house, while Saturn continues to wreak havoc in the work house. Being assigned to engage or brief overseas clients can be an important task and can be stressful.

In terms of health luck, the full moon occurs in the life palace, the gastrointestinal condition is not good, it is easy to eat bad stomach, and women should pay attention to gynecological problems. Saturn, Venus, and Mars gather in the health house, work is very overworked, beware of bloody disasters, and have a high chance of accidental injury in the workplace.

In terms of academic luck, Uranus in the academic palace is influenced by Venus and Mars, and the reports and assignments strive to perform perfectly, but the results are not as good as you wish. In the exam, beware of reading the wrong questions, and the order of the answer cards is filled in incorrectly, resulting in serious loss of points.


Good luck at work, the sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune gathered in the house of work, affected by the full moon, finally able to put down the burden of rest, many things settled, in the case of relaxed mood, after restarting the new work is more efficient.

In terms of home luck, Pluto in the home house is in a good phase, will live independently from home, and many things have to be thought of by themselves, but they also grow up quickly and feel full. Some Libras build a small space by themselves, and when they want to be quiet, they can hide in their own small world.

In terms of emotional luck, Venus and Mars in the love house are affected by Uranus, and the intimate relationship with the love object is not coordinated, the emotional object or himself will be physically derailed, or the two parties will interact in an open way. Some Libra children or pets are in poor health, which worries you a lot.

In terms of money luck, Uranus in the financial house is influenced by Venus and Mars, and for children, idols, pets, or romantic objects, he does not hesitate to pay installments and loans to pay expensive fees. Libra, who has investment habits, do not speculate in short-term, otherwise it will cause heavy debt in the future.


In terms of work luck, Pluto in the interview house is in a good phase, while the sun enters the work house on the weekend, and Scorpio, who is interviewing for a new job, will be admitted quickly, and the other party will ask you to start working next week. Scorpio, who has a stable job, can sign important cases and is about to show his skills in the workplace.

In terms of tourism luck, Pluto in the tourist house is in a good position, and if you are fascinated by mountain climbing or cycling, you will actively participate in many activities and challenge your limits. Some Scorpios buy their favorite transportation, even if they are single, they will drive out on holidays and take a ride around.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, the full moon occurs in the interpersonal relationship house, and it will leave a group or community because of its involvement in the emotional disputes of others. A friend has been in a lot of trouble lately, making you feel that the other person is difficult to get along with, secretly blocking each other, and not wanting to hear meaningless spiritual garbage.

In terms of emotional luck, Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune gather in the love house, are affected by the full moon, and are confessed by more than two objects at the same time, but the person who belongs in their hearts seems to like others. Some Scorpios have recently become obsessed with idols or adopted pets and will quarrel with strangers over idols or pets.

(Weekly Fortune) Kill the Wolf_ Horoscope for March 14-20, 2022


Money luck is good, Pluto in the money house is in good phase, part-time income is less, but the economic situation tends to be stable, you can save a lot of money every month, at least you can live a good life. Some Sagittarius will want to live a simple life and temper their desire to spend money.

In terms of work luck, the full moon occurs in the professional palace, and at this time, it will end a position, leave the original workplace, return to the family, or undertake the family business. Some Sagittarius will move to a distant city or country because they are sent to other places.

In terms of emotional luck, the sun weekend will enter the love palace position, there is an ambiguous object sagittarius, dating with the person you like on the weekend, the two confess their hearts to each other, will soon decide to communicate, the relationship has a stable trend.

In terms of home transportation, Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune gathered in the house of the family, affected by the full moon, because of the busy work, unable to attend important family activities, causing dissatisfaction among the family. Some Sagittarius buy a new home and have to work hard and have a steady income to pay their loans.


In terms of work luck, Pluto in the life palace has a good phase and a solid position in the workplace, which is an indispensable figure in many work fields. Even if you want to retire to the second line, or step down, you will still be comforted, and even get hired to hold a special position.

In terms of money luck, Mars and Venus are combined in the money house, trying to work part-time to make themselves have more additional income, but because Mars and Venus are affected by Uranus, they are easily tempted by certain substances, spending large sums of money, and at the same time there are unexpected expenses.

In terms of emotional luck, Uranus, who is in the love house, is influenced by Venus and Mars, and will buy expensive items to give to the people he likes, even if he goes into debt. Some Capricorns will spend a lot of money on children and pets, which is not expensive, but the other party may not need such things.

In terms of academic luck, the full moon occurs in the academic house, which is affected by the sun, Jupiter and Neptune in the study house, and the instructor has recently been emotionally unstable, which has caused great trouble for you and your classmates' learning. Some Capricorns have completed important assignments or papers, but their hearts are always a little uneasy about the final grades.


In terms of emotional luck, Venus and Mars enter the palace of destiny, and they will be more active for people who like it, and the other party seems to be impressed by your sincerity and will try to communicate. Emotionally stable Aquarius, the current emotional relationship is like a sweet load.

In terms of money luck, the full moon occurs in the financial house, and Mercury, the sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are gathered in the money house. Bills for an installment payment will be paid off at this time, and the financial situation is much easier. Aquarius, who has an investment habit, can make a profit this week and will have a lot of money in the account.

In terms of home transportation, Uranus in the house is affected by Venus and Mars, and the rest time is disturbed by the noise of neighbors, and will try to find each other's theories and even argue. Some Aquarius families have unusual problems and therefore feel irritable.

In terms of health luck, Mars, Venus, and Saturn gather in the palace of life, pay attention to the disaster of blood and light, the probability of accidental injury is high, beware of colds, and the throat is prone to inflammation. The full moon occurs in the uterine position of the disease, and it is easy to eat bad stomach and suffer from gastroenteritis. Women should pay attention to gynecological problems.


In terms of work luck, Mercury, Jupiter, the Sun, and Neptune gather in the Palace of Life, with good work efficiency, all resources in one, and will become a high-profile figure in the field of work. Some Pisces start a new side business, a blockbuster, and ordinary lives change overnight.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Pluto in the interpersonal relationship house is in good phase, and when bullied, people with a sense of justice will stand up to help you and get you out of trouble. Some Pisces friends build a strong sense of trust because of their seamless cooperation.

In terms of tourism luck, Uranus in the tourist palace is affected by Venus and Mars, and when he goes out, he still has some worries in his heart and cannot have fun. Some Pisces should beware of going out and being trapped in an area, unable to move and unable to go home.

In terms of emotional luck, the full moon occurs in the emotional palace, and the emotional object is very emotional, prone to fierce disputes, and even breaks up at this time. Pisces, who is still in the ambiguity, will be blocked by the person he likes without warning, and the other party will disappear, and the mood will be hurt.

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