
What is the difference between artificial insemination and IVF? Is the success rate high?

Many people think that artificial insemination and IVF are the same, but in fact, it is not, and then I will tell you in detail what is the difference between artificial insemination and IVF.

01. What is artificial insemination? And how does it work?

Artificial insemination is actually to inject sperm into the female uterine cavity after the sperm is preferred, and after B-ultrasound ovulation, after ovulation is completed, the sperm is injected into the woman according to the ovulation situation.

What is the difference between artificial insemination and IVF? Is the success rate high?

But this requires the umbrella end of the fallopian tube to naturally catch the egg, and must be able to enter the fallopian tube, that is to say, the egg must be able to naturally enter the fallopian tube, it is possible to meet the sperm, if the condition of the fallopian tube is not good, the sperm and egg can not meet.

02、What is IVF? How does it work?

IVF is a series of techniques that use reproductive assisted technology to manipulate sperm, eggs and embryos in vitro and then send them into the human body to help infertile couples have children, including artificial insemination, tubal gamete transfer and in vitro fertilization embryo transfer.

What is the difference between artificial insemination and IVF? Is the success rate high?

Most of the first people to do IVF are people who have bilateral fallopian tubes or have a bad pelvic environment. It is precisely because the fallopian tubes are not passed, the fallopian tubes are the channels for the combination of sperm and eggs, and it is precisely because this channel is not smooth, sperm and eggs cannot meet, only the woman's eggs are taken out, and then the man's sperm is taken out and combined in vitro.

IVF is actually the process of sperm-egg binding is done in the laboratory, but once the sperm egg is combined, it is necessary to form a fertilized egg, and the formation process of the fertilized egg is actually put together on the first day, and when it is looked at the next day, it is a double cell, and the third day is a four-cell, which is a multiplication of growth, and in general, when it is eight cells, it is implanted into the uterine cavity.

At present, the third generation of IVF is bred for one week and then transplanted, and the success rate is very high.

What is the difference between artificial insemination and IVF? Is the success rate high?

Therefore, the success rate of IVF is required to be high depends on many factors, one is whether the treatment of their own eggs is better than whether they are good, the quality of sperm and egg combination is good, the length of the breeding time, the third generation of IVF will be fertilized eggs into blastocysts, the success rate is very high. Coupled with the good environment of the uterus after implantation, the success rate will be doubled.

Nowadays, IVF is becoming more and more popular, such as: older children, chromosomal reasons for couples, gender requirements for the second child, female reproductive system diseases, male reproductive diseases and so on.

Now the world's average third-generation IVF success rate is about 80%, artificial insemination success rate is less than one-third of IVF, therefore, the difference between artificial insemination and IVF is too big, and the maturity and success rate of technology are also very different.

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