
The first Russia-Ukraine negotiations are over! What conditions did Ukraine impose? It stunned Russia


Some time ago, the Russian and Ukrainian delegations held the first bilateral negotiations in the Gomel Oblast in Belarus, which lasted for five hours before and after the meeting, and the representatives of both sides of Russia and Ukraine expressed their tough attitude and the final bottom line.

The Russian side demands that Ukraine remain neutral on the issue of whether to join NATO, so that the two sides can continue negotiations, otherwise they can only take tough measures. However, the Ukrainian side believes that it is currently an independent country, Russia should not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and the essence of this war is a vicious act of aggression and banditry, demanding that Russia stop all military operations in Ukraine.

The two sides have their own opinions, contradictions still exist, and this negotiation cannot effectively solve the problem.

And where did the root cause of this war come from? Is there any possibility of reconciliation between the two sides?

The first Russia-Ukraine negotiations are over! What conditions did Ukraine impose? It stunned Russia

First, the importance of Ukraine to Russia

American geopoliticians have said: "Without Ukraine, Russia will not be able to become a global power, and may be reduced to a regional middle power." ”

The world map clearly shows Ukraine bordering Russia in a southwesterly direction, and Ukraine is located in the eastern part of Europe and belongs to the buffer zone between Europe and Russia.

Previously, if Western European countries wanted to enter Russia, they needed to pass through Ukraine, but now Ukraine is insisting on joining NATO, and if Russia does not intervene from it, it will acquiesce to the other side to put missiles in front of Russia's door, and its homeland security will be seriously threatened.

The first Russia-Ukraine negotiations are over! What conditions did Ukraine impose? It stunned Russia

The leadership of any country has zero tolerance for such behavior, let alone Putin, who has always been known for his iron blood.

Was the Russo-Ukrainian war a temporary uprising? On the surface, this is not the case. Before the war.

Most people think that its launch is extremely unlikely, but if you know the source of the contradictions between the two countries, you will not be surprised by Russia's behavior.

In fact, the history between the two countries can be traced back to the time of Kievan Rus' when Kievan Rus' ruled Russia and Ukraine, with Ukraine as its main part.

But with the decline of Kievan Rus' and Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine parted ways and embarked on different journeys, the former expanding wildly after gaining independence, and expanding its territory.

The first Russia-Ukraine negotiations are over! What conditions did Ukraine impose? It stunned Russia

Ukraine, on the other hand, became a subsidiary of the United Nations in Lithuania and Poland. Because of the religious beliefs between the two countries, Ukraine could not bear to live under its rule, so it asked Russia for help. In this way, eastern Ukraine fell into the hands of the Tsar.

The Tsar at this time did not believe that Ukraine was incorporated into his jurisdiction because of his original intention. In order to obtain Ukraine completely, the Tsar began to implement the policy of assimilation of Ukraine. However, due to the large differences in beliefs, cultures, customs and other aspects between the two countries, the Ukrainian masses were very disgusted by this move of the Tsar.

Slowly, two major factions emerged, on the one hand, pro-Russian factions, who believed that Russia had the same roots and the same origin, and that the friendship between the two countries was beneficial and harmless. On the other hand, there are pro-European factions, who believe that Russia's main intention is to embezzle itself, and its economic development is very slow, if it turns to the European collective, it can quickly get rid of the fate of poverty in its own country.

These two factions have maintained a delicate balance until now, when the outbreak of war has completely brought down the pro-Russian faction, and Putin's previous efforts have been in vain.

Ii. Contradictions between the two countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union

In 1991, the collapse of the Soviet Union officially ended World War II, and Ukraine regained its independence three hundred and fifty years later.

Because the Soviet government made a bad decision during the Cold War and caused Ukraine heavy losses, Ukraine after independence was full of hatred for Russia, which had seventy percent Soviet blood.

The first Russia-Ukraine negotiations are over! What conditions did Ukraine impose? It stunned Russia

At that time, the Ukrainian masses were interested in moving closer to the West, looking for a new path, following the wiser forerunners, so as to gain a new life and show itself in Russia's eyes with a tougher posture.

In 2014, former Ukrainian pro-Russian President Janouvic announced the suspension of accession negotiations, which caused dissatisfaction among countless domestic people and was eventually impeached and removed from office.

At this time, seeing that the situation in Ukraine is so turbulent, Putin believes that it cannot be allowed to develop, and if there is an accident, his portal will fall into the hands of others.

In February of the same year, Putin took advantage of the civil unrest in Ukraine to announce military exercises, but his real purpose was to send troops to Crimea. A referendum was immediately followed, which showed that ninety-seven percent of the population supported Crimea's accession to Russia, and Russia took over the zone.

The first Russia-Ukraine negotiations are over! What conditions did Ukraine impose? It stunned Russia

At the same time, Putin successively led the independent operations of the Doneesk, Khavkov and Luhansk regions, which were originally part of Ukraine.

Ukraine was only hindsight, but it was too late to suppress the independence of the Doneesk region. After the end of the war, he complained to northern Europe about Russian banditry, but this only provided an excuse for Northern Europe and the United States to sanction Russia, and had no real effect.

Because of the strong soft power of northern Europe, Russia can be sanctioned economically. Russia's military might, on the other hand, has created a delicate balance.

However, with the strong accession of the United States, first of all, it has co-opted Ukraine, so that it believes that it has joined the camp of the United States, has the qualification to compete with Russia, so that it is gradually distant from Russia, and then let NATO continue to expand eastward, so that most of the territory around Russia has fallen into the hands of others, so that Putin has a strong sense of crisis, resulting in Ukraine becoming a place of contention.

3. War breaks out

Beginning on February 17, 2022, Ukrainian troops continued to provoke Russia's bottom line, with 870 firefights in the Donbass region over two consecutive days.

At this time, Russia immediately gathered heavy troops to suppress the Western Front, and the international media at the time believed that Russia's move was only to deter the Ukrainian side as usual, because similar news would come out at the beginning of the previous year.

But then Putin ordered Russian troops to enter the Ukrainian state of Donitsk for military peacekeeping, and the war between Russia and Ukraine was completely launched at this moment.

The first Russia-Ukraine negotiations are over! What conditions did Ukraine impose? It stunned Russia

The move was completely unexpected, but the Ukrainian side seemed to have been prepared, and they immediately entered a state of wartime alert, and Ukrainian President Zelenskiy asked his secretary to inform his relatives to go on vacation to other countries.

Subsequently, the military force of the whole country was hurriedly mobilized, and according to relevant reports, its defensive strength would reach 200,000 soldiers, in addition to 100,000 auxiliary troops.

So far, the fiercest war between the two sides took place in Kharkov, which is located twenty kilometers away from the Russian-Soviet border and is the economic and cultural center of eastern Ukraine.

If Russia can quickly occupy Kharkov, the gates of eastern Ukraine will be opened, and at that time, Russian troops will drive straight into the no-man's land.

At about five o'clock in the morning of February 24, the Russians sent most of their troops to begin a fierce attack on Kharkov, expecting to achieve results in a short time.

However, it was unable to destroy the strong defenses of the Ukrainian army and the militia, and for the next three days, the Russian army and the Ukrainian army fought fiercely in the suburban villages and towns. Although the Russians occupied the laneway with their superiority in weapons, they were quickly annihilated by the other side, and the two sides began to engage in a tug-of-war here.

But this is not the result that the Russians expected, and the Russians need to win the war in a short period of time, because they want a complete Ukraine and not a ruin.

And with the extension of time, Russia is subject to more and more sanctions from the United States and Northern Europe, and the pressure of international public opinion will also increase, which will directly weaken Russia's economic strength and national cohesion, if it can get a short period of rest, the Russian army will continue to send troops, and transport materials to carry out the next large-scale war.

Ukraine, as the biggest victim of this war, of course, does not expect the current outcome, and the United States has publicly announced in the media that it will not directly join the Russian-Soviet battlefield, so this has laid the end of this war.

They now hope to get a short truce, more time to adjust accordingly, and get international solidarity. More importantly, it is necessary to help the United States and NATO materially to tide over the current difficulties.

Both sides were pregnant with ghosts, so they hoped to negotiate a truce. On February 28, the Russian and Ukrainian delegations held bilateral talks in the Sgomery Oblast of Belarus, and after five hours of negotiations, no ceasefire was reached between the two sides.

The current form has not achieved the expected results, so the results of this negotiation are in line with everyone's expectations. However, the head of the Russian delegation, Mezinski, said in an interview that the two sides still reached consensus on certain issues, and both Russia and Ukraine have revealed that they will hold a second two-country talks.

War is cold-blooded and cruel, and throughout the history of human development, it is clear that there are no winners in wars, but losers. In the development of human civilization to this day, it is still necessary to rely on the "fist" to solve the problem, is this not a kind of sadness?

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly declared in public that the People's Republic of China has been a peace-loving country since ancient times, and China also hopes to fully play a good role as a major country in the international community and contribute its own strength to promoting world peace.

At the same time, it is hoped that a consensus between Russia and Ukraine will be reached as soon as possible, and this will be the best outcome. Here, we deplore the innocent sacrifices of the people on the battlefields of Russia and Ukraine.

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