
The United States funds Ukraine's biological and chemical weapons? The United States and Russia clashed on behalf of the United Nations, Zelenskiy played the emotional card, and China's attitude was clear in recent days, and the Russian side has continuously presented evidence that the United States is funding Ukraine

author:Commentator for the flower planter

The United States funds Ukraine's biological and chemical weapons? The United States and Russia clashed on behalf of the United Nations, Zelenskiy played the emotional card, and China's attitude was clear

In recent days, the Russian side has continuously presented evidence that the United States funded the development of biological weapons in Ukraine, including the experimental bat coronavirus, and the Russian side claimed that the relevant ukrainian laboratories urgently destroyed plague, anthrax, cholera and other disease pathogens on the day the Russian army entered Ukraine after receiving the order of the Pentagon of the United States.

In response to this news that shocked the international community, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting, the representatives of the United States and Russia had a fierce confrontation, and in the face of Russia's accusations, the REPRESENTATIVEs of the United States denied it and accused the other side of spreading false information.

On the other hand, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy is also anxious to clear up relations, and even played an emotional card for this, Zelenskiy posted: I am the president of a rich country, or a father of two children, on my turf, there will be no research and development of biological weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, in order to refute Russia's allegations are untrue.

However, even the United States itself admits that the US military has biological laboratories in Ukraine, and the United States has 336 military biological laboratories around the world, which they cannot deny if they want to, just as the Chinese representative emphasized in the United Nations, in the face of so many doubts and concerns, the United States must open its doors, accept the investigation of the international community, and also give the world an account. (juju)

The United States funds Ukraine's biological and chemical weapons? The United States and Russia clashed on behalf of the United Nations, Zelenskiy played the emotional card, and China's attitude was clear in recent days, and the Russian side has continuously presented evidence that the United States is funding Ukraine
The United States funds Ukraine's biological and chemical weapons? The United States and Russia clashed on behalf of the United Nations, Zelenskiy played the emotional card, and China's attitude was clear in recent days, and the Russian side has continuously presented evidence that the United States is funding Ukraine
The United States funds Ukraine's biological and chemical weapons? The United States and Russia clashed on behalf of the United Nations, Zelenskiy played the emotional card, and China's attitude was clear in recent days, and the Russian side has continuously presented evidence that the United States is funding Ukraine

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